Where can a broke White American move to outside of America that will be over 90% White with lots of gun rights...

Where can a broke White American move to outside of America that will be over 90% White with lots of gun rights? Preferably somewhere cheap to live and easy to find work without a college degree or special training.

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I would assume eastern europe but I have little knowledge on the subject really


>Lots of gun rights
Not a whole lot of that outside of your country.
Rural Canada can be 100% white depending on where you move to and we can have some fun with firearms.
That or Switzerland.

Dont care where you go, stay the fuck out of Oregon..

Nowhere. Move somewhere in the countryside in America.

Czech Republic I guess

Oregon sounds like a fun place. I may move there because its comfortable and I can feel the burn there.

>feel the burn there.
you mean the fallout from Fukushima?

Why leave America? Does Wyoming not fit your criteria?

No place in the world has gun rights like US. NOWHERE.
I know because I looked.
Make this ship float or we will all sink.

Find McAfee and ask him if you can rent a shack on his land.

can give him bath salts in exchange for a room in his house

Fuck your noise, where can a college educated Canadian programmer move to IN the U.S that's white, conservative, preferably religious and traditional, and otherwise possessed of the values that cause stable marriages and high fertility rates?

I will integrate, assimilate, work hard, be a credit to wherever I move to.
I just want to contribute to my god damn race and live a traditional life.

West Virginia seriously it's THE rest option see here


Demography is dogshit everywhere in the land of liberty, but West Virginia is the least bad.


You just described anywhere south of St. Louis, Missouri.

Low cost of living and constitutional carry, friend. Hope you like country music, though.

>implying there aren't seriously POC-marked communities of shit south of St Louis

There aren't south of I 270. Minor clusters mostly. Best part is cheap as shit gasoline and its a commuter city anyways. I grew up in southern Illinois, but damn I love living in Missouri.

You could work in a slovenian rape forest

>easy to find work without a college degree or special training.
beggars cant be choosers. might i suggest australia

Belize, maybe.

There is only one pro-democracy white majority anglosphere nation with guns rights

New Zealand


Pick 2 out of four

My man! One of the only responses I've ever gotten on this.
That being said, I'm looking at some maps of divorce rates and I'm seeing that WV is pretty high up there.
Is there some factor I'm not considering? If it's high-white population then is there any chance of that being meaningfully affected by other races' divorce rates?
Breeding is a fine thing to do for one's race, but an intact marriage is an imperative thing to do for oneself.

Stay in America dumbass, go somewhere rural and get a skilled labor job.

Good luck immigrating there without a useful degree.

utah, idaho, montana, n/s dakota, ect.

damn that is a high rate, no idea. weird.

maybe I'm missing something

how racist

So I found a neat breakdown of why state-based political results on divorce aren't really accurate:
so that's a start. It makes sense as well because I know I've seen polling done that found the total opposite - that conservative families stay together and reproduce above fertility rate. Not to mention there was a HUGE study recently that found marriages with traditional gender roles stayed together more often and reported higher satisfaction and more sex.

Either way, definitely needs looking into.

west virginia is the only state that is becoming MORE white within a generation, but there is still overall population decline, but it's still fertile ground for White racial consciousness, it has these three advantages:

1. Southern style racial consciousness
2. No high Black pop., 95%~ white
3. Generally rightwing politically and socially, and Christian

Now, there are some major social problems, but overall it's a lot saner and healthier than most of North America. I have some cousins who live there, they are very nice people. A little bit simple and rustic in their outlook, but also they can be reasoned with because they don't have a lot of cosmopolitan pretensions.

That's sick man, I'm honestly unironically considering it. This endless debate between MGTOWs and White Nationalists about whether you ought to serve your race by procreating or serve yourself by staying out of a corrupt system that rewards women for violating important contracts got me thinking: what if there's a way to have the best of both worlds?

I figure, this is it. Find a community that still enforces the social norms that uphold good marriages. You get to raise the next generation on good, conservative ideals that work, while reducing the Russian Roulette stupidity of the egalitarian marriage.

And hey, a big enough push towards bolstering these communities could quite literally germinate the undoing of degeneracy.

