What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Too predictable

They made Jason a dumb OC when they could've just made him Red Hood
The Batmobile stuff felt sort forced in most cases

WB was greedy and incompetent. At best it would've been a good game brought down by the forced Batmobile segments but WB forced out a glitchy mess.

The console versions were the former. The PC version's the latter. Is it better these days after the patch?

Nothing. Arkham Knight was a great character and I loved the reveal.


This and also Batman sound kinda "doesn't give a fuck" when come to his supporting cast

>ohno! Babs could possibly be dead
>eh, whatever

The boss battles were completely unimaginative. Firefly is just a batmobile chase repeated five times. Two-Face is just an extended skulking mission. You don't even really fight the Penguin. They bring Slade back, but his boss fight is just a nerfed Arkham Knight tank battle rehash where he's KO'd in a cutscene after the tank is down. Don't even get me started with Azrael. Etc.

Arkhamverse batman might be my least favorite version of the character ever.

At least BvS, as bad as Murderbats was, gave Bruce a somewhat understandable psychology. Arkham Bats is this personality-free asshole with zero humanity to him, he's like a parody of the character.

I like those games, but that version of Bats sucks. he's allowed to be a person who smiles and maybe actually likes the people he works with.

-Tank battles
-Too much Joker again
-Too much Batgod

Too much batmovile

There was no point to the third island. What little importance it did have could have been incorporated into the first two islands.

I can't do the batmobile
It's so frustrating

The boss fights were some of the best parts of the first two games and they were pretty much nonexistent in the third game.

The Batmobile was a great hook that became completely forced within a few hours.

Origins boss fights too were memorable

Arkhamverse Batman is so much of a cunt, I actually wanted him to die from infected Joker blood in City.

Too much water


Batman reaches the highest levels of Bat-God. If he can destroy his entire rouges gallery and beat up hundreds of thugs in 12 hours what the hell can challenge him on a normal day?

Also the riddler challenges were fucking dumb.

>watch those dev videos before the game came out
>rocksteady was acting like they created this absolute masterpiece
>the batmobile sections are so shitty, its literally worse than Arkham Origins
Fuck this game. The only good missions were Pyg, which is like 10 minutes tops, and the Robin team up section. Everything else was fucking trash. AK is probably my biggest disappointment of this gen. This shit was supposed to justify my PS4 purchase.

>Development on Arkham Knight began in 2011 after completion of Arkham City and took place over four years. Rocksteady opted to use its own writers for the main story with collaboration by comic book writer Geoff Johns, choosing to replace Paul Dini who had worked on Arkham Asylum and Arkham City.

Why am I not surprised. The emperor is not wearing any clothes, this. Guy. Sucks.

>This is the Arkham Knight, everybody
>Can you tell us a little about him?
>of course, he’s a brand new character we made for this game series, he seems to have Batman at a constant disadvantage and-
>it looks and sounds a lot like Red Hood
>no no, this is a new OC, he’s called the Arkham Knight, and his identity is one of the biggest mysteries of the game
>sounds like it could be Jason Todd
>you’ll just have to play to find out
>you know if it IS Jason then this character isn’t very original
>. . .

I mean, I guessed who the Gotham Knight was by about half way through the first teaser trailer.

The team up stuff was so good it made it clear they really focused on the wrong gimmick for the game

Should have made it co-op instead of focusing on the shitty tank

>We swear he's not Jason
>He is Jason
>No Joker in the advertisements
>Joker is everywhere AGAIN
>Heard you like the batmobile
>PC's? Never heard of them


I can see why they loved the Batmobile because you can tell they sunk a lot of money and time into designing it. However they went overboard with inserting it into the game. Batman can’t do a fucking thing without the stupid car.

This may be nitpicky but here we are: the interface, graphics and accompanying sound design was really aesthetically ugly, convolutedly complex and off-putting. The skills tree, weapons/moves screens etc. It was all so ugly and bad user experience.

Also the car.

He was behind the arkham knight "twist".

I usually don't mind the occasional in-story ad but turning James Gordon into a gamer for like one issue felt a little cheaper.

This game reeks of WB interference. Villain reveal was so predictable they straight up lied, side missions were obviously cut to make later DLC, and the batmobile wasn't that fun due to over use. Had the car been just a option way of getting around, devoid of tank battles and the story making you get back in the seat, it would have been fine. Doesn't help that Riddler felt out of character what with his stupid races.

But perhaps my biggest gripe was the selection of villains, and the lack of Batcave. Fuck Deacon Blackfire, I wanted Killer Moth

Loads. I can play it at a near-constant 90FPS.

It really says something about this franchise when you realize Origins is the best game.

Four fucking games and we still don't have a real co-op option. Such bullshit.

>but hey guys you can go on predator missions as Batman, Batgirl, Azrael, Nightwing, Robin or Catwoman!
Fuck you.

explain pls?

