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what does it say in freedom language?

i can't read middle eastern

>Citizens get welfare

I don't like it either, but going on a

>ahaha so cucked lol

tangent over this is just retarded.

A woman was paid roughly $5000 welfare for one month covering five kids.

Whats astonishing is that this is the woman being paid, not the man.

This specifically.

> Germans paying for their own extinction

quite tragic really

>Abdul Rahim

Such rich, German ancestry in those names.

so wait she is married? and has a shit load of kids and only she gets welfae?


Also, I notice that man is paid too, and he's YOUNGER than she is. Dirty bastard!

Plus, I don't speak Russian but jeez use some common sense and yall can read it too

they've gone a bit too far

Either married, or brother and sister, because they share the same name

They're both greeted in the letter (her first), so I assume they're both being paid

4200€uros for 7people is not that much. Sure, it's more then Hartz IV but it's not that bad. Imply how much money those people give back the government via taxes. All calculated by jews I tell you. Those saudi typ families are the perfect workers for our car factorys and good goys.

Is that a lot? I know in America i can last for maybe 3 months with it but I also don't have 5 kids and I live in a cheap location.

Also if anyone claims those people steal their jobs while beeing literaly without qualification said people should question themself.

Quite good bait, I slightly raged before realising I'm being baited.

Too obvious, m8/8.


It is not that super much but definitely more than you deserve if your only "contribution" to society is existing.

I think stealing taxes is bigger problem than jobs.

Here comes the best thing guys: if me or my fellow Hans would post it somewhere else, there's a chance that we get up to one year in jail or a money penalty.

My father got Hartz 4, we were three people and had like 700€ in a month.

This country is such a joke.

State also pays for their appartment and stuff like that, so they effectively get a lot more than that. Rent and heating for an appartment (or probably even house) for a family of 7 can easily be 1500-3000 euros depending on where you life of course.

what in the fuck i should immigrate to Germany I guess because I'm living in a shit situation right now in which I have no experience and a chemical engineering degree but nobody will hire me because i never did an internship.

Stealing taxes? I don't know, we owe the east so much. Back then after ww2 everything was destroyed, we did not back down foreign work power. It is a good thing germany can pay back their debt in one way or another. If we overdo with refugees we can just sell greece.

You are silly uv9meVo9. There is freedom of speech in germany! You can try and post it in your favourite social media like tumblr or facebook. People would say the money is a fair to even get a real chance in a rough germany.

Only if your skin is browner than shit.
Bad bait mate.

My father works roughly 100h a week and does not even come close to that.

Hahaha kein Wunder wollen die alle nach Deutschland.

>People would say the money is a fair to even get a real chance in a rough germany.

It's only rough because of those "refugees" though...

I don't get it.

It's literally just a self-fulfilling prophecy of failure, why do the people not see it?

so sad


>tfw don't get 5,000 in welfare
at least I have privilege tho.

>just handing 4000 euros to mudshits
>two full-time incomes for nothing

germany yes


The only concerning part is how many fucking children this people have, and all of them going to grow in poverty. Yay,

Growing into poverty and voting rights for future sharia law and child marriages.

in canada thats the law...
you have to have the mother send a written letter in the change it over to the man

Das Problem ist, das Hartz 4 Empfänger die fruchtbarste Gruppe der Bevölkerung sind (neben Beamten). Du kannst als normaler Arbeitnehmer einfach keine Großfamilie finanzieren in Deutschland. Und ja es gibt übrigens eine Menge leute, die keine Berufsausbildung und trotzdem das recht auf bezahlbaren Wohnraum, vernünftige Rente und respektvolle Behandlung haben. Aber Arschlöcher wie du werden das niemals verstehen, weil sie glauben die Flüchtlinge seien das Beste was der Welt überhaupt passieren konnte. Als jemand der mit zwei Geschwistern aufgewachsen ist und von einer alleinerziehender Mutter die nicht aufs Amt angewiesen sein wolte, tut mir das in Seele weh. Wir haben zu dritt in einem Zimmer geschlafen und in bittere Armut gelebt, damit Wichser wie du Ungerechtigkeit zementieren.


Op's post reminded me of this song.

heres a screenshot of the law so you can laugh at us

arabic names are seriously the worst in the world

This is not including any rent, insurance, medical expenses and other things regular, white Germans have to pay, by the way.

>4280 Euros for 7 people

Fuck, I lived with 1700EUR/month in Berling and I was poor as fuck.
It's not that much honestly.