How do I ultimately convince my state to recriminalize marijuana? It's still federally illegal

How do I ultimately convince my state to recriminalize marijuana? It's still federally illegal.

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Vote republican at the local level.

say it promotes the patriarchy

You can't, dude.

Your ultimate Jail a nigger for free card is gone. You can't get it back. Do you think we can stop women from voting? Because that's what you're suggesting.

We made a mistake, now we're living with it.

State rights matters, so have fun trying to convince the federal government to override a law the state put down. Sure, a few dispensaries have been shut down, but it doesn't change things. Any state that legalized marijuana is acting within the TRUE spirit of the constitution, which acknowledges the rights of states to individually set their own laws.

A federal ban on marijuana is unconstitutional and takes rights from the states to decide for themselves on this issue.

Ironically you posted quite a beautiful picture of that maryjaywannas you hate so much.

>Jail a nigger for free card

Well they do all kinds of other drugs; and, ultimately, they're still niggers, so just being a nigger is our "Jail a nigger" card.

>women from voting

Most Americans are stupid and don't make informed votes, so we really should start testing at the polls. I don't care which side someone picks but if they pick a side based off word of mouth (i heard trump is racist and wants to exterminate muslims says my cousin) then you're going to have our nation the way it is now.

Trump's victory would've been much easier if people understood him. Clinton wouldn't even be an option if people actually gave a shit.

Only niggers who deal want weed Illegal.

>How do I ultimately convince my state to recriminalize marijuana?
>He wants to continue wasting taxpayer dollars to arrest and incarcerate people for a plant

>trying to shut eugenics
Get a load of this guy.

Why do you care? It's just weed.

What about those who find it morally reprehensible or those who want society to be their perfect little experiment that is 100% efficient without any drugs at all (a delusional fantasy, I have to admit)?

Plenty of people want it criminalized besides niggers.

Muslims find it morally reprehensible for a woman to walk around without a burka, should we make burkas mandatory under the law?

It's not just weed and it's not just a plant. It has a huge influence on people.

Burkas are oppression while marijuana affects the psychology of another person and is an actual drug. Comparison sounds pretty fucking stupid now doesn't it?

Still salty we voted yes huh? My degenerate gf voted for it.

>It's not just weed and it's not just a plant.
Huh thats interesting, cause i grew pot in college and i didnt have to add any machines or chemicals to it, so yeah, it actually is just a plant.

You're fucking retarded. I hope the fuck God gives you some bad karma and you hurt yourself today.

>What about those who find it morally reprehensible
Then I suggest you start by criminalizing alcohol first. Alcohol is more morally reprehensible than weed.

You are fucking retarded.

Stop drinking booze and coffee then too.

>Do you think we can stop women from voting
I fucking wish.

>it's not just a plant
How fucking dense are you?

Legalizing cannabis could be the best thing ever. It opens up conversation so the left and the liberals will finally actually hear us. It's the final barrier.

>Your ultimate Jail a nigger for free card is gone.

You fool. All the cards jail niggers. Until they stop stealing and being violent.

>It opens up conversation


If niggers weren't such niggers, we wouldn't call them niggers.

I wish it was legal everywhere just to cut the money off from the drug cartels.

Combine that with a well protected boarder wall and you can really hurt the cartels. No drugs go north no guns and money goes south.

if they are high they may shut the fuck up for once

Because it opens people up to new ideas.

that is not true.

>Weed kills people
Cops shooting drug dealing niggers are better at eugenics than weed.

Youre thinking of hallucinogens, friend.
t. user whose atheism was cured because of magic mushrooms.

What person who believes in karma would wish bad karma upon others?

Marijuana is a liberal death sentence

Just give up on the drug war and work on the treatment side.

Yes of course, but those aren't hot issue yet. And it often starts with cannabis.

How about you stop worrying about what other people do in their private lives and enjoy your state's new found prosperity.

>I don't like something therefore everyone else can't have it.

Fuck off, you're worse than liberal scum

hmm I wonder why don't you advocate for alcohol to become illegal but you do for weed?

I don't drink alcohol, and coffee isn't morally reprehensible by any standard..

1) Buy a shitload of ammunition for your gun
2) Get high
3) Go to the nearest school
4) ???

But most likely you won't get behind p.2. marijuana violence is really hard to pull off.

Sure famaladingdong ill smoke dat fat scoobydoobiedoo and ill get my mind lifted to da new idea

cannabis is literally the most pointless drug there is. It doesn't enhance your productivity in any way, rather does it the opposite. It impairs your senses and motor functions, is highly addictive and serves next to no medicinal purpose.

