Legend of Korra

The Amon reveal was shit. If you could change Amon's identity, who would you choose to be behind the mask?

Someone who got their face burned off by a firebender and hated benders because of it. There wasn't a twist or an epic reveal needed. Just a decent answer to how he took people's bending that didn't defeat the point of his movement.

Koh was a popular idea before the disappointing truth came out.

This. The biggest fumble that totally undermined the persona of Amon and what made it interesting.

Some random guy would have been fine. He was a strong enough character to stand on his own without really needing an identity.

Just Amon, there doesn't have to be anything special, make his story true and keep the Equalitsts a constant thing throughout the series. Them just going away after season 1 didn't mean their points didn't suddenly become less valid.

someone who was actually a non-bender,
Maybe sokka's grandson for dramatic purposes.

have it somehow be Tenzin.

Hell use them to add some contrast to the airbender plot, with many new airbenders going to him to lose the power because of how much of a hassle it is.

Why Sokka's? You're not that fag who tried to say nonbenders couldn't have bender kids are you?

Just some guy, no one should have cared who he was before he put on the mask.

Just make it a bunch of different people with Amon pulling the strings.

>Just a decent answer to how he took people's bending that didn't defeat the point of his movement.
Using bending to rid the world of bending doesn't defeat the point of the movement. That fact that so many people are stupid enough to think otherwise does help justify the equalists turning on Amon in the story though.

No, I dont know who that is. All im saying is that Sokka as a non-bender always got the short end of the stick in the prequel. Maybe that rubbed off on his offsprings for some reasons.
Also, as I said, dramatic purposes. It doesnt have to make sense.
And its a plus since we havent seen anything about Sokka in LOK.

I'd keep it the same, except reveal that he had true spiritual powers.

I don't care about Korra at all, who was it?

>that didn't defeat the point of his movement.
So you missed the point.

>That fact that so many people are stupid enough to think otherwise does help justify the equalists turning on Amon in the story though.

The fact is that Amon sugested that he had a mythical skill chosen by the world itself to cause real change.

The reveal not only shows that the guys that hate benders are subservient to a bender, but that they will NEVER be able to achieve the dream of removing bending from the world.

Amon is like a cult leader revealed to be powered by the devil, instead of god. Under the truth the movement broke in many segments (as Bryke said), and the less radical ones probably were satisfied electing Raiko.

I'd probably let Amon be anyone.
Let anyone bearing the mask take on the mantle of Amon.

BUT let the mask be some sort of magical Koh-cult artifact that allows one to take away bending. Thereby letting anyone wearing the mask be Amon.
Then have a new Amon every now and then

>BUT let the mask be some sort of magical Koh-cult artifact that allows one to take away bending. Thereby letting anyone wearing the mask be Amon.
>Then have a new Amon every now and then
Fuck, now I wish they had done this.

Changing Amon's identity doesn't make the central conflict any more compelling because the equalists are generic ninjas being bankrolled by some rich guy who's sad about his wife's death or something. Amon's function for almost the entire season is to look spooky, he's pointless regardless of what is under the mask.

nobody. Just some random junk trader, that traded korra for booze!

The son of a waterbending criminal who got depowered by Aang, I can't remember his actual motivation because he was never developed outside of a single flashback.

I've said this before but: same backstory, but make him a non-bender. His father sees him as a failure and abuses him for not being a bender and only cares about his bloodbender prodigy brother, Tarrlok. Amon sees how non-benders are treated firsthand and idolizes Aang's power for stripping Yakone's bending = there is his motive.

But honestly I wouldn't make him an energybender. I'd just make him simply a pro chi-blocker and he knows exactly what to do to make the effect more permanent. But making him an energybender and that a spirit taught him could've been a great segue into B2.

A formidable non-bender chi blocking martial artist that learned energybending from the spirits.

He's Bumi, the benderless son of the previous Avatar Aang.

And imagine if Yakone uses Amon's body as a practice tool for Tarrlok's bloodbending. Man such a simple change could've made the story so much better.

All those years of being Tarrlok's practice dummy could be the reason why he resists his bloodbending down the road.

Even with a rewrite like this you change nothing, since the whole political nature of the conflict will still be undermined by the reveal that Amon is some weirdo created by bad parenting.


Yeah but he'd be a non-bender treated like shit simply for not being born a bender. He'd know firsthand how non-benders are potentially treated throughout the world. I think it makes a lot more sense.

But than idk why he'd hide his identity with the makeup and shit, perhaps so people don't know his relation to Yakone and think he's just another powerhungry criminal? And inventing the whole "I was burned by a firebender" to get brownie points? Ah I don't know.

The Equalists points were never valid to start with. The non-bender movement, on the other hand, succeded at forcing a new type of govern and even got a non-bender elected. There's nothing else for Equalists to do without the help of sane non-bender s.

Koh was always a stupid idea and the only guy who disagrees is Koh Theory Guy.

The equalists were nonsense in general. We never find out who the fuck they are, the only equalists who are given any individuality or characterisation are Amon and Sato, the next most prominent equalist is the nameless henchman voiced by Lance Henriksen for like, one line? They might as well have been robots, the equalists are in reality just Amon and Sato and the mooks are like the robot foot soldiers in the 1987 TMNT cartoon. That's a problem because Amon didn't even grow up in Republic City, and Sato is quite well off.

Just have him be some guy who figures this power out on his own through study/meditation/whatever. Have his story be true, he's suffered at the hands of benders all his life and harbors a deep hatred of them. Korra has to fight him and in the end... I dunno, maybe he realizes how much his actions are harming non-benders, or maybe Korra spares him and he realizes benders aren't all bad, or maybe he tries to kill Korra and gets himself blown up, or she tries to save him and he refuses to accept her health... something, anything would have been better.


Ooh that would have made for a great, dark twist.

I think LoK should've gone for the "big idea"-thing.

as in "have Amon win", but not in the way he expects or whatever. Basically as society industrializes bending gradually becomes irrelevant and fades from the world.

though Nickelodeon wouldn't have the guts to show an animated series where
>Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation experience ethnic strife/conflict similar to the Austro-Hungarian, Russian, Chinese and Ottoman Empires in the 19th century. (as the earth-kingdom especially was shown as a very large multi-ethnic state).
>"Bending"-reactionaries/conservatives attempt a Coup d'état to slow down/stop industrialization/science; this fails and the monks get mowed down by a firing line of firearm-equipped soldiers
>famines, wars, etc.
>Villages/towns we remember (possibly) from the old-series being abandoned as land is consolidated due to more efficient agricultural methods/tools/techniques and populations move to cities.
>cities are far more filthy/factories are implied as incredibly dangerous.