The Knight should have been Damian.

Think about it, what happened in the previous game? Batman's refusal to kill the Joker leads to the death of Talia and the final act culminated in yet another Ras death. Who would have better cause to seek direct vengeance against Batman, with a wealth of training, manpower, and resources, than the secret, soul heir of both Talia al Ghul and Bruce Wayne?

City is a lot of fun, epic scope kinda but Origins is tight, insular, feels like an actual story.

Asylum > City > Origins > Knight

That's just your nostalgia talking.

Eh, Asylum had the atmosphere and was first outta the gate, which blew our minds, but it's a *lot* of crawling through vents.

City is far better you little contrarian

>Joker goes full retard and the last boss fight is literally "This isn't even my final form" incarnated\
>Talia Noo- oh wait I mean m-muh Joker
>actually fleshes out Joker and Bane in a way that's not two-dimensional and boring

Are you trying to make a point or something? You don't think taking one quote or scene and repeating it several times like a lunatic will convince anyone right?

>decided to use their own writers and ditched Paul Dini for Geoff Johns
Well that's as perfect of an explanation for Knight's writing being ass as there can be.

I actually loved Scarecrow. The redesign was fantastic and look pretty appropriately damaged, he had solid motives (not only being an established villain, but adding the madness from being disfigured), and he had time. The incident happens in Asylum, it's teased in City, and his plan comes to fruition in Knight. It reminded me a lot of Death of the Family. A villain becoming disfigured, slinking off to plan, and coming back more vile and powerful than ever.
I even somewhat enjoyed the Joker stuff, to be honest. It was an interesting idea and made for some pretty cool hallucinations, but I can understand the criticism of Joker oversaturation. would have preferred another reason for the hallucinations, like Batman's guilt or PTSD, as opposed to having him be literally poisoned. It would have felt more organic and we would have gotten a better understanding of Batman's genuine mental state, instead of it being chalked up to toxin.
>Arkham Knight
Holy fuck, was it bad. We're on fucking Sup Forums, so no doubt all of us knew from the beginning it was gonna be Jason. I even started getting into some serious denial as I played the game.
>Of course it's not Jason, the writers wouldn't be that fucking stupid after treating his identity like a genuine mystery.
It should have been someone else, if he even should have existed at all. Damian Wayne would have been better. I was really hoping that the Red Hood DLC would just be a one-off, maybe explain why we didn't see Jason until the last entry.

>Implying the Riddler was any more relevant in Knight than he was in the other 3 entries

Arkham Knight character could've been at least a Arkhamverse character rather than Jason Todd aka Red Hood

Scarecrow as the final boss = Wasted opportunity; First stage you fight him in person then the later stage, Scarecrow used the fear gas to make the boss fight more challenging

It was doomed from the start. You can't tease who it is and claim it to be an OC too. If it truly were an OC, there wouldn't be this mindblowing reveal to tease because whoever would be under the helmet would be a random new guy. The only way they could have gotten around this is by making him a robot but even then it still feels cheap.

More importantly how would you fix it?


>First stage you fight him in person then the later stage, Scarecrow used the fear gas to make the boss fight more challenging

How is this a bad thing? That's his entire schtick. He's not Bane, he can't take Batman in hand-to-hand.

He was fine in Asylum and Origins to an extent. More bland than anything in City. Then they ramped him up to a ridicously dick head level in Knight.
>Tell Robin that Babs is dead
>Lock him in a cell that Harleys gang knows exists
>Tell him she's still alive
>Leave him there again

Just found this.

they should never have gone open world
that flimsy excuse of evacuating all the civilians out of the city was retarded

and the bat tank wasn't fun

>think AK being Jason Todd is bad
>while unironically think Damian Wayne would be better

Man, I'd still have that game if they'd have leaned into co-op

I'd have bought the hell out of DLC co-op challenge maps

Riddler challenges where Robin can see one half of a question mark and Batman can see the other and you have to line it up with the other screen! These are free ideas, I'm giving these motherfuckers away

>Perfects the gliding system for traveling
>Introduces the Batmobile

>Perfects the combat system
>No boss fights to advantage of them

>Perfects the predator system
>Very few situations to take full advantage of them

>Majority of the villains have come together to kill you
>The batmobile has more boss fights

>The Riddler

If they would've just added more unique boss fights and scrapped the whole bat tank it would've been perfection.

The mods decided to go on vacation early. Fuck you and everyone else in this thread for replying to off topic garbage. Fucking children.

>mfw the Batmobile came back after it got destroyed

>No Clayface
>No Killer Moth
>No Prometheus
>No Crazy Quilt

Even if it was just cameos, that still would have been enough for me. Imagine teaming up with several characters to fight the motherfucking Mud Pack.

