>Out of the 44 Presidents before Trump, 1/11 have been assassinated >Trump is by far the least liked President of all time going into office >In a world where people want to crucify you for using the wrong pronouns and a generation that haven't ever seen conservatism, Trump will be at the forefront >Implying he won't be shot in the face
rabid leftists don't have guns though, they think only the government should have guns.
Caleb Cruz
>Trump is by far the least liked President of all time going into office for you
Nathan Torres
And half the US, it seems
Parker Roberts
>half According to the exit polls (for whatever worth they have) more than half of people who voted for Trump were concerned of his presidency, they just hated Hillary more.
His inauguration day is going to be hilarious.
Blake Watson
>>Trump is by far the least liked President of all time Nice fact.
Jonathan Jones
I have a free round trip flight within north america that I have to book soon. Should I go to Washington to see Trump sworn in, or will there be a terrorist attack or a riot or something that would ruin my holiday?
Jace Lewis
> least liked > populist Hitler
Pick one.
Xavier Powell
Pretty sure Lincoln was the least liked.
Brandon Fisher
So about 1\2 of the population that can legally vote did. Out of that 1\4 voted Hillary, Tell me again how they are the majority.
Dominic Ross
this is my greatest fear, but the secret service and police love him
Logan Rodriguez
>>Trump is by far the least liked President of all time
Not even close. People hated carter for the oil embargo
Liam Cruz
>going in to office Herbert Hoover was obviously hated when he went against FDR.
I'm talking about the start of the term.
Cameron Phillips
If some liberal jew kills trump ill personally suicide myself on wherever the kikes live
Tyler Johnson
Only half the population that could voted there are plenty of people who didn't vote for trump but support him. Don't want to end up on a list. Over half of the protestors didn't even vote they have no side just taking the money.
Charles Perry
>Someone blows up inauguration ceremony >Lefties praise them for killing Trump and undermining the constitutional process.
This is going to be a roller-coaster.
Carson Thompson
>Trump is by far the least liked President of all time going into office >he picked a VP even less poplar than he is
no lefty is going to take out Trump as long as Mike "if men make you jerk it, you complete the circuit" Pence is next in line
Juan Young
Came here to say this
You know, the whole civil war thing, the whole only getting 39% of the votes. That thing
Cooper Mitchell
if it happens its civil war if they kill both trump and pence
William Anderson
>Mike Pence comes along and makes being a witch punishable by death
Anthony Ortiz
If Trump gets shot, gays get shocked. Dick eating jews know this.
This. There's a video of him in San Antonio with all of the cops wearing red MAGA hats
Gavin King
Its insane how similar he looks to William Stryker from x-men.
Most likely he'll build an army of sentinels to track down the gays
Nathaniel Allen
He pulled 20-30 thousand people at his rallies regularly. His inauguration will be sold out. And his supporters that can't get in will go to DC anyway to crack some protester skulls.
Grayson Adams
>Lefties some how think with Trump dead, Hillary will get to be President >"What do you mean the vice President is now President! This is bullshit!" >Articles start rolling out and protests about banning vice presidents because it's unfair
Owen Turner
Sup Forums is really this stupid? You honestly think SJWs will kill Trump?
You fucking blue-pilled niggers, if Trump is assassinated, it will be ONLY by the Cunts, Idiots, and Assholes.
Remember when people said Obama would be killed by some racist redneck? It never happened, but I guarantee if Obama strayed too far from his given mandate, we'd be hearing about a "right-wing gunman" taking him out.
It's the Cunts, Idiots, and Assholes you need to be worried about. Now take this red pill and swallow it.
Landon Davis
How disliked a president is in public doesn't corrolate with how likely they are to be shot.
Jackson was shot and was pretty fucking well liked. Lincoln was shot and was pretty despised in the South and not very popular in the north. Kennedy was pretty popular, and shot. McKinley was middle of the road and shot. Teddy was well liked and shot. Reagan was middle of the road and shot.
But even then, a Trump assassination would be the worst thing for the democratic SJW movement. Not only is Trump a soft conservative at best, but Pence is actually a hard liner.
Josiah Taylor
>Jackson >Liked >Undoing years of Whig policies >RIP Federal Reserve >Liked I think you missed the part where the liberal SHILL MEDIA of the 19th century had it in for Jackson.
Asher Brown
Tfw Pence is sworn in as president, Ellen is forced to have him on her show and he brings a portable ECT rig on the set.
Noah Turner
The possibility of a pence presidency is Trump's invisible armor. Everyone knows that if Trump dies, then "Gay Medicine from Thomas Edison" Pence will send all the SJW's to shock therapy in a fort night.
Christopher Jackson
>Trump is by far the least liked President of all time going into office People actually believe this?
Jaxson Howard
>Still believing Jew polls after they've been proven wrong time and time again
Fuck polls. Nobody's ever polled me. Most people don't want to be polled anyway. And not every Trump supporter is an aggressive political nerd that wants to share the fact that they support Trump with the whole world. I've seen shy Trump supporters do this. I know they're die-hard Trump, and they still deny it to people they don't feel comfortable with.
These polls are used to set narratives, not explain them.
Jayden Baker
The people loved Jackson. Likewise, the elite actually arranging assassinations is hit and miss within itself.
McKinley was assassinated by some random asshole. Reagan was almost assassinated by a lovestruck idiot.