If you still claim medicinal (aka 90% placebo) there are strains with very low THC and I am sure it could be bred out completely within less than a decade... surprisingly nobody is asking for it.

I'm not trying to waste tax money on people put in jail for weed.

>It's still federally illegal

So.. sitting on your ass eating cheetos is bad for you too, but we don't make that illegal.

You have the right idea but when you take the krokodil needle out of your arm you will see that shooting up a school risks gun freedoms a better idea would be start torching dispensiaries and blaming it in bho flamability

>burqas don't affect psychology at all


I do have a bit of an issue with the average joe being able to get one of pic related at will, but weed (when used responsibly) is fine if not better than alcohol.

>smoking the herbal jew

suck a legislators cock or rape him

There should certainly be a reform in global health and body fat above 20% should not be tolerated in men prior to retirement. That is however a topic for another day.

>If you still claim medicinal (aka 90% placebo) there are strains with very low THC and I am sure it could be bred out completely within less than a decade... surprisingly nobody is asking for it.
Prepare to be BTFO
>Charlotte’s Web is a cultivar with less than 0.3% THC that has gained popularity as an option for treating seizures as well as a range of other medical conditions. This medical potency is due to its high-CBD content, which was specifically cultivated by Colorado breeders The Stanley Brothers for a young epileptic patient named Charlotte. Contrary to popular belief, Charlotte’s Web is a hemp-derived product with little to no psychoactive effects, making it great for those who don’t want their medication to affect their daily tasks.

Come up with a way to replace millions if not tens of millions of tax dollars.


Not sure if he will bother, but all Trump has to do is rigorously enforce Federal law in each of these states.

I mentioned this in my post already. As I mentioned, those strains should be available just like every other medication, from a pharmacy with a script.

He wont. Trump has said he supports legalization of medical marijuana at the federal level and leaving recreational legalization up to the states.
Trumps chief concerns are trade/jobs/economy, and immigration. He doesnt really give a fuck about weed, though he was an advocate for legalization of weed and using the tax revenue for general drug addiction treatment in the 90s.

First you gotta put toothpaste backin the tube.

you just want to post pics of your weed, shit doesn't look too good, senpai. you need some gg#4 or some glue shit.

>marijuana is legalized on a federal level
>marijuana sales are completely unregulated
>mcwalmarget ™ quick to buy up grass roots dispenciaries
> quickly burn down all high quality crop
>flood new dispensaries with shit weed
>medicinal marijuana pratically pointless
>corporate monopoly moves on to buy up bho manufacturers
>tfw you faggots wanted it

Why? No meme reasons like "because it's a thing" or "too much pleasure is bad somehow".

> German-o-bot designation #gAhbywMS can not compute not operating at 100% efficiency.
> Ever.

Is this just meta or are you all seriously this uptight and obsessed with MUH EFFICIENCY!

People are generally more productive if they are happy / content with life, and weed makes people happy / content. There. I don't need to be operating at maximum efficiency while i'm sitting on my ass shitposting on Sup Forums.

And the alt right hates the left for promoting a nanny state

Really makes you think

Yeah, this is definitely gonna happen. I mean look at alcohol, we only get to choose from Budweiser and Coors.

There's probably enough dirty hippies out there who wouldn't destroy their own personal grow ops if it became legal. And shit like Netherlands has high quality seed banks.

Also you can literally clone hundreds of weed plants from cuttings so unless you're telling me corporate monopolies have the capacity to destroy literally every single high THC plant around the world to maintain their monopoly, you're retarded.

It is a very psychological addicting substance that renders you unable to perform even simple tasks within a minute if you choose to do so.

Of course, you can never stop substance abuse of any kind and personal amounts should certainly be decriminalized for every drug and people who come forward with an addicting shouldn't be scorned from society but helped. Legalizing and promoting open sales does however help nobody.

>It doesn't enhance your productivity in any way,
Actually it does for many people. For a lot of people it causes more anxiety, but for some it completely melts it away and they can act like normal humans again.

This. Should have juse decrimilazed it and nothing else. Just grow it yourself

I don't drink alcohol, and coffee isn't morally reprehensible by any standard..

Hell, before I poop I pad the toilet with tp. I'm pretty damn responsible

If marijuana is as dangerous as you proclaim, the harm to society would have to be visible enough for any sort of prohibition to be enacted. I doubt long term useage of any kind of mind altering drug is beneficial. Yet we still have millions of Americans who have taken SSRI's for over half their lives! They're are so many prescriptions that are abused that people get dependent on. Opioids are killing people, not marijuana! There are bigger fears that should keep you up at night.