All I remember about this game is that it crashed at least 20 times in a row after the Joker reveal cutscene. I had to wait months for them to update it to a playable state before trying again.

Say what you want about the game but this was a really great Scarecrow design.

>>No Prometheus
This could've been the greatest boss fight

Nah dude. You cannot in good faith put Arkham "the solution to everything is batarang to the head" Asylum at the top.

I know basically nothing about Batman. I read nothing about this game at all before getting it. The only thing I knew was from 2 trailers I watched. I still guessed that Arkham Knight was Red Hood. That's how predictable the twist was.

whats the point of having needles on your fingers. they'd break in have if any pressure was applied to them.

The only thing I liked were the Joker hallucinations in the scenery (seeing his face on billboards and shit then looking back and they're gone), Catwoman's tits, Catwoman's ass, Batgirl's ass, that opening, and the ending with Joker

>soul heir

But that would have been a better twist. Have Damien appear out of nowhere, raised by Talia to be the ultimate anti-bat assassin, make Jason a red herring, and tweak a few more details. It might have worked.

Knight Scarecrow was great

shame he was stuck in such a trash plot

Story-wise Arkham Asylum was still the best one. It was a nice simple story that kept me invested. Arkham City got way too convoluted with way too many villains shoehorned in, and Arkham Knight was just a mess.

>killer moth easter eggs in asylum and city
>nothing in knight
>croc vows to eat batman in city
>nothing in knight

You fight mutant croc in Knight though. Gotta tag team with Nightwing to fight him too, if memory serves right.

In my opinion, no moment in the Arkham series will top the Firefly segment in Origins. You had this very tense moment with a deranged villain threatening civillian hostages and Batman and Gordon reluctantly cooperating, for the first time, to stop him before time runs out. And it all culminates in a fast paced fight on the bridge.

It all felt like this grand, genuinely heroic moment of "Batman saves the day". With the Hotel segment being a close second as well.

That's what I hate about Asylum. Most of the people Batman "saves" die. Save a group of people? They're dead and strung up when you come back. He watches people die horribly in cutscenes, and that entire sequence where he saves a nurse only for Joker to blow her up was pointless. Batman in Arkhamverse is a terrible hero.

>Killer Moth ws referenced in Knight
>turns out Red Hood killed him

It was such bullshit. That reminds me. We knew that both Ventriloquists Arnold Wesker and Peyton Riley exist in the Arkhamverse. Ventriloquist doesn't get enough love in my opinion so that could have been a good opportunity for a neat sidequest. Arkham Knight is just full of missed opportunities.

I actually liked exploring arkham city and collecting trophies as Catwoman. I was kinda pissed they got rid of that in Knight.

>devoid of tank battles

You know, I would have been fine with SOME tank battles. If suddenly, Arkham Knight increased his para-military presence and Bruce is like, 'Alfred, I need you to unlock the ground war protocols...' And you had a great boss fight with it...

But no. It was everything. Just a series of larger and larger drone battles, coupled with having to fucking use the thing to solve puzzles...

No, it wouldn't. The timeline wouldn't make any sense.

Whether you liked the reveal or not, it proved to be a success since the casuals (the biggest market) embraced it with open arms and boosted Red Hood popularity.

> mfw I was genuinely glad that the batmobile was getting destroyed
> it was supposed to a tragic moment

This. Why bitter fanboys still crying about this? Move on already.

The fact that every guy that you saved in City would be in the church was so satisfying for me. It was the smallest thing but it really made me feel like I was doing a difference which is the best feeling when playing an open-world game.

I was just burnt out on Batman. Knight wasn’t that innovative besides the Batmobile which sucked.

>It comes back
>It's now chrome, making it even uglier

Honestly, they should have just used The Wrath. Better than doing Red Hood, but just calling him by another name (even the real Red Hood is shitty and boring).

Think about it

>Would know all of Batman's skills and tactics, not because he's worked with Batman, but because he's been watching him for so long and patterning himself after him (maybe even getting trained by the same people and following his tour around the world)
>Don't need to give him a "MYSTERY IDENTITY" because he doesn't have to be anybody Bruce knows; if you give him a mystery identity, either it has to be a character that wasn't introduced in previous games, making the reveal underwhelming and cheap, or you have to turn Alfred or Babs into the villain or some dumb shit.
>He hates cops and the state, so the paramilitary occupation and cops vs. militia actually makes more sense and has some reason behind it. Changing Red Hood's motivation from "controlling crime in a way superior to Batman because Batman's code led to Jason's death" to "just killing everybody everywhere because he's mad at Batman" makes him just some whiny bitch that doesn't even make the audience seriously question Batman's motives.
>Militarized-Batman look fits right in, because he's a villainous Batman who is willing to use the sorts of lethal tools that Batman eschews in favour of boomerangs and rope. Instead of using the old kinda funny orange costume, could have been an orangey-brown with hints of maroon camo thing. Personally, I think giving him an all-white costume to make him the anti-Batman would be cool, though it wouldn't make much sense logically. Whatever, it's a game about a guy who dresses up as a bat.

