What stage are you at now, Sup Forums?

What stage are you at now, Sup Forums?

Everyone relates to the Nazis at least a little bit.

Other urls found in this thread:


Still at the third stage. Consuming as much information as possible to prepare for my politicial career.

I'm between the last two evolutionary slopes, except I've absorbed knowledge before exercising. Now I'm making my body as strong as my mind.

At the lifting stage and already seeing results, don't know where to go from here though

Between fourth and lifting stage.

Most will say second to bottom, but let's be honest.

Most of us are not very well developed, and we are stagnating on the first column.

Stage 4. I know I'll never be charismatic enough to create a new reich.

I have realized that modern world leaders are pure psychopaths, and in order to solve the jewish question one has to solve the question of psychopathy.

start a family. home school your kids.


World is too unstable right now, I think It's best to wait 5 years at this point.

holy shit same as me,just reading myself to for gym

where is the meme wizard stage
>inb4: 3

i lifted for 5 years now, can I have my wife please?



I've been a self-identified National Socialist for the last 5-6 years. When I was a teenager, probably from 14-17 I read Marx's Communist manifesto and subscribed to communism because of innocent idealism.
When I matured and became educated I realized everything wrong with communism.

I'd say that I'm an ounce of power away from trying to enact a 4th Reich.

I am not a neo-nazi, they are more anti-non-white instead of pro-white.

I just got into the 'get fit' stage after being stuck on the first for a while.


I'm a nationalist, but not a socialist myself. Though my ideals align with Nazism quite significantly.


What is the roman architecture?

Row 4 panel 5/6

To be honest, I've never seen the Albanian flag but once in my five years on Sup Forums, so maybe I just haven't been lucky enough, idk.

4th. I just want to lift and gain knowledge and become a hermit or some shit.

National Socialism =/= Socialism.

Socialism in Europe and the West today amounts to Marxism or softcore communism at the least.
Nazism is National Socialism. Nazi is the propaganda name the Allied powers gave the NSDAP

Mix of the first and second line

Was at stage 3 (minus Hitler) at the start, then went to stage 2 (minus Hitler) for a few years, then went to stage 4 thanks to Sup Forums and currently 25-30k pages into the "reading phase". While I won't go political, I help with stage 5 when I "release" my book, spreading necessary information summarized from all the "pol essential reading" list.

It's a hard and long road, but worth it.

4, but from time to time wanna switch to 1

this is really good, one of my favorites. they should add more of the stuff they were right about though, more of the soros Konspiration nsa surveillance, etc. to the video i mean

lifting stage

>how radicalized are you?

Ok guys this is not fucking funny.

Literally been on pol/new/n/transportation for like 9 years and only in the last couple of years have I developed natsoc tendencies.

Only in the last 3 days did I start to watch WW2 documentaries and started to sympathize for national socialism

Over the past 3 days I've seen nothing but threads about WW2, hitler, natsoc and pol converting people to nazism.


I'm either 1,4, or 5.

I do understand that that the word Nazi comes from National Socialist Party. But as far as I'm aware, a socialist is one who practices or supports socialism, which always crumbles with mass starvation.

I'll steal your waifu while you wait for that autistically perfect time.

Started lifting. Have a qt3.14 white, Christian girl coming back and probably going to end up dating her.

Hopefully marriage stage soon afterwards for ultimate redpill.

To the point where if Hillary won I would have already created a network of two man cells.

Beyond stage 4. I now understand that Hitler did the right thing and that we are all victims of history revisionism.

I have always suspected this because of the fact that it is almost illegal to question this part of history. It's been a chip on my shoulder.

I guess you could steal my post from an earlier thread "Everyone relates to the Nazis at least a little bit."

fucking kill yourself faggot.


go through some of your "nostalgic" videos/shows/songs, and be ready to collapse in awe as you realize how fucked you were.

you're stage 3 faggot.

Wew, user, I guess similar minds think alike. I found the pic on some thread talking about how it wasn't true, and I've heard the sentence used quite a few times over the years.

Sorry if I inadvertently stole your OC, I apologize.

Was previously at 3, regressed due to alcoholism (unironically accepted nihilism which destroyed my life), now back at 3 but with a purpose.

go to reddit if you want something in return for your ideas.

drink bleach nigger, theft is kikery.

Stay salty, my guy.

how about you come to america so you can suck my dick Mohammad.

>stage 5+6

Imho, anything lower than this is degenerate.
Been a skinnyfag all my life, tho hairy as fuck and generally high test. Then I started reading up on anything to do with the human body and soon after found a diet that results in tireless training and small amounts of aches after the fact, allowing for more productivity and training for the smaller and more specialized muscle groups.
I've been gaining pounds like crazy lately too, all the while keeping the body fat low. Have a friend who has pro levels of experience in kickboxing, who's willing to train me from scratch for fun.

In a years time, I'll be a weapon and I hope it makes my ancestors proud to keep up the tradition of becoming a viking demigod

its not his OC, trust me.

