Why aren't you following Donald Trump on Twitter?

He only has 15 million followers, why aren't you one of them?

Becuase i'm not a FACIST like you

Why would have a twitter account when youre not a personality?

I don't use twitter

Would you

Because I don't use Twitter, because I have better things to be doing with my time.

Define fascist.

Get on Reddit too and subscribe to our subreddit r/The_Donald where we subvert children.

So you can be datamined. duh

This election is the only reason I started to use twitter. I can't keep up with it though. I really have no interest in what 90% of the libtards on there say. Maybe if I'm drunk I'll try to troll the, other than that, twitter is basically useless to me.


Fuck you, racist asshole

I'm a FACIST. I just can't help but feel sick when I see an ugly disproportionate face

I dont get the appeal of twitter honestly, not into it.

Fuck farage and fuck british people

>be mixed race.
>somehow racist because liberals say so.

Twitter is dying to be honest f a m.

I don't do twitter unless it for subcerting leftists.

I'm not a normalfag so I don't use twitter.

>using the 140 character jew

Twitter sucks. You get instantly banned just for making a reasonable argument in favor of the global extermination of all non-whites.

seriously? i didn't know this

This. Twitter is jew gold and spreads nigger culture.

Because Twitter sucks except for Trump's tweets

I am

He's going to inherit the @potus account which has 50 million followers

>be you, a gigantic faggot
>have a twitter account

Yeah, I'm a gigantic faggot but you are a tiny insignificant faggot. couldn't find your dick with a microscope

The wall of london did not keep out scum like you.

I'm a girl, btw

I bet if we fucking killed every last nigger and kike, we could say whatever we wanted on Twitter...

Follow our glorious leader Mein Drumpf or else.

He's an idiot. Why would I want his rantings and ravings in my feed?

Yeah, but there would only be like 8 of us left

The CEO of twitter is slimy little leftist numale, he's really fucking salty about Trump winning so he's been banning lots of major alt-right personalities and has introduced new user agreement that basically means that hurting someone's feelings is grounds for a ban

>The CEO of twitter is slimy little leftist numale

He's the epitome of numale

Because of the follower feature. Twitter is the best source of news on happenings.




> have twitter account
> not degenerate