Czech republic will fit your needs, gun laws are more open than ours

Don't listen to this retard, many places around the world with good gun laws


well West Virginia imo demographically/culturally is a good place to implant a White nationalist subculture. The people already tend to be racially aware.

And if we AltRight/WN/whatever types move in and spread our message and pump out kids, we can easily take over a lot of the area.

it's worth a thinkover imho

and yea raise your girls to value young love and high reproduction, which we used to do.

we need to get a population of racially aware whites whose girls strongly value high levels of reproduction, this can turn the tide

it's a tall order but we might die out, so it's worth trying for imho

not implying under 18 btw ffs Sup Forums*

I've been strongly considering a thread on this and the promotion of the idea of buddying up with other likeminded Sup Forumsacks to make the move together. Every decision's easier with someone waiting on you to do it, and any big move would be easier knowing there're likeminded people nearby to kickstart your sense of community.

As long as it was approached with the perspective of assimilating into these places and not mass-displacing them with weaponized autism, I think there's some potential, and I would unironically be honoured to live in any town knowing you guys walk among.

Also for some of us... I really think we should get on welfare and just pop out kids. Now, I know, maybe that sounds degenerate to a lot of people, maybe you, as well, but just bear (bare?) with me.

The government is implementing anti white policy, they fund reproduction of nonwhites, anyway, what's to lose?

So I think that some of us should get together in a given location and just yea... do that... have a lot of kids and work on putting together a curriculum of books and media that reinforce our worldview.

We need to preserve our culture in the form of books, movies, have our own academic structure. We can no longer rely on the mainstream to maintain western civilization and/or the knowledge of it.

We must do it ourselves.

Hey man, everything's a possibility.
I'm gonna try for a good thread about it a few times after I catch some sleep. Maybe Sup Forums will get the ball rolling.

when/if we get a large enough consciously white population w/ a high birthrate, we can send settlers all over the nation, but imho WV should be like the epicenter

I guess Iceland or Greenland

Nowhere. Most countries have sane immigration laws to prevent poor people from coming there at will. Unfortunately, many of these same countries find loopholes in these laws to import shitskin "refugees". As a white American, you're too priveleged to qualify for asylum and not priveleged enough to be able to write your own ticket for citizenship wherever you please.

pretty sure it's hella fucking easy for a Canadian to slip into America

Don't listen to the West Virginia guy. That state's full of pill junky hillbillies. You'd be better off in Utah.

bullshit, WV has problems, so does Utah. Utah whites are hardcore anti racist and Utah is full of spicks, which WV ain't

Canada is close by, you already speak the language, you'll blend in, and it's mostly white outside of Toronto and Vancouver.

Our gun rights are nothing like America's but they're better than a good portion of the rest of the world. You'll be able to get a rifle or a shotgun incredibly easy, just very strict rules on handguns

True but the issues in West Virginia are pretty fucking serious compared to a few extra Mexicans.
Canada doesn't want us. The barriers to immigration are very high, except for poo in loos, pakis, and chinks.


>currently fucking checkers au pair
Nope, they're allowed to have guns but if you use it against a person, even in self defense on your own property, you're fucked. There isn't even a legal limit for drinking and driving, if you have anything more than a 0.0 you're fucked. They're European country-people, excluding Prague, and that's it

Oh yeah, forgot to add, job outlook there is very reflective as it is here
>muh 3 years experience for entry-level position
Go live in West Texas if you want Czech Republic with more rights and spare having to learn the language

this is the right answer

any of the eu countries which are also eastern european

>gun rights

mcfucking kys


Not cheap or easy though

That's a dumb thing to say flipantly without providing an example.


Just find a place in the central US. despite the memes, there really aren't a lot of PoC. Also, colleges and local academia is a little more grounded in the reality around them. (I assume because of the natural hostile environment)

Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Colorado west slope, eastern Washington and Oregon, the Dakotas, Minnesota and Wisconsin outside MSP and MK, Maine, New Hampshire

what about alaska, not the coastal cities but a bit further in towards the wilderness?

Hardcore anti racist? More like everyone is lowkey racist

I guess, if you don't mind subzero temps for literally months on end and Grizzly bears