>Autistic screeching
Made me kek m8

My great grandfather was an escaping nazi general (escaped to Argentina) my grand father adored hitler n now here i am im the 5 pic down on ur post

I didn't get much sleep last night, it turns me into a emotionalbabyfaggot. you're probably a cool goy

I am at the pumping iron phase. Hopefully I will meet a qt Sup Forums waifu and have guns and sons.

I'm Nordic/Scandinavian genetically, I was just raised by burgers in the south.

I will soon rise to my full potential as an Aryan Viking super soldier.

i gotta say Sup Forums gave me some motivation over the past few months and i became /fit/

Nope, I'm row 4 and I've started reading literature. I'm also a writer (science fiction) and plan to write a political book under a psuedonym if I am determined enough.

Right back at you, stay Aryan.

This is what autoamtically happens as psychological protection. You the all the SJW's and cultural marxists on Jewtube, which are basically new age religious fanatics where they are the inquisition looking for witches (racists and bigots)... And now you start to align with a counter fanatism to fight their fanatism and the important part will be to stop the fanatism at the right moment to not fuck it all up...

Joking, we will exterminate these fuckers and cleanse the planet of degeneracy once and for all.

Anyone not staying in the 4'th stage is an idiot or not rich enough to start a reich.
Iron pill yourself and red pill your head with books, and wrestle some kind of lizard - I don't know what that is.

Somewhere between weights and books

>autistic screeching

admit a hearty chuckle

I've been through this, doesn't work, you will realise it's constant, you can't wait or you'd do just that and nothing else.

2 years ago I was complete SJW. Talking Libertarian Socialist, drugs, muslims are good, 45 genders, vegan, gay everything, no monogamy, military is evi,l incest should be legal, America is evil, etc.

Sup Forums changed me.

Untermensch reporting in

Currently on timeline 1
Have attempted to get to timeline 2 before but never managed to do it

How do I get there, Sup Forums?

realize that suicide solves nothing and you could be trying to help your society.

stop masturbating to kike porn and go work out.

Whitness degeneracy in it's purest form, then develop a strong hatred for it.

> :3

neck yourself

In order to beat the psychotic jew one must become the psychotic jew.

Already been through college, but too poor for a gym right now

>Everyone relates to the Nazis at least a little bit.

Only in that they killed communists.

Beyond that they ruined Europe.

they tend to show up and sperg out whenever a balkans discussion starts. They even make the bosnians looks reasonable

I was going to go to Uni to become an attorney, but when I went touring I realized how fucking corrupt it all is, they're all owned by the Jews, bought out and slaves. I'm never going back.

oh sorry i meant
>inb4: the third column
learn to read newfag

Germany was pretty great for a while before the kikes screamed shoah

First lesson: Vikings ain't Aryan, son, that's a joo meme. Hitler and all his crazy occult conspirators saw Nords as something entirely different and better than Aryans.

And when you take into account the tales of so called ''Star/Indigo Children'', said to be alien/human hybrids who weirdly enough seem to gather in Scandinavia specifically, the picture just becomes clearer.

We are the true master race. If you ever visit DK specifically, come to Aalborg. Filled with hot rich kids, cheap drugs of all kinds and liberal cunts to beat up. It's going to be a grand ol' time, especially with the Southern Charm you must posses.

STFU, Potato, you're an island that starved because you couldn't catch fish.

How accurate?


that's pretty nigger tier.

Between fourth and fifth

Man, that's like the oldest meme

Not very accurate but also right on in a weird way. They are just speaking gibberish, no legible words. But the way they sorta mumble through their conversation is definitely a Dane thing, which is where the Potato In Mouth While Drunk meme comes from.

Though it is a farmer thing, so mostly people from Jutland will have this problem. I cant imagine it being a problem since they speak in such an annoyingly clear and attacking way on Zealand and Fyn.

But it isn't a problem when it comes to english. Most people over here are fluent enough to hold a conversation, and clear pronunciations is number one in english classes, ironically.

you could join the liberal shithole planet fitness as a last resort. Only 10 bucks a month. Also I wish I could donate a kettlebell to every pol user, they're great for a good home workout.

neat flag

Yeah, I'm not proud of it.

I'm going to get the Aussie cunts to mentor me in the art of bants.


But you're Muslim. How does that work?

>you're an island that starved because you couldn't catch fish.
I meant this, it was a good bant, but it means the irish are barely white.

No point in going to a gym without free weights

I could run outside for free


der untermench

We hated (((them))) since the start
Also, I'm muslim, but an arab

treadmills can increase the incline and you can pretend theyre stairs.

Looks like you fuckers need another world war to put you in your place. I figured you'd learn by now that acting up creates an even stronger counter push against your beliefs. Think about it: racial policies might have been more convincing to people if Hitler didn't decide to go apeshit. You are your own worst enemy.

Polka dot is not white, good sir.

Stage 4, discovered Sup Forums a year and a half ago, I'm practically drowning in the depression. I want to go down route #2, maybe even 5 if I could, but I often just consider suicide.

Nah, you were an idiot before and you still are one.

that's a good one

Don't do it, user, we need you just as much as you need us.

We will make America great again, and we will make Europe Mighty again.


I'm at that stage where I actually educated myself so my worldview is not shaped by retards from Sup Forums.