Say one thing positive about india

Say one thing positive about india

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The call center workers occasionally manage to form a coherent sentence.

Good food.

You guys must fuck like rabbits to get the population numbers you have.

Sikhs are cool.

They save a lot of money on not having to invest in toilets, toilet paper, etc.

Indian chick im with is great

At least it's not Mexico.

It's far away.

They've killed a lot of Pakistanis?


Their traffic system is pretty efficient, except when a cow comes along

I was doing some paint work in a normal sized three bedroom house that was occupied by a family of about 15 Indians and - no shit - the father of the family was making a massive amount of curry in the bath.

It was like a giant pot and he was stirring the mixture around in there. It smelled nice though.

Do Indians normally do this?

They have....
Indians are intell.....
Indian engineers are go....

can't think of a single thing. India fucking sucks

They gave aspirational class Australians butter chicken?

>Designated Shitting Streets
Actually a good thing compared to defecating into sweet water reservoirs

The superpooer of the future

I'm actually quite fond of curry, as far as spice mixes go.

they have the shittiest streets of all time.


Their leader is based

>superpower by 2030

Buddha was born here.

1. Indian cuisine is among the best in the world starting from Himalayan - north east regions, coming down to plains in Delhi, Rajasthan and going down to costal regions upto Konkan etc. The variety - spices and unique authentic ways the spices are made and the dishes are prepared and eaten is different in every part of India. Such will not be found in any other country in the world specially in western countries which relies on bland food like pizza and burgers.

2. Like food India has destinations for everyone, be it the snowy mountains of Himalayas, arid regions of deserted Rajastan, popular beaches at Goa or the beautiful nature to see at Kerala.

3. India is self reliant and self sufficient and does not rely on handouts such as Israel, Pakistan etc. Even when India was sanctioned for it's nuclear tests it sustained and surprised the entire world.

4. India has mix of all cultures and religions, you can find a 200 shop at the 5th most expensive market in Connaught Place in the ehart of Delhi alongside Starbucks.

5. The education system in India is pretty good although there is still scope to better it.

also, you have designated shitting streets.

Stfu and leave the west Towel head.


I thought it was Mangalyaan, Sanskrit for Mangala (Mars) and Yaana (craft)

>Man Gay Laan
>Man Gay

Holy fuck India, my sides have already achieved orbit, initiated an escape trajectory burn & will reach Mars long before your gay man rocket.

they invented toilets

True, that's an important aspect and you should have them too - lot of free land in Australia. Just imagine you sitting in a Australian jungle with spiders and kangaroos all around you and you are shitting there. The warm air breeze touching your balls and anus. You could almost write a novel about shitting in Australia.

I need to fap.

poop in toilet

They're bro-tier

I like their architecture

Indian Ruralfags cook anywhere

They are very environment-friendly

shut up you basterd idiots india is greatest

They value true friendship

More like superpooper

they are very religious

Those two are porkis.
Call as poo in the loo as Much as you want, but never equate as with a porkistani.


>$10 million to live in pooland

It's a very well-fertilized country.

sorry then

curry is fucking lovely

Im a fan of curry

>2. Like food India has destinations for everyone, be it the snowy mountains of Himalayas, arid regions of deserted Rajastan, popular beaches at Goa or the beautiful nature to see at Kerala.


I like Bollywood

They are not Pakis

Curry is fucking delicious, especially the genuine article as opposed to what you get outside of India.

Went to India on holiday a good few years back. Was quite rural and by the coast, so I wasnt in the cities all the time, which I can attest to, are actually fucking gross, although I didn't encounter the designated shitting street.

Food was amazing, the scenery and natural spaces were breathtaking, and there were a bunch of really chill cows walking about.

I rode an elephant. It was cool.


They ummm provide cheap manufacturing... I guess.

At least they are not pakis.

i got wall boner from this.

That is the reason you dont eat street food. You have places to visit which are safe and hygienic. Such as Have More's at Pandara Road - they make the worlds best butter chicken, Coast Cafe at Hauz Khas Village which serves Konkan cuisine which specialises in Masala Fish Curry and Kokum Fish Curry with Appam & Malabar Prantha, you have Kulfi from Kufiano which is also featured in Trip Advisor. You try the biggest naan in the world at Bukhara which is in ITC Maurya and have good expensive drinks at Patiala Peg which is at Imperial hotel. I can write 49 places where you can eat in Delhi and other places just on top of my mind where the safety, hygiene and standard would be best.

Usually the poor backpackers who come to India cant afford food here and they stay at shady places like Paharganj where they eat shit because they pay shit.

And yet they dont use them

India and China are in the best positions to acquire more power. They have rapidly advancing countries where people are still hungry for success. The hunger is what will make them great.



They make excellent tech support.

This man is a liar. Indian food is fucking shit compared to any western cuisine. Chinese/Japanese cuisine is also better. We Indians are unhygienic and the food we eat produces a lot of smell when excreted. Also the spicy curries is not very good for you. The worst part is we have to eat it all with hands. So yeah, the next time you meme about Indian not having toilets you should also mention us wiping our shit with our hands and eating with the same hands. We use spoons and forks or chopsticks for other cuisines ONLY.


Lad, parts of your country seem beautiful as fuck. 1% of your women, also beautiful as fuck.
But everything I hear from your lands reinforces the idea that its better to see in-person pretty much anywhere else and just VR visit or some shit India (and Pakistan.)


Tourists who come here thinking they will get spiritualised or self discovered are retards. Besides that, I don't see any reason why anybody would want to come to India. You'd be spending money and be disappointed very much. So yeah, just stay away from South Asia as a whole. Really bad tourist destinations. There's loads more places in the world to visit though.

it's far away from my country

bunch of bhenchod, curry munching, telemarket spammers

Also the only parts of our country that our beautiful are very remote areas. Like the Ladakh range or the deserts. But you can get better of these anywhere else. America actually has infinitely better destinations if you're a nature lover.
Also the 1% beautiful women are just flukes. They still have the same Indian personalities tho

poo memes aside, india is pretty decent

its one of the oldest civilisations in the world.
and unlike the nignogs in africa or the mudshits in the middle east, indians actually managed to keep their country in a functional state after the britbongs left.

sure they have a bunch of problems. but they're managing alright for now. keep in mind that this country is the world's 2nd most populous country. only china has a bigger population, and i sure as hell prefer indians over those goddamn soulless commies.

biggest downside of india is pakistan. allowing that mudslime shithole to exist and get nukes was a major blunder.

Indian men are nice. No pakis!! They don't mutilate penis of small boys. Very good. Also tasty food mmmm.

They evidently don't have democrats

>I don't see any reason why anybody would want to come to India

some people like history, and india has a ton of really ancient historic stuff
also birthplace of both hindu religion and buddhism

It never fails to entertain

You guys are missing on the most important news today !!!!

They make my apartment hallways smell of either tasty food or incredible BO, so that's pretty neat I guess

Where is Raj with the story of the Boo in the Loo? That shit had me dying yesterday.


Oh my sides. (pic related from the article)


i genuinely will enjoy being allies with them when they become a superpower and start shit with china


what's the story behind this varna class shit?

we should keep investigating what happened in Dwarka, according to hindu religion there were flying vimanas around 3000 ago, and half the city is flooded


Sure I'm a liar knowing about the details of food and cuisine of India. You sir using VPN is telling the truth.

Their toilets are always clean


Schedule cast and self hating ISIS kashimiris are not Indians, you are part of them.

Sup Forums needs more indian posters, their interregional banter is strangely entertaining

needed more >poo
added an Indian character as the waifu

Holy shit.
I have now more respect to niggers than to Hindus

It looks like Crimea.

Beware of the Daayan!!

Annex it for the motherland ruskie. Make russia stronk again.

Most Indians believe in climate change,evolution and the roundness of earth.
Is that good enough?

>Annex it for the motherland
Your flag is wrong. Where is hammer and drawing tool?


At least its not isreal

Its not muslim. They have some great symbols.

same shit people different religion

you all should be glassed

reminder that indians and pakis, even the most educated ones, are certified retards

pic very related