red shoes?


New Balance.


Holy fucking shit

New Balance are the official shoes of the evil fascist white male

Jesus, what are they feeding this kid? He's huge

Red pilled Zyklons, wear with pride

Liberals are boycotting them for supporting the made in america ideals of Trump.

is the new bieber?

new balance best balance

I would assume they would have access to medical methods us common plebs do not even know about
and one of them is to making a person 6'2

They feed him red pills

liberals are salty over New Balance coming out in support of Trump. They've taken to twitter to burn their shoes.

Man... I'm now considering buying those exact shoes because I saw a God damn 10-year-old wearing them, because he's the son of a politician that I borderline worship.

What has my life come to?

A healthy diet of Freedom and Opportunity.

he's a fucking giant for his age, holy shit

Looks like a young Leon Kennedy

Also did not know Melania was that short. Happy to see that Barron overcame her inferior genes in that way.

lol i like how they're just holding the flame near it to virtue signal. No fucking way these peasants will burn new shoes.

>New balance supported trump


Notice they don't actually touch their good ones with flames but the ones you see actually burning are all old and used up.

> Burn shoes
> Realize Chinese shoes are made with tons of unregulated plastics glues and rubbers
> Get cancer from the myriad mix of toxic smoke and methols
> Die

topkek, melania is the ultimate troll behid the scenes


>tfw you scuffed your nike's and now you got your eyes on a fresh pair of New balance nazi apparel

I need help deciding which ones im gunna pick

He's a big guy

>not wearing the superior model

This. 🦅🦅🦅

Same here famalam

And I couldn't even vote for the guy

Autism shoes

>not wearing the rapey tennis instructor model


>those girls in the background are also ten

Top Kek

autism confirmed

>convince lefties to buy new balance to burn them
>new balance sells a bunch of shoes
>makes enough money to move all manufacturing back to the US
>more right-wingers buy them
>more lefties buy them to burn them
>America Made Great Again


...not if you're still wearing sneakers

>be environmentally conscious liberal who wants to fight climate change
>burn stuff when things don't go my way, releasing toxic materials into the environment

New Balance is 100% made in america. Thats why they like trump and are anti tpp

Get a pair+

He has autism from vaccinations. Even his growth hormones are turbo autisming right now and going full mega tard.

he probably coordinates his new balance with his MAGA hats. Red shoes with the Icon, white shoes with the Favourite.

Might buy some red new balances tomorrow lads

Not 100% yet.
Only certain models.

Whoops my bad
>> Burn shoes
>> Realize American shoes are made with tons of unregulated plastics glues and rubbers
>> Get cancer from the thick haze of FREEDOM and NATIONAL PRIDE
>> Die

[spoiler]I have 6 pairs of NB[/Iknowspoilersdontwork]

>red white and black New Balance sneakers

He's not only an autismo that browses Sup Forums, he's a full on Sup Forumslock.

could barron be, dare i say, our guy?

Don't overthink such minutae in life. Just buy the damn shoes and enjoy.

You spelled "pizza" wrong.

Trump steaks

Oh my god. So for anons that don't know, New Balance came out in support of Trump, and Andrew Anglin, who runs dailystormer.com came out and endorsed New Balance. Now, on NB's website you can customize shoes, so you can get that fashy red/black/white esthetic. I don't know if that's what has happened in OP's picture, but it looks like it.

He's tired after a long day practicing cyber

Thinking of ordering? They are in my GD shopping cart.

Best worn with denim.



What's so great about sneakers? Only POO in loos where sneakers with denim jeans and they look ugly as fuck outside of a gym. Smh

damn, what a nice looking jacket!

They still need to buy the shoes to burn them.
Holy shit liberals are retarded.

pizza crust first


Fuckers 10 and nearly as tall as melania and looks 15 some god tier genes there

>Also did not know Melania was that short. Happy to see that Barron overcame her inferior genes in that way.

She's fucking 5'11" mate, about as tall as women get

He's a big guy like his dad

>red, white, and black shoes

Wearable Asperger's.



we have now confirmed 'boots' on the ground at the white house people

Then I shall buy a pair this weekend

Anyone know what model he's wearing?

New Balance - The White Man's shoes

Could barron be Sup Forumss pet project?

Can we groom him into our ubermensch leader over the course of 8 years?

My next pair of gym/running shoes will be new balances. Fuck Nike.

It's crazy how tall he is.

I'm trying to go for the best nazi aesthetics in the customize section. What do you goys think?

all blue,red shoes lel WTF i hate this kid now

I hate you for making this webm.
In any case, he's an Autistic 10 years old who alreardy worth X1000 of what you'll ever be worth.

Probably a custom made one. You can customize the shoes on their website

...lmao bro... you aint just dumb... u strait-up doopdumb my fren

new balance is based as fuck they make good minimalist shoes desu

don is just the start of the path of light barron for god emperor


More red, eh?

>I'm moving to canada if Trump is elected
>I'm burning these shoes

>blue jacket
>red-white shoes

its so they stand out more because he's making a statement, i wouldn't expect a nonwhite nation to understand.

>buy shoes
>burn them

Ebin logistics :DDDDD

nice one

also, checked

Nah there's something wrong with it. I can't really point what. Maybe too much grey

he might even outgrow his brother eventually

liberal tears

he's like 5'3" at 10yo?!!!


Go the fuck back to plebbit you stupid nigger Jesus fuck

Breast milk from human trafficked pregnant mothers

He's going to be a fucking giant

>Melania is 1.8m
>she's also wearing heels in that picture
>Barron is probably 1.8m at age 10

He's a big guy.

is Tiff still single?


Ivankas children look like middle easterners

Looks like the US574, which is can be customised. I could not find any shoes with a similar pattern in their range of regular shoes anyway. Right now they have a special on ugly ass metallic details, but click on "mesh" to switch over to the material on that shoe.