>so many problems
>so much bullshit
>so much degeneracy
>he still worries about what people do with their own bodies

>I don't drink alcohol but I think it should be legal!
said no one ever
you fucking degenerate

Put the gun in your mouth, and then pull the trigger.

normal humans, not allowed to drive cars, operate any machinery and shouldn't really be trusted with any responsibility. Such relief it must be.

As stated, if it is any other component beside the THC, they should have access to it.

more like autistic

The opposite is the case. Marijuana legalization was driven by one of the most booming entrepreneurial business landscapes in the country. So many hundreds of new strains created by small businesses. Even when big corps do it get involved it isn't profitable to sell only low end products for corporations in markets for drugs, do you think Budweiser only owns that piss with its name?

You have no idea what you're talking about.

>It is a very psychological addicting substance that renders you unable to perform even simple tasks within a minute if you choose to do so.

Goodness, sometimes I wonder if you people even tried marijuana. Although I'm still strong on the "too mentally weak to handle intoxicants" belief too.

No one cares about your German desire to control society. People who smoke once or twice a week are perfectly productive, just like people who drink on the weekends.

Prove that at least 1 death was directly caused by pot overdose.

>I want to keep the most harmless drug of all illegal because black people like it


You people are the fucking Taliban. Even the Puritans were okay with moderate alcohol use.

Use of alcohol and marijuana is only degenerate if done in large quantities and/or alone. They are both good for encouraging sociability, which some of you autistic fucks lack.

very strong argument.
Of course they are, there is however a major difference between a government tolerating (decriminalizing usage) and one advocating it.

lsd is perfectly harmless, even more so. Should I be able to grab a strip at my local gas station?

>very strong argument

I know, but it's not nearly as strong as

>renders you unable to perform even simple tasks within a minute if you choose to do so.

I mean there's no arbitrary line drawn in the sand right there. Despite countless people who can function with it, your experience freaking out in your own skull trumps all of that.

I know you're incapable of understanding this because you're not American, but we very much enjoy new business and tax moneys from it here. Moralizing is for politicians, but business and the free market gets shit done. We don't like controlling freedom for silly moral judgmental reasons.

Get on a rooftop with a gun OP. It always works

Yes. Assuming you're an adult.

no there should be special stores for that

You don't. It's none of the government, federal or state's, business to decide what adults can put into their own bodies.

>Despite countless people who can function with it
Those that include tasks that are restricted when consuming alcohol?
Like that is really the way for America to generate or save tax dollars. Heh, funny guy.

How does that change anything? I never understood the whole dispensary thing for weed either.

100% this

>Should I be able to grab a strip at my local gas station?

more like a gas station, and sure. as long as its properly secured and the person buying it knows fully that they will be absolutely fucked up for the rest of the day

going through your posts you've never smoked weed, never seen it, and you're just generally ignorant about anything involving it. strains that have a low thc percentage and a high cannabinoid amount already exist for kids with leukemia, and even if it didn't it wouldn't matter. you have to smoke or eat a lot of strong weed to completely impair yourself, and getting high for the sake of getting high is perfectly fine, just as its okay to get drunk for the sake of getting drunk. go fuck yourself hans

>tasks that are restricted when consuming alcohol

It's pretty comparable. After all, unlike your traditional belief, one sip of alcohol doesn't put you in this one singular state of "drunkeness". You could usually drive after one can of cheap beer as one person might be able to drive after a puff, but another person wouldn't be able to do so. People should know their limits. Did you know your limit when you had that bad experience with marijuana? Probably not.

I thought pol was libertarian and supported state rights? Lmao you guys are worse than progressives

sex toys are legal too but you won't suggest gas stations selling sex toys out in the open would you?

It's not the government's job to protect me from blindly shoving something in my mouth without knowing the dose or what a proper dose is.

Seriously, if you need big daddy government to keep you from eating too much pot because you decide ten doses means one dose.


No, but it doesn't take away from the benefits of it. Psychedelic assisted therapy has been shown to be beneficial to some people. Research needs to be done and it can't be done if they're not allowed to do it!

There's a huge issue when these two lines of thinking are the same:

>Should a kid be able to pick it up in his school cafeteria
>Should a grown adult be able to buy it from a store that sells cigarettes and alcohol

We should not be treating our grown citizens as children unless we are willing to admit we've failed educating them.

reminder that federal law overrides state law