Unpopular opinion thread?
>Unpopular opinion thread
I'll start
>Hitler was a good commander and he was outnumbered 10-1 by the Russians
Unpopular opinion thread?
>Unpopular opinion thread
I'll start
>Hitler was a good commander and he was outnumbered 10-1 by the Russians
Other urls found in this thread:
>american education
OP is a faggot
Twinks are hot. Every man should have a twink slave.
Islam is the true Red pill
No he wasn't or he woukd have won. Faggot could not even handle his private life. He was snake charmer that is the only reason you got into power also he just killed everyone that opposed him.
Hitler was a good politician, not a very good military leader. Should have just left it to his generals.
Israel is possibly the best country in the world and Zionism has allowed those jews to have small haven in a sea of hate.
>polish education
>Unpopular opinion thread
I disagree with things John Oliver says.
Is this body referred to as a 11/10?
the jews are just trying to make the world a better place.
you're gonna get Sikh'd
i always feel like masturbating when i see this picture
>good commander
>breaks agreements with other countries and shows unnecessary aggression and invades countries for no reason other than imperialization
>gets way too cocky and sends his army into one of the most remote, dangerous areas of the world in the vain expectation the fighting will be over before winter kicks in
he was fucking retarded
Ireland is good country with high GDP and HDI.
who is it?
generals BTFO
you can't explain this hitler was an idiot for listening to generals. if hitler was so red pilled why were there so many mudslimes in his army?
Real life jolyene kujo
Skin moles are disgusting, especially raised ones, and anyone without pure smooth skin shouldn't breed. Different colors of skin are okay, but moles are not okay. Freckles get a pass provided they are freckles and not actually moles.
>send army into Russia without winter gear
>good commander
His generals knew what was up. He shouldn't have been a doped up dickhead
Lol he really was and storm faggots idolize him. Fucking idiots no wonder America is in the mess it is right now.
olga katysheva
Some tatoos look good on women.
I dont have in mind fuckin stars or other shit.
That's actually a quite popular opinion, nice reading comprehension you absolute faglord
There is nothing wrong with globalisation and every educated, rational individual should strive for an one world nation, as long as it is free market orientated (aka respects self-ownership) and secular. (respects reason)
I think all non-functioning members of society (aka welfare leeches, retarded, and vegetables) should be put down so we dont waste our tax money on them any longer.
Skin moles are from to much acid in the body and backed up lymthic system. Humans are only supposed to eat fruit.
which tattoos?
They hated Jews too.
>Trump knows absolutely NOTHING about basic economics
Most of the people on this board are too stupid to appreciate the subtle irony that is leafposting.
There should be a campaign to actually inform women on what their lack of clothing actually do to the human male brain.
We literally have countless studies proving that seeing an exposed cleevage will actually mildly sedate you, making you dumber and more impulsive.
Why can't I manspread but they can just make the whole male population dumber by wearing a ridicolously tight miniskirt?
We should force sterilization in Africa. Make the CIA or some guys do it.
Anyone who supports Trump no matter race, religion or sexual orientation is a brother to me.
He ''gets it''.
Reminder that libruls are the racists.
I will never understand how people equate a spike in google searches to "This is something people are saying". It's probably people searching for the Current Year Man's video.
India can solve all of it's problems, most of the problems our country is facing right now are temporary. It makes it worse that the we were better in ancient times and have talented people yet we haven't reached our peak.
Also i believe Russia can be superpower in the near future.
Bullshit. I eat meat near exclusively and have no moles.
Neither does Obama Commie, that's why the US is in 19.5 trillion in debt and 104% debt to gdp fighting Israel's wars.
Ya Dunkirk halt was great decision
Porn is not degenerate as long as you aren't wanking to it 24/7 and it isn't affecting your ability to find a mate.
poo in loos are the master race
I supported him because it will make it easier to install fascism in Sweden which is really the only reason I'm alive.
>>Hitler was a good commander and he was outnumbered 10-1 by the Russians
literally wrong
He invaded the soviet union with Romania, Finland, Italy, Hungary, Croatia, and volunteers from Spain and had a combined force of around 3 million troops vs the USSRs 2 million
At the battle of Moscow as well, both sides were pretty much evenly matched with 1 million troops each. Hitler was an idiot who insisted on having more and more control as things got worse, while Stalin was able to step aside and actually let his generals do what they spent years studying and Zhukov was able to beat the Germans back.
Stupid fucking stormfags
Hitler only had one ball
Sup Forums is a hugbox (that’s not really an opinion but a fact)
kek is unfunny
alt-right is autism
>knowing economics
Saturn didn't have rings before 4,000 bc.
Hitler was a LARPER whose sole lasting accomplishent was getting German women SLAV'D by the Red Army.
