Jon (((Leibowitz)))

Is he right?

No, he's a subversive Jew.

oven worthy

"A multi-cultural democracy is impossible" You don't fucking say. He is trying to take a softer tone in the hope that it will keep him out of the oven. *Spoiler Alert* It wont.

How can a man who has spent so many years learning about history and politics be so wrong? Why do lefties have such arrogance to believe they can counter "thousands of years of evolution" in order to create a "multicultural democracy"?

>Jon Jewert

High verbal IQ and that's about it.
I wonder what ethnicity he could be, hmmm...

>Learning history

Libs just learn enough about history to control people, even Jon Leibowitz' best segments that are based in some kind of historical precedent feel like incomplete math problems.

why do all jews do the hand thing? I don't think I've ever rubbed my hands together like that in my life.

>you still doing that hand thing? i heard you were doing that hand thing today. god, what is that!?

>the founding fathers wrote the constitution for a multiculti society
Get fucked

He's okay, but America was founded on religious freedom. Not ethnic freedom.

It's a compulsion and not a belief.

Jews peddle mutlicult Utopias while posturing as moralists, and do so for their own interests. They always work to re-write our history to the present in their favor. They have done it literally forever and will never stop doing it.

Has he ever been right?

Thanks for bringing back nightmares

>America is unique because it fights against tribalism

How did that work out for the (((Soviet Union)))

Lincoln literally wanted to deport all niggers back to africa. Some wiseguy thought killing him was a good idea before he did that.

He's a cuck, I used to defend jews until I got redpilled.

Fuck ignorance is bliss.

He spent those years learning about history and politics so he could be a better liar, not so he could educate anyone.

Doc Nostrum was a fully licensed and educated medical practicioner, but he decided he would rather make money selling snake oil to gullible rubes than save lives.

Is it true that the Republicans spent the last 8 years making government not work which allowed Trump to achieve victory?

yeah, they didn't pass very much legislation during obummer's time as president. republicans also helped create the fiscal cliff by not approving the budget, which ultimately downgraded our credit rating.

that's not to say the legislation that the dems were trying to pass was good or anything, but it was an unproductive 8 years.

Everything he actually said was 100% on point. I'm actually surprised.
I think that now that Trump has won, the ongoing post-election cycle is making him realize how stupid liberals aka his audience is. Actually, I'm sure he knew it all along but now he's had enough of it.
"Natural is tribal"; that's a very mature statement and it's completely right. I respect this guy after watching this, I don't think he's faking because all the other (((comedians))) like either going all out on the same old rhetoric to divide the country (see Oliver) or going full damage control (see Colbert) after the election.