Trump hasn't even been inaugurated and these hate crimes are happening

Trump hasn't even been inaugurated and these hate crimes are happening.

I hope you're happy, Sup Forums

the rapings have already begun as well

I'm Muslim women. I see trump supporters. They ask..u kno what is in our bag? 'No'. They say full of hijab they take off the head of immigrants. I'm shaking

They write like their encounters took place in a checkout line romance novel.

Isn't this their taqiyah meme? Many such cases.

Like every muslim woman gets their hijab "ALMOST DRAWN" and said to hang themselves with it

Wasn't this one confirmed fake?

>so go hang yourself with it around your neck not on your head
Yeah that's totally a normal English sentence

All false flags/fabrications


but its okay because muh taqiyya

Both fake. Stop tyring, go to sleep.

O i am laffin

Yes i'm happy but we need more (joke)

Yup, along with 95% of every other one.

these things totally happened.

Another shocking rape. How many more women of colour need to be raped before Trump is removed?

All of them, atleast twice.

Maybe then I'd start to consider it.

Let's be honest, the Hijab is ridiculous. Every of these women are wearing it. Disgusting.


Dopey Muslim woman voted democrat for womens' rights but still subjugates herself to her primitive, patriarchal religion. Sad!

Who the fuck rapes black people?


this one always makes me laugh

Fake and gay

What about this one? just saw this on cuckbook




Same principle.

The faggot probably wanted a new paint job, and figured if he did this, his insurance would pay for it without question.

This is why we should have NO "protected" classes of people, outside of children, the elderly, and certain mental incompetents.

Fuck all these pathetic whiners.

I was walking with my agender bisexual three year old to our home. I had just picked it up from school. We walked down the path we always take but this time it was different. Several large white males stood in a group in front of us. My motherly instincts kicked in and I picked up my child and held it close to me. I didn't think I should move to the other side of the street for fear it would provoke them it harass me so I decided to power through it. As I got close to them the whistling and the howling started. "Hey baby you have a nice ass! I wanna rape you in an alley with that ass!"..."those those are some nice tits, not like niggers. Niggers have horrible tits"...."hey this girl looks jewish, if I had my way with her she'd be fucked before she was gased"... and so much more horrible things. One of them slapped by butt as I walked by him. I tried to look forward the whole time but I glanced for a second at the men close up. They wore full Trump attire. One of them caught my glance and immediately became angered. "Don't you look at me bitch! I'll fuck you up! This is our world again bitch!". He lifted his shirt and in his waistband was a fully semi automatic glock gun. I looked away and ran. They didn't chase after me thank good but I could hear their laughs all the way home. Literally day one in Trump's America.