He wanted a eugenics program. He got it.
How you can compare that story? Hitler broke a peace treaty to attack Sovjet Union, it would surpise me if the defense could outnumber the offense but today it might be different.
Jews did WTC.
Oh wait, it's about unpopular opinions, not unpopular facts.
The generals actually called for the halt at Dunkirk.
also Sup Forumsacks are usually more cringe worthy than liberals
>Unpopular opinion thread?
There's nothing wrong with racemixing as long as you're male.
>Hitler was a good commander
he had talentuous generals and tacticians*
he was a politician
Hitler was a terrible military leader , but more importantly he was completely terrible at foreign policy. He utterly failed to form alliances and rushed into the war with the odds completely against him.
He came close to getting the UK and USA on board, and a better statesman would have succeeded (especially since neither country wanted to go to war again). He knew that the USSR would attack him eventually (and that he had to take Moscow ASAP), he knew that Japan would attack the USA and make the war impossible to win, he knew that the Western colonies outside of Europe were an expensive battle that he shouldn't really be fighting, but he went ahead anyway.
Had he simply convinced Japan to calm the fuck down for a couple of years, and simply convince the UK to stay out of it, then he would avoided the unwinnable World War while also taking all those territories (including possibly Russia). Hitler was a complete hack who couldn't into grand strategy.
Americans are stupid as fuck bro
Autism is a good thing.
Yeah, right.
Trump lied to you.
>Stalin was a good commander and he was outnumbered 10-1 rifles and tanks by Germans
Yes because our governments can barely handle their current nations, we should definitely have them lead a worldwide government.
At least he's not obese and could eventually learn to dance.
>says increasingly nervous man for the 473rd time this year
Women are property.
Olga Katysheva
The groups may not overlap 100% but there is objectively little to no difference between these groups.
my unpopular opinion is I wish more women could pull that hair off and look as good as she does
but for reals, mine is agnostic and irreligious women from the middle east are objectively better in all ways than white women.
he hasn't lied about winning the election, the media being corrupt or china fucking us over on trade I have no reason to believe he is being dishonest now.
Trump will win. Oh wait....
She looks like "Babs" from the youtube channel 'Sailing SV Delios'.
The channel is dedicated to a bunch of hippies (3 males, 4 females) sailing around the world in a sail boat called "Delios". They solicit donations to stock their boat full of beer and probably smoke weed and have orgies off camera. Anyways, Babs is one of the hippies and the OPs pictures always reminds me of her.
- America is too big. Democracy works, but not in a country of 300 million people. It needs to break apart along regional lines, and eventually, it will. The sooner the better.
- Anthropogenic climate change is real. It's also not the only big environmental concern. The environment, in general, is the most important issue facing us today, and it shouldn't be a liberal vs. conservative issue.
- Canadian posters are all gems and we should love and cherish them.
Some Jews are alright. Like Bernie Sanders and Eliezer Yudkowsky.
The Jews aren't out to get you.
Democracy is one of the worst ideas in history
Democracy is a dictatorship of the majority.
>- Canadian posters are all gems and we should love and cherish them.
this has to be b8
>America is too big. Democracy works, but not in a country of 300 million people. It needs to break apart along regional lines, and eventually, it will. The sooner the better.
that exactly how america works and is the reason the electoral college exist (if it didnt, American elections would be decided completely by 5 cities)
you got cucked bigtime if you think 18th century style tariffs are going to force China to completely reform their currency policy
If you are some fucking edgelord maybe.
Ya and I'm sure your shit smells like rotten flesh and you have horrible body odor. Give it a few years they will start to pop up and so inflammation and then cancer.
> Fighting a war on two fronts
>because an Idea is old is is going to fail
idk like trees, plants, some animal...nature stuff, or something liitle and/or subtle.
>Should have just left it to his generals.
His generals were fucking miracle workers to begin with. Defeating France in less than a year, catching the Soviets completely by surprise and pushing all the way to Moscow....they did everything they possibly could have. Anything more would have required them to have some kind of magic on their side.
watch this if you haven't already
the general argument on Sup Forums is not that they look bad, it is that they show a general lack of forethought and are likely a sign of hedonistic tendencies and being easily manipulated by social fads
it's mostly thought that tattooed women are more likely to be promiscuous and more likely to be unhappy in your relationship and possibly seek other partners.
>Outnumbered 10-1
its not a new idea and you can read all about how it became obsolete in your local library. Spoiler alert: foreign competition broke oppressive monopolies
There is nothing wrong with crossdressing and sucking dicks; just do whatever you enjoy.
Sikh em!
>leaf education
Even I know it's bait.
and created new monopolies in foreign countries because we have different and more restrictive labor laws than them
Worldwide burqas when?
Kek is real tho....