It's Over

The White Wolf is Dead

Other urls found in this thread:

How autistic do you have to be to see what's even wrong with that clip?

i think you mean White Kangaroo

this really stimulates my neurons.

Oh my god.

nothing wrong in the clip, just some video ripping but the assangefags will never accept a narrative that does not include HE DED

sage assangefags threads


Not that autistic. Just focus on the circled areas, not the stupid oversized boxes.
The tie can be explained with a shadow creating an optical illusion, everything else is some sort of weird distortion.

this really cogitates the slush in my brain pan


Watch the bottom corner of Julian's left collar shear off. See his left eyelid fucking morph, eyebrow also. Some odd pixelation on his left cheek near the beard line to boot.

That nigga dead.


Dumping timeline from older threads
- Apr 16th: John Jones QC, Assange's U.N. Lawyer dies jumping in front of a train.
- May 11th: Michael Ratner, WikiLeaks' chief counsel, dies of cancer.
- Jul 10th: Seth Rich, DNC staffer who supposedly leaked DNC documents to Wikileaks, is shot in the back and

dies. Nothing is stolen from his body.
- Aug 5th: Edward Snowden (source of leaks on surveillance by the NSA) tweets 64 bit code (potential dead

man's switch),
- Aug 10th: Wikileaks offers $20k reward for information on murder of Seth Rich.
- Oct 7th: Podestamails leaks first batch.
- Oct 14th: John Podesta tweets "I bet the lobster risotto is better than the food at the Ecuadorian Embassyā€¯.
- Oct 16th/17th: John Kerry visits the UK, personally pressures Equador to stop Assange from publishing

documents about Clinton.
- Oct 16th: Wikileaks tweets SHA-256 prerelease keys.
- Oct 18th: Equadorian Embassy cuts off Assange's internet access.
- Oct 18th: Pamela Anderson visits Assange and feeds him a vegan sandwich.
- Oct 18th: Witnesses photograph and report heavily armed police and vans outside Equadorian Embassy, are

barred from approaching and have cellphones confiscated. Live feeds are cut off.

Oct 18th: Fox News reports Assange will be arrested in a matter of hours.
- Oct 18th: made publicly visible, file dates/timestamps changed to 1984

(Orwell reference).
- Oct 18th: London Airport evacuated due to "chemical attack", potentially used as cover to fly Assange out of country.

Oct 20th: /r/wikileaks, /r/dncleaks, /r/wikileakstaskforce and /r/nsaleaks add 21 new moderators and remove

previous mods, all threads about Assange going missing deleted since.
- Oct 20th/21st: Wikileaks tweets 5 tweets with misspelled words. The incorrect letters spell "HELP HIM". The

Wikileaks twitter has never made a spelling error, let alone 5 in two days.
- Oct 21st: Massive DDoS attack on US internet. Wikileaks tweets to imply the attack originates from its

supporters, asking them to stop, no evidence supports claim.
- Oct 22nd: Gavin MacFadyen (mentor to Assange and key player in Wikileaks) dies of lung cancer.
- Oct 23rd: Wikileaks Tweets poll asking how best to prove Assange is alive (he still hasn't appeared on video

or at the window since).
- Oct 24th: Wikileaks Tweets video of Assange and Michael Moore recorded in June.
- Oct 26th: Sup Forums users successfully successfully decode their first message in Wikileak's blockchain. Threads

are instantly flooded by shills saying that it's not worth looking into. The blockchain is blocked with fees

and 43000 unconfirmed transactions appear in the mempool.
- Nov 6th: Huge DDoS takes down Wikileaks for first time in years.
- Nov 7th: Various entities notice hundreds of Podesta and DNC emails are missing from recent leaks, accessed

with direct entry.
- Nov 8th: Trump wins.
- Nov 12th: Assange meets with Swedish prosecutor regarding rape allegations, lawyers barred from attending,

meeting meeting conducted via an Equadorian ambassador (not face to face)
- Nov 14th: Wikileaks releases insurance files, SHA-256 hashes do not match those tweeted in October.



>Its over
>makes a million shit threads on it

zero proof

kys faggot OP



Feels bad man.

Assange is fucking dead.

When are people going to realize it? When will he be officially declared "missing"?


D.A.K. proved to be true

Fuck off shill. There's zero proof that he's still in the embassy. Swedish prosecutor or even his own lawyer wasn't allowed to see him, they communicated trough ambassador.


So what

You claim he ded, you prove it

No proof

The altered video still requires existing file footage to be overwritten. If he was to ever do another interview we'd spot the similarities if that was the case.

This shit seems real

Prove that he's still in the embassy. Oh wait, you can't.

2nd most important wikileaks person dies just few days after:

Who controls wikileaks now?

was he austrian or australian? he didnt have no down unda accent m8

That's a fascinating piece of fiction. Few details ruined the immersion though
>gag orders aren't a thing in Europe
>the guy posts on Sup Forums to reach whistleblowers

awww fuck by please kill me right now

So here's my question. What do we do? What can we do to help?

>gag orders aren't a thing in Europe

At least in this point you are a bit naive don't you think?

Lol you saying that gag orders don't exist in Europe? I know people personally who had gotten gag orders here in Finland while they were under investigation.

Sup Forums is really the best place to reach to whistleblowers or do you know any better place?


>schoringers Asange

I know that I am a nut job ,but when I pray for him I can't feel him in the other side ,
He may not be dead, but definitely he was neutered.


B-b-b-but he's Australian. They're impossible to kill.

At least UK has gag orders. Even wikileaks has leaked that the Guardian has gotten gag orders.

this fucking wop everytime

Shill much?

pay attention

You guys are absolute tinfoil hat monkeys.
Assange is fine lads, tons of daily proof of life delivered, get over it.


Have your eyelids never rolled into themselves before?

>tons of daily proof of life delivered, get over it.

If you think it's nothing, why post? THE ONLY REASON you would care about 'tin-foil' hats on Sup Forums is if you were a shill.

What if this isn't some video editing trickery? What if that's the real assange but he was always a reptilian?

>You guys are absolute tinfoil hat monkeys

based frenