How’s that Thursday wagecucks?

How’s that Thursday wagecucks?

Don’t worry, tomorrow’s Friday and then you get a whole two day weekend, assuming your boss doesn’t decide to call you in on Sunday to make more money for him!

Tick tock! Back to work with you!


and make those checks taxes payable to "NEETS" .. not neats from now on

My bank account looks so good, i love my job. Im about to buy a gaming pc and still have money.

I wish I could become a neet. I can't even get a full time job, just multiple part time ones. It's very fucking annoying getting 3 hours one week and 23 the next.


Man I love owning my own business. And I don't pay any taxes, so you NEETs can go fuck yourselves :)

Work is very important for your mental health. Having been a NEET for the longest time, and having known a few NEETS4life I feel confident in saying that the lifestyle of sitting at home and doing nothing is basically cancer of the mind and soul.

The phrase "idle hands do the devils work" has a lot of truth to it. Having nothing to occupy your time is going to lead to just sitting around and jerking off to increasingly depraved porn and becoming more and more hateful, socially awkward, and delusional. Can supposedly even lead to Alzheimers, even in young people. I would believe that in some cases at least Alzheimers is the mind atrophying away due to no longer being used, much like a muscle.

There's a reason the welfare state destroyed the black community so badly.

And by working you'll ensure its continued existence. Well done, goy!

If you're a dipshit that doesn't know what to do with his time then that's totally on you. See it as natural selection.

You can hike, fish, join a club. The possibilities are endless. You don't have to sit at home all day.

By being a good goy and working, you are wasting 9 hours of your day(including travel and preparation) to work for a few shekels. 70% of your life is wasted by working and sleeping.

It's alright.
Now I'm going to fuck my 8/10 gf who is also a wageslave and then I'm going to go out of state this weekend in my 2015 car that I bought new, and have $1000 of spending money after the cost of my 4 star hotel suite for 4 days which won't really have an impact on my savings, and eat food that isn't store brand. I also get to buy as much weed and beer as I want. All of this while not living in my parents house or the ghetto, or trailer.

I work from home tomorrow, no biggie, I'll get paid to shitpost.

I'll go in on Monday and then take a week long vacation to visit family, because I can afford to buy plane tickets instead of anime figurines.

>he brags about $1000 spending money

Enjoy that weekend, wagie. Get a taste of what we have every day.

Look, goy, consume, consume, consume.

You know what you will never get back, wagie? Your time.

nigga how do you afford this lifestyle if you aint got no fucking job

So you have a savings of over $10,000 being on welfare? How'd you manage that? Why not just spend the money to apply for citizenship to a non-shithole country that has even better welfare benefits to save even more?

Look at my flag, retard.

Maybe it is different in your third world hellhole.

>how can you afford walking, which costs nothing, fishing, which costs a few bucks for the rod and nothing for the worms, or joining a club which usually costs a few bucks per month in fees?

>So you have a savings of over $10,000 being on welfare? How'd you manage that?
By getting over 1300 a month and speding nil because I inherited a medium sized farm that allows me to be self sufficient and if necessary sell some lumber if I really need cash. That's freedom, not having to slave away in some wagekek job giving up your finite amount of time on this earth so that your kike boss gets richer and the state gets tax money it needs to import the savages it wants to replace you with.

>Why not just spend the money to apply for citizenship to a non-shithole country that has even better welfare benefits to save even more?
I'm not a rootless cosmopolitan that has to fill his spiritual void with materialism :^)

P. goof. Just deposited 2 more checks today.

Bank account is looking comfy.

You must be a pretty lonely loser if you have nowhere to be and nothing to do except shitpost all day everyday

>8/10 gf
at the very least you aren't planning for your future so I'm not too mad

I used to be you 15 months ago.

"All NEETs are hopeless losers who contribute nothing to society."

Then I took the blackpill.

I own a business. I have no employees.

Weekends net me tens of thousands of dollars in profit.

The only people who live off of welfare are those too stupid to learn to play the game of life.

Women don't want men that don't provide.

Your pathetic NEET/MGTOW lifestyle is the end result of weak breeding ie: your entire families.

Enjoy your entire weekend of shitposting in solitude.

I can spend 6 uninterrupted hours a day on my computer(that also isn't a piece of shit since I have the money to buy non-shit parts) on the days I do work. I don't really like sitting in front of a computer for much longer, and if I do feel like it I can for 3 days a week.
I don't really mind my job, so I don't sit around thinking about how I hate work as much as I see NEETs posting threads like these. I'm also not socially retarded from sitting in my room 12 hours a day everyday, which is an added perk I guess.

>Women don't want men that don't provide.

The very fact that there are so many single mothers around kinda disproves that little theory of yours.

>women having children out of wedlock


What happens when you run out of your parents' money?

inherited money, lives on the state tits. Just fucking end yourself you pathetic excuse of a human being

>(that also isn't a piece of shit since I have the money to buy non-shit parts)

Where's this delusion coming from that NEETs don't have money? You understand what welfare is, right?

Why would I do that exactly?

>implying you need parents money

LOL I get my own small little house and enough money for food and internet.

Far more than just weak breeding. It's social breakdown. There is some truth in what you say, however a greater deal comes from prior societal decay over decades. It's not just a family line that has become weakened, but the order of society itself.

Once you remove gov't influence and discourage family fragmentation can your statement be completely accurate.

Yes. How do you afford things that cost money with no income. Restating the question with an arrow in front of it doesn't constitute an answer, jackass.

I have enough saved to be NEET, however I am probably just going to call it quits and retire at 30. That way I'll have a decent annual income of 40-50K+ coming from my investments. Thank god I decided to start a business out of college instead of become a wagecuck. Some of my graduating class is still making 50-60K a year and they have 3-4x my expenses.

And now you're still a hopeless loser who contributes nothing to society. Good job.

It's fun to play make believe isn't it?

>with no income

There's your misunderstanding.

>taking welfare for any reason, ever
What's it like having no dignity?

Wow, I sense some resentment and jealously.

Don't worry, anyone can become a NEET. You can become one tomorrow if you wanted to. All of your life problems will vanish and you will finally be stress free.

What kind of cuck do you have to be to contribute to a society that openly despises you?