What are elements of good "classic" Simpsons episodes that the ones produced these days seem to be lacking...

What are elements of good "classic" Simpsons episodes that the ones produced these days seem to be lacking? In other words, what would you include or not include if you were hired to write the best episode of the show you could manage?



Rapid fire, multilayered jokes. The big part of what made the "steamed hams" so funny was the unrelenting number of jokes they managed to cram into those couple of minutes.
Actual nuance. Modern Simpsons beats you over the head with its message and screams in your face when it's making a joke. Classic Simpsons would often leave complex issues up to the audience to decide, while honestly trying to present the positives and negatives. Look at how classic Simpsons handled issues of faith and politics and compare it to modern Simpsons, it's like night and day.
Also, genuine heart. I feel like Mother Simpsons, Bart Sells His Soul, Bart Gets an F, and so on wouldn't come out of today's Simpsons at all.

Clever jokes. Just the other day I was thinking of the hockey episode where the two sides are chanting "Kill Bart" and "Kill, Bart". They don't have anything like that in modern Simpsons.

Good scripts.

bad posts
good posts

Less filler. I turn on the Simpsons every few years and every time it either has a 2 minute opening sequence or a 3 minute "running" gag that does nothing but eat the clock.

>My posts are good and yours are shit!

And you call them Sneed Hams despite the fact that they are obviously Chuck's.

Celebrities are there as VA cameos instead of them being the center of the episode.

There aren't any.
That's the problem.
See, we grew up in before social media and "random" memes.
If a show put in a meme from say, Terminator 2, it was most likely known to us all because it was popular.

Unfortunately the fact is, we're not kids and don't understand kids, so we think Simpsons is terrible.

I'm sick of this "the simpsons haven't changed you're just older" excuse. The cleverness has noticeably dropped regardless of what you use as an excuse, Bob.

You fucking retard.

This is a total copout argument, most people who have watched the Simpsons for the first time recently will tell you that the classic episodes are notably better than the later ones. The actual setup to jokes, plots, character interactions, pacing, and pretty much ever facet of the show, are all notably worse, wholly independent of pop culture references.

It hasn't, though.
We're adults and since we're not kids, watching a kids' cartoon, with references to kids' memes, we don't get it and say it's bad.

Of course! It's smarter because it's more bloody relevenant.

Get KIDS to watch it, teenagers. And compare random episodes from the first 8 seasons to ones from the past years.
Kids will find the old ones boring because... NOT RELEVANT

It's not that fucking hard to understand.

>It's smarter because it's more bloody relevenant.
That doesn't make something inherently smarter at all you bloody mong. I can make a joke about Donald Trump being orange or a joke about George Washington's teeth being made from the cherry tree he mythically cut down, which is more relevant and which is smarter?
>Get KIDS to watch it, teenagers. And compare random episodes from the first 8 seasons to ones from the past years.
>Kids will find the old ones boring because... NOT RELEVANT
That's not even remotely fucking true either. When I was a kid I didn't fucking sit around going "Man why aren't their gameboys in Snow White? Where's the pop music and Bill Clinton references?" I still fucking enjoyed it because it held up on its own. Classic Simpsons holds up fine on its own, so I really doubt that kids would sit around complaining about it.

Try to reply without insulting me.
Also please don't try to compare five year olds watching Disney with teenagers watching terminator references

It's not a kids show though. It's at best a family program.

That's the point. It's aimed at families.
It still has modern day references for both kids and adults alike.
But we don't see the kid ones. We see the adult ones as being "this isn't like things I like! This is bad!"

>Try to reply without insulting me.
Faggot, where do you think we are
>Also please don't try to compare five year olds watching Disney with teenagers watching terminator references
Then don't mention kids. But going by that, teens can still enjoy the old Simpsons episodes because the references are funny on their own, and the humor never relied solely on the references. That Terminator 2 reference you seem so caught up on was funny in its own right, you don't need to have seen Terminator 2 to laugh at it. And even then, many of the show's most classic moments don't rely on references at all. See: the entire fucking steamed hams segment.

Heart and soul. Homer used to get into ridiculous shit out of a desire to do good, now he's just another Peter Griffin.