Of course, Todd isn't the only dumb thing about the story, but this would be a start.

batmobile, shit suit, timbabs, replacing Kimberly Brooks on Oracle, batmobile and timbabs again, shit main villains, batmobile

All of the Arkham games had annoying Riddler puzzles. I pray to fuck God that the next game Rocksteady is coming out with (if it's another batman game) that they exclude those or dampen them greatly.

Also, I played through Return to Arkham and Asylum is overrated as fuck and City is just Knight but without and the Batmobile and a slightly better story.

>all of this...
And this why you are the fan and the maker.

I thought that was more his autism and his batgod way of trying to protect his friends.
Except for glossing over Babs' being 'dead'.


>Hush is introduced in City as new character that wants twisted revenge on Bruce Wayne, and is so obsessed with him that he steals his face.
>His arc in Knight is literally getting smashed into a table, never even ruining Wayne's reputation in Gotham because he talks to nobody but Lucius and some secretary.
>Don't even try to find a way to cleverly tie it in with the fact that the game ends with BATMAN REVEALING HIS IDENTITY.

>Calendar Man's cryptic super-hidden Easter Egg about how he will be there at Batman's end.
>They stick him in the cut scene about Batman's end, without him actually having any role in Batman's end.

>Clayface falls into Lazarus Pits.
>It's healing properties have no strange effects on his fucked-up physiology, he just died I guess or disappeared forever and nobody mentions him again.

>Teasing Azrael predicting Batman's end
>Azrael literally has nothing to do with Batman's end, and the fact that he predicted it was essentially a lucky guess.
>Also, Batman seriously considers this random scary-looking guy he just met to be his successor. A guy who doesn't even lift a finger to help out with all of the crazy shit going on that night, despite having all of the same abilities and skills as Batman.

It would be better without those tubes and canisters covering most of his jacket.
It looks way too overdesigned.

Plays fine, but make sure you keep it on an SSD

>His arc in Knight is literally getting smashed into a table, never even ruining Wayne's reputation in Gotham because he talks to nobody but Lucius and some secretary.
Hush deserves nothing but being shat on for being such a bad excuse for a character.

I love how dumb Scarecrow's plan is in this.

I mean, it starts off making some sense

>Have Gotham evacuate through a terror threat
>Just so it will be easier to get access to the facility that will allow you to carry it out and still kill them, because the blast radius will be greater than they think.

Okay, so far, so good. But then

>Batman foils that.
>"It's okay, I have a backup plan, but this one will only affect Gotham."
>"Which is already evacuated."
>"Except for bad guys who stayed for some reason."
>"Who already know that it's coming and that the way to avoid it is to get underground or high up."
>"The only ones who die are people who were warned, but were just too stupid to stop looting shit and get to safety."
>"Also, despite being effective against gas masks, the gas evidently doesn't seep through buildings so long as you close the doors and windows, because everybody at the GCPD and inside of any of the buildings for the side missions is totally fine."
>"So, literally, my plan kills nobody but people who are suicidally stupid."
>"It's okay, after Gotham, I'll do the same shit in other cities."
>"It's not like anybody will stop me after the first city, or that I'm doing this in the nation with the most powerful military in the world."
>"Also, I'll do this in cities like Metropolis and Keystone, which have superheroes that could handle this far more effectively than Batman could and would kick my ass in a matter of seconds."

I mean, I thought Loeb's Batman: Hush was a shitty story, but that doesn't mean that I don't want to see people do something interesting with the character instead of just using him to justify more shitty stories. I don't wish more shitty stories from him just because he's shitty. If you're going to use him, why not make him not shitty?

And Red Hood's motivation

>I'm mad that Batman abandoned me.
>So mad that I want to kill everyone in the city, and in other cities, too.

Why would Batman feel any sympathy for him or want to heal their relationship? Anybody who would want to do this shit instead of just get revenge on Batman himself for going through this was probably not a good person to begin with.

Red Hood already sucks in the comics, but at least he sucks less because he makes some sense. "Batman failed me by letting me die because of his naive morals. I'll be a better vigilante that rejects those morals and does what's necessary to control crime, like killing bad guys or doing crime myself, but controlling it so that it doesn't harm innocents, because it's unrealistic to think it could be eliminated."

That's a motive that actually makes sense to have given what happened to him, and actually brings Batman's methods into question.

It's a lot better than "I'm mad so I want to kill the entire planet just to get back at this guy."

Who though Babs x Tim was a good idea?

Origins is unironically the best overall package but the expansion pack stigma was too great to overcome.