This thread is for all of us leaving in cucked countries. How do you deal with your ideas in real life ? How do you act around black people ? How do you act around muslims, roaches, rapefugees, whatever ?

>I talk to them, some of them think we are friends but i despise all of them
>I am not being a racist in front of them, but if i can do something against them, i automatically do it
>If i have a problem with some of them or if i see them behaving like animals in public, i tell them that we are in a civilized country, and their monkey behavior doesn't have its place here, and they should get the fuck out

>One year ago i was in Greece and two gypsies verbally harassed a greek girl in Thessaloniki, i was with a friend of mine that is as racist as me and we confronted them, these fuckers ran away like the dogs they were. I think they were like 16-17 years old, we are 20. Fucking gypsies are doing what they want in Greece, and greek men are beta as fuck.

What about YOU ?

Other urls found in this thread:

>greek men are beta as fuck.


I just treat them the way they treat me, so I guess that makes me a racist because shitskins are racist as fuck.

I don't believe I have a conscious bias. My attitude is if you are in the country legally, respect the law and generally don't blow yourself up in Public, I have no problem with you.

shut the fuck up, cuck, women act like princesses and are pretentious as fuck even though 95% of them are repulsive
greek males let women take their seats in bus and they dont even thank then, they act like its an obligation

stupid greeks, wake up

You got issues, stop taking it out on Greeks, we did nothing wrong.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you faggots completely fuck yurop's economy with your laziness and stupidity. Seem to remember something about that. Greece is the basement dweller of yurop.

No, I'm not a racist. You can show me all the IQ charts and studies you want but that doesn't justify treating a person differently.
>One year ago i was in Greece and two gypsies verbally harassed a greek girl in Thessaloniki, i was with a friend of mine that is as racist as me and we confronted them, these fuckers ran away like the dogs they were. I think they were like 16-17 years old, we are 20. Fucking gypsies are doing what they want in Greece, and greek men are beta as fuck.
Being a pussychaser is the worst kind of cuck you can be.

My best friend is a half-breed, and I'm kind to all races. At the same time, I'm openly a racial realist who strongly prefers the sexual company of white women.

>didn't you faggots completely fuck yurop's economy with your laziness and stupidity
greece is a small country with a small economy
the ecoomic crisis in europe started with the global crisis that originated in your country (housing bubble bursting) and is perpetuated because of useless politicians in europe

But user, I'm not a racist. I'm a race realist. I treat them like I do everybody else by judging them on their looks and behavior.

If there are many nogs dressing like street thugs, talking and behaving like monkeys, I will view and treat them accordingly.

However there are plenty of black people that I befriend and consider my equals on account of them being intelligent, kind, accepting and all-round well developed human beings.

Before you say anything stupid: black people will be first in line to join you in trashing niggers for being human filth. If you can't tell the difference between black people and niggers you still have a lot of growing to do.

Yes. I wouldn't rent my property to niggers or gypsies.


>racial realist
>thinking races are equal in any context
kys faggot

Well I come from an asian background and I get along with white people. I stay away from white women as the majority are weak-minded sluts. I also stay away from Muslims, as I believe they are the greatest threat to our society.

>greece steals all the money from eurojews
>greece becomes shining example of how shit globalism is
>Sup Forums hates greece

you seem to lack comprehension skills

he said he judges people on an individual basis

"consider my equals"
No, I don't.

he judged them to be his equals.. you clearly dont know how bell curves work.. there are plenty of great black people, but the median is probably worse than the median white dude, or the standard deviation is different.

i think you're probably a couple standard deviations below the median based on your posts

>two (TWO) variables
>the entirety of human capacity
You're retarded. I bet you thought Hillary was a shoe-in to win and went around telling people why statistics are infallible in a situation where there are clearly far too many variables to consider.

As my Uncle says "At work I love everybody!" then when you get off play johnny rebel in your truck

>tfw gf is brown
I'll hide my power level forever

logical fallacies, the post

I roll them over and tear off their pockets every chance I get.
If they are contributing members to society I leave them be.

I live in the Scottish highlands and have literally only met non-white people when on holiday in other countries

>cherry-picks one instance where black people have the capacity to be equal to white people
>doesn't even name what's being compared
>call me out on a "logical fallacy" in spite of this, instead of denying the possibility you're a shill whose motives are at odds with the vast majority of Sup Forums
kys, and I'm out because I don't get paid to post here.

I just act on guard when around blacks or Filipinos because of how niggery they tend to act in general. If I see a group of them coming my way, I'll usually put my hand on my knife in my pocket or my mace. Relaxing around unfamiliar blacks or pinoys is a good way to get hurt. However, once I get to know someone, I let my guard down.

i have prejudice against the human race.

I just leave people alone, they leave me alone. If someone steps on my toes, I do get up in their face about it.

I simply call someone for what it is, why give them the pleasure of them having a label that can denote some value to them. I call everyone who doesn't contribute, regardless of background: Trash.

Trash is only befitting of being put into the incinerator. Which is where those pieces of literal offal deserve to be.

Work in a deli.
I always ask foreigners to repeat themselves when they talk. Like i cant understand them (even when i can)
I always reply "no, Sorry it isnt" if muzzies ask if its halal and ask if their kids want to try some ham.

Always give whites the best meat.

Are you a shitty human being in real Life?
Yes, yes you are Sup Forums


It's easy. I'm not a racist.

Whilst I'm a nationalist and believe people are best served by investing in their own cultures I don't believe that one race is intrinsically superior.

sometimes I give them bad looks, but thats about it. can't really show anything cause (((society)))

misanthrope don't matter treat everyone equally bad.

I'll post in this thread because I'm a dickhead.

>How do you act around black people.
In the rare occasion that I see an exchange student or tourist black guy I don't have to act in any particular way because they're just strangers sitting in a bus.

>How do you act around muslims
I never see muslims. If I had to talk to one, I'd be openly hostile about their religion.

Nothing like that.

I've seen a few passing through to fuck your countries. I just ignore them and they ignore me. If they looked at me twice, I'd be openly hostile. They're not my problem you see, because they don't stay here and none of them have ever started any shit.

>How do you act around black people ? How do you act around muslims, roaches, rapefugees, whatever ?


Smug Pole is smug.

I have nothing personal against any of them, i just don't like our immigration policy and i have no problem telling any one that. I treat them with the same respect as any other person but i am confrontational if they do shit like cut in line or chimp out on the bus.

That is all

I talk to black people but we can both tell I look down on them and I look at Muslims with hate and vice versa

I don't go out of my way to insult niggers/muslims, but I'm more than happy to put them in their place when they act up.

>being this new & retarded
kys my man

I make judgment after I get to know them but I do not interact with them outside of work. the ones without jobs or aren't in college are 80% more likely to be niggers.

rip me, im greek. ancestors were in greece before it got raped by turks though.

i'm not even a racist here i just hate stereotypes and they exist for a reason.

> black people, muslims, roaches, rapefugees
No such things here
Except few nigger students, but they're being stared at by everyone

I'm racist to all the black people that I know (because all of them are shits), but I'm not racist to black people by defualt.

I feel more racist than I really am because I hate every one of them that I have to deal with reguarly.

Asians (not arabs) get a free pass from me and I'm not racist to them at all.

I hate some muslims I've known, and I'm quicker to hate them than other groups, but I'm also friends with some.