Last night I was trying to tell my gf (political scientist at uni) that the wall will happen because it will allow more...

Last night I was trying to tell my gf (political scientist at uni) that the wall will happen because it will allow more effective vetting of mexican criminals crossing the US border. She said this was ridiculous because they already do vett them as effectively as possible (all neccessary criminal background checks etc.) and that if you ask the people that actually work at the border, they don't want a fucking wall because it will complicate things. She said that policies for multiculturalism in america aren't strong enough to support people that come into the country legally, and most of them end up having to turn to a life of crime to survive. I had no argument, all I said is 'the wall will fucking happen okay' sounding like a complete idiot in front of our friends. can you help me out for future?

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leave her. she will cuck you. She will abort your children. You won't build a family.

Immgrants must learn to intergrate into your American society. You don't owe them multi cultural policy or any dumb shit like that. If they want to enjoy the benefits of America they must find a way to contribute.

Also you didn't sound like an idiot because the wall will happen.

the argument was much longer than this (went for about half hour) where she was able to point out specific instances of people coming to america as innocents looking for a fresh start, not getting any support and turning to crime to survive, having kids in america that only spoke english and grew up in america their whole life who were deported back to the country their parents were born, where they'd never lived or knew nothing about. i didn't argue back much because i had no facts or info to support that bulding a wall and attempting to be stricter on letting people in to the country would be effective at all

Also this. Find a smarter woman. If you take political science and still can't figure this shit out she must be retarded

>they already do vett them as effectively as possible
Illegal immigrants get vetted?

nice blog my man

>Innocents turning to crime
They weren't so innocent then were they?

Your gf is a dummy that is chasing a worthless degree.

Knock her up so she drops out of school before she gets her dumbass in a life time of debt.

>the government runs background checks on people it doesn't know about

This right fucking here. Idk where these liberals get all their stats and metrics of people off the fucking grid slipping through our goddamn cracks
>Ehm according to studies, illegals only take 3.25 percent of all low skill jobs
How the fuck do they get these goddamn numbers

as in they enter the country as innocent people but over the years of them livng here the way they are taught to survive is to act illegally due to a lack of system support.

no, she's beyond saving, multiculturalism is wrong as well as the "free trade agreements" which allowed it to happen because it made the native population to become minority and forced the population of less developed nations to go to those nations to case social unrest. If the wall actually gets built through the money impound by burgers from cartel psychos and other things, it will only disuade centracas, which are now the 75% of the illegals crossing the border illegally, from trying to get into burgerland; unfortunately, if you actually belive it will stop drug trafficking then you're deluded as fuck, what some wetbacks might be carrying with them is nothing compared to the amount that is smuggled into US by other means (and yes, thus farn organizations of US government have been working with them).

As in they were prone to crime to begin with. Good people don't commit crime, if they commit crime because the "system" was unfair, they are still criminals. It doesn't become justified crime just because you don't get free fuckin handouts

Don't date uni students unless they're doing a STEM degree.

Psychos the lot of them.

My wife did her green card not too long ago.

It's so easy to bullshit your way through and they have zero way to verify anything. We did everything by the book and she was pissed as fuck to see so many others just scamming it and laughing about it.

We need full scope background checks of all immigrants and they must pay for it themselves. Anyone coming here for work, or school or whatever should never have a path to citizenship until they can demonstrate full integration and adoption of American values and have actual americans vouch for them.

Is she a fucking abo or something?

he reminds me of the cops from idiocracy, saying big words just to sound more official

>She said that policies for multiculturalism in america aren't strong enough to support people that come into the country legally, and most of them end up having to turn to a life of crime to survive.

What about Italians

Worse, a melburnian

Only a retard like Trump would think a wall would solve the illegals problem. You can go over, under or around a wall. The root cause of the issue is Americans who pay illegals to clean, cook, garden, etc because they are too fucking lazy to do these jobs themselves. Crack down on Americans paying illegals, problem solved.

Except places like Israel or turkey where they erect a 15 foot wall and their immigration numbers plummet. The wall won't stop the cartels, but it will stop Jorge from casually strolling across the border with his family

they sure as fuck don't vet the ones that are climbing fences in the middle of the fucking desert

>She said that policies for multiculturalism in america aren't strong enough to support people that come into the country legally

well they were strong enough for the gorillions of european and east asian immigrants that came to america over the last two centuries, so there's something amiss with this (((argument))) of hers

>You can go over, under or around a wall.
a sufficiently high and fortified wall (lots of barbed wire and shit) makes that very inconvenient
extremely time-consuming and inconvenient
well the wall ends where the ocean begins. sure you can try to swim or use a boat to get across, but that's what the coast guard is for.

you know, until 30 years ago we had a huge fortified border going through the middle of our country. and yes, some people DID manage to get across the border. MANY more got caught or even killed trying to cross.

it's not about hermetically sealing the border and making it 100% impossible to cross. that is not feasible. it's about making the act of crossing dangerous, painful, time-consuming and annoying. this both acts as a deterrent to would-be crossers, and greatly increases the chance of border patrol catching illegals during the act of crossing. together, these effects greatly drive down the number of successful crossings.

>lack of system support.
There shouldnt BE any system support.
Im fine with immigration, but if you enter a country and cant support yourself why the fuck should the native taxpayers do it?

lol she's a rich, well educated white girl. her dad is a partner at an insurance firm so she and her family are pretty right wing in a lot of their political views (pro big corporations, pro coal/mining anti increasing corporate tax etc). i'm just a maths/stats student so don't know much about policy but her degree is literally based around studying how effective policies are. she isn't some retarded brain washed liberal and constantly calls out lefty media for being shit. i just thought she made a good argument about how american policies don't encourage immigrants to contribute positively to society so it's no real surprise that ta lot of them end up in a life of crime, and building a wall will cost a whole lot of money with no drastic positve effect because the border is already pretty well protected, and maybe there should be policy reform instead of a wall.
still pro wall though, will be funny as fuck.

I get a sense there are other inconsistencies like this. For example, Trump wants to tear up NAFTA. As romantic as this might sound, it takes years and hours of high-paid man hours to create multi-lateral trade agreements. When you listen to some of the slightly more academic shows here, everyone is basically confused as to why we would back pedal so far on something that's been established for a couple of decades (and is working fairly well). It's not impossible, but it's quite an extravagant decision when you consider the minor improvements it might bring. It would take a decade to get to a new agreement and cost millions of dollars.

It's the same with the wall. It's a 2000 mile infrastructure project. Maybe it's different in America, but it took 15 years to get 50 miles of new highway in Canada.

We do have new technological improvements since it's completion, but keep in mind the great wall of China took 2000 years to build. World Trade tower 15 years. A lot of economist have been citing the "laws of physics" when talking about why Trump's promises don't work.

Isn't there already like 300 miles of wall/fence?

>that if you ask the people that actually work at the border, they don't want a fucking wall because it will complicate things

ICE and Border Patrol unions of over 10000 people have endorsed Trump.

>that if you ask the people that actually work at the border, they don't want a fucking wall because it will complicate things.

Citation fucking needed.
I've watched the border patrol series and they have a fuckton of issue where mexicans just run through the border shotgun style.

i'm all for getting illegals out of the country and putting citizens first, but can't they just tunnel under the wall?

none of you convinced me, you fail Sup Forums lol

Yeah I heard on the radio from an advocate for immigration reform (he supports Trump and the wall and works for one of the gov deps) that half of the people that try crossing illegally get away

Fucking retard. Losing in a debate to a woman?

You sound legit retarded mate.

The border is not well protected if they keep flooding in

You don't need to have a master's in political science to argue political policy.

The laws of America don't need to encourage illegal immigrants to follow the law, they should just fucking do it like the billions who came before them. The problem is these people think they can leave their shithole country and bring their shithole culture that turned their country into a shithole to begin with

Me and my buddies go to the desert slot, it's an iron fence maybe 12-15 feet and totally climbable with no equipment requored

The wall is to stop illegal traffic, not to make vetting illegals easier. Its also a big waste (good as a jobs program kinda though) as a few movement sensors combined with clearingq stretch of land of all shrubbery so they have to run in the open would acomplish the same thing.