Sup Forums, why the fuck did you support a retarded narcissist for president of the US?
It's going to be a disaster
Sup Forums, why the fuck did you support a retarded narcissist for president of the US?
It's going to be a disaster
shutup you don't even live here jew
Stop pretending kike, you know Drumpf was the best thing to happen for Israel ever since the start of the century.
>Waiting for other jews to come wreck this one a new one.
As an outsider:
Look at the two choices. Yes there was Bernie Sanders, but Hillary screwed him out of his chance and democrats closed their eyes and continued supporting Hillary. A candidate so shitty that Donald Trump won over her.
for you.
>le outsider meme
The establishment is just a tag. what you don't like is not that it has the name "establishment", but the qualities of the people who run it.
Trump has all of the qualities you hate about the establishment, but even worse
People here hate Obama because he is black and Clinton because she has a vagina.
It was the least of two evils.
Because on the other side was a witch high priestess of moloch who endorses child sacrifice and looked like she was going to get us into ww3. Just think of all the lives I have saved voting for trump. Just think of the mid eastern countries that will not now be destroyed.
>Sup Forums, why the fuck did you support a retarded narcissist for president of the US?
But we didn't, we supported Trump.
Trump wants to violate the geneva conventions, get the US put of the paris climate accord, and he is legitimately a pathological liar that pollutes the political atmosphere with disinfo.
And now his cabinet is going to be full with bush-era neocons
He was the greater evil, easily.
I wonder who is behind this post
It's funny sometimes to see how delusional trump supporters are.
You are either retarded or pretending to be retarded
Because the alternative was a sociopath plutocrat that wanted to put more military pressure on Russia because they won't fall in line with ((globalism))
Are you capable of not being a manchild and actually look at the content of my post, instead of my flag?
No it is not.
Now piss of and post a quality thread.
Go back to raping Palestinian children kike.
Seriously though your average Sup Forums user doesn't believe in global warming. This place is a joke.
1. She did not want to put military pressure on russia. she wanted a no-fly zone in syria, which would have been discussed with russia.
2. Trump literally said during his campaign that he wants to slaughter families of terrorists. you do understand this means trump wants to murder innocent women and children on purpose, right?
Targeting civilians on purpose is sociopathy. Trump is the sociopath, not Hillary, you moron
>Doesn't see the meeeem arrows.
No you for u.
The only people who do not notice how retarded trump is, are retarded by themselves.
>wants to murder innocent women and children on purpose.
Oh my fucking Trump this golden.
>Trump literally said during his campaign that he wants to slaughter families of terrorists. you do understand this means trump wants to murder innocent women and children on purpose, right?
Pretty sure he said that to appeal to knuckle-dragging, White trash Republicans. He also said that nuclear weapons are the single greatest existential threat facing humanity.
But, I didn't support Hillary.
>This are
Stop trying to defend trump. you are not his cuckold, you are not his private sex slave. trump is indefensible, stop sacrificing your dignity for him.
Trump said he wants to target civilian women and children on purpose. that is NOT defensible under any circumstances.
And btw, you quoted something trump said in regards to nukes. what if i told you it just was his damage control after the things in pic related happened?
Fuck you smolani boged. People like you are scum. Even when the arab animal comes for you and fucks you in the bullet hole it made in your head, even then your muslim cum covered leftist brain will not understand how the world works. Fuck you again you pseudo intellectual human garbage.
are you capable of honesty and respect filthy jew
Oh look, a radicalized israeli right winger who actually thinks leftists are traitors.
Never seen that before.
I'm not going to even bother reading your comments since you are clearly not serious about learning facts. if you actually cared about facts, you wouldn't call leftists "traitors"
Because Shillary Cliton is the most corrupt politician of all time. The liberal tears are a wonderful plus.
Everything i posted in this thread was honest.
Your assumption that i must be dishonest just because of my flag is ridiculous and has no connection with reality
>This are
Fuck off back to raping Palestinian children, Jew. Just because you could get your sponsored puppet into office doesn't mean you can shit on everything else. Seriously, fuck off and die.
Trump is more corrupt than Hillary.
Let me refresh your memory a bit: Trump was actually convicted for crimes. Hillary was never found to be guilty
>Sup Forums, why the fuck did you support a retarded narcissist for president of the US?
Because he was 'le first black president' or something. Anyways, Sup Forums mostly didn't support Obama.
>It's going to be a disaster
No, President Trump will fix the damage done.
I thought Isreal likes Trump. He doesn't want to start a war with Syria and Russia.
His narcissism should be the least of our worries. Democrats literally wish they nominated somebody that could go this overboard with federal expenditure.
Can you even formulate a coherent though without using buzz words you read on ynet, you suicidal peace of shit?
>Trump is more corrupt than Hillary
Even without reading your comment, i think i can safely assume you resorted to personal insults against me/personal insults against leftists, instead of having a proper argument.
Therefore i have hidden your comment without even reading it.
Trump is going to face a trial soon over the trump university fraud. when was the last time hillary has to face a trial? never.
Trump is going to face a trial soon over the trump university fraud. when was the last time hillary had to face a trial? never.
Ho boy!
>Hidden your comment without even reading it
And now we know how you manage your information intake so you can disregard reality and stay a leftist retard
>Trump wants to violate the geneva conventions, get the US put of the paris climate accord, and he is legitimately a pathological liar that pollutes the political atmosphere with disinfo.
>And now his cabinet is going to be full with bush-era neocons
>He was the greater evil, easily.
That's the point. We pissin everyone off.
I don't know what you're talking about OP, I voted for Trump, not Clinton.
I was reading your comment right now, i hoped you will maybe try to avoid personal insults, but it seems like you could not resist it. oh well.
i do not disregard reality, it's actually the very opposite - my conclusions are based on logic and evidence.
You claim you do not ignore facts. let's put it to the test:
Are you willing to acknowledge israel bombed 7 UN schools during the last operation in gaza, and there were civilians and UN staffers inside the schools in three times out of the seven bombings?
Are you willing to acknowledge that one of the UN schools bothered to send israel a warning that it's full with civilians 17 times, yet israel still bombed it? that's a war crime user
As i said, the only people who don't realize how stupid trump is, are stupid by themselves.