White Men Tears Kekest Thing Ever

>Turn whole Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Yemen, Pakistan, Libya into shithole.

>Ally with world most ass backwards countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other emirates to arm radicals.

>Complain about immigrants, refugees, terrorism.

Kek I can't wait to send 3 million more immigrants to Europe or States because this is what you deserve. Now keep crying bitches haha

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It is the Anglos fault, really.

>turn into
HA! Noce joke, my arabic cemalist unternmensh friend. This is vengeance for the deaths of anatolians.

Are you paying attention gook? Trump wont allow it and you better watch your mouth before he sets his eyes on your yellow ass.

Those places were already poop

sorry fethullah

>Opinion discarded

Must be a sad life living as a brown person

Yeah, but before you overthrown their dictators, shit wasn't outside their shitters.

When will the US and Russia team up for the Turkish genocide and bomb Turkey out of existance?

>True white people with ambition and culture
>"What retards, should've just stayed in stone huts and sacrificed lambs to Thor."

L M A O F A M America is true Anglo not Canada

Not so fast, Mehmet.

Trump will prevent the US from the turkroach infestation but you guys are welcome to infest the EU with them, that way we can nuke them later.


Listen Drumpfkin. Your God emperor already started backpedaling on issues he promised to fix.

>No prosecution of Hillary
>No wall but fence

I give it couple of months then going to watch your assblast here.

Better than nigga.

Literally Hitler here.
Kys roach.

I'd say we just glass the middle east.
Problem solved.

It all began when the Eternal Anglo promised land to the (((chosen))) people.

We'll just shoot them all when they try to install their filthy caliphates

>>Turn whole Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Yemen, Pakistan, Libya into shithole.

GEE, I wonder (((who)) planned that.

And yet Turks still angry about little old Armenia taking Nagorno-Karabakh.

Talk about getting cucked.

I didn't "ally" them. The puppet government running my country did.

And btw
Kys roach.