Death of the SJW?

SJWism peaked Spring 2015. They got a literal socialist running for president and close to beating Hillary. This was their greatest victory. It has been downhill as they got more and more violent against Trump and pushed people away from them. Them pushing White women away because of the election will be the death blow of their "cause"

Current year is over


I hope you're right, but the amount of vitriol about how WE'RE TAKING BACK CONGRESS has me a little worried. Plus all of my liberal friends bitching on Facebook to this DAY about the election. Like move the fuck on.

American SJWs seem to be heading down a RAF-like path. Prepare for an age of domestic terrorism, user.

I can only hope you're right. Sadly the SJW disease has started to expand here but with Trump being elected I'm sure it'll be like cutting the diseased root of a vile weed and the local SJWs disappear.

SJW's don't just die on their own. The crusade is just getting started.


what's going to happen is that they're going to try and stick around for as long as possible. Who knows what will happen when people really stop giving a shit about them, though they're still going to bitch like they even have a say.

as said, SJW's wont die on their own; it will either be a long time, or a lot of debating before any real conclusion will be met. You don't get rid of Social Conditioning just like *that*.

I decided when Trump was elected that it's time to buy a gun. I don't trust these stupid agitators to be #woke enough to not attack any random white guy who is passing through their demonstrations.

I think it will work out, peak SJW will eventually work out as a vaccine against Marxist bullshit.

Many of them went so far down the rabbit hole they'll never recover. They're utterly fucked, drowning in debt with nothing to show for it but a shit-tier degree in African Transgender Studies that makes them as good as unemployable.

The next generation won't fall for the SJW meme when they'll see how miserable their older loser siblings turned out.

They're not taking back shit. Remember 2014, when they were SO SURE that they were going to do great, then got absolutely blasted?

The House's districting favors us, turnout favors us, we have the Bully Pulpit, and they're going to have to defend almost every competitive Senate seat. Young Democrats don't vote, especially in midterms, fullstop.

It took a "historic election" to get them to respectable numbers and pay attention, and even then only in Presidential years.

If Trump is even semi-competent and is able to show the average American that he's not literally Hitler, 2018 will be a Republican tidal wave. Democrats just don't have it in them, and their party is in shambles right now. They don't agree on anything.

This makes sense. Kinda like the hippie movement dying but it took around 10 years to become nothing more than a memeory

>You don't get rid of Social Conditioning just like *that*.

Also true. Education is ripe for a purge. The best way about it is to start promoting vocational schools and apprenticeships. Kick out the illegals and make trades great again.

I doubt more than 1/3 of the population is equipped to really benefit from Higher Education anyway. It is pretty much a scam at this point, it will all blow up when the student debt bubble pops.

> sjws backed sanders and not "muh woman president"

eat shit and die

My youngest brother is 17 and he tells me there is more of a bold outcry against SJWs than there was when I was graduating high school (2008). The youngest generation sees the writing on the wall.


Reminder that barely half the protesters actually bothered to vote for the most important election of their lifetime.

These people won't vote for boring mid-term election. They're basically nigger-tier citizens.

They're going to keep being a thing just like they've always been a thing. What really matters is who's paying attention to them. The general public consensus these days seems to be that people are getting tired of listening to them whine about everything, and the way they've reacted to this election has done a lot to turn the tide of opinion against them.

Funny thing is that this really started rolling after 2012 and so they NEVER won an election with any of it

Yeah and like half the Portland rioters weren't even from the state. They were bussed in from God knows where to destroy a peaceful, if a little "gay" west coast city. This is an embarrassing yet wonderful time to be an American. I'm torn.

They found buses in the Austin riots user, tons of them

Its not an organic riot at all

>i've never met a leftist in my life

literally every person with a tumblr favored and continues to favor sanders over clinton, retard

you are disconnected from reality

SJWs are the offshoots of the 2009 OWS and Zeitgeist movement. If you look up key their jargon in Google trends, you can see it started picking up steam around 2010-2012.

The Kony 2012 meltdown was the first milestone of proper SJWism.

I graduated in 05 and this wasn't even a thing around here.

Guess I just live in the best province

My dude, don't let nobody tell you what to get as a first gun. i made that mistake and ended up selling it for a new one.

Obama's campaign really emboldened them.

> fucking TUMBLR as an accurate transection of society

excellent shitpost, friend. you are now an honorary leaf

They startle easily, but they will be back and in greater numbers

They easily scare, but they'll soon be back, and in greater numbers


Dummy. The SJW are not the BernieBros. The SJW are attacking Bernie voters (read, actual leftists) for not voting Clinton. But yeah, their defeat was pretty damned sweet.

You realize that peace and world stability leads to sjw.

>before 9/11 world was in peace and happy
>let work on social improvements !!
>the sjw was born

Glock 21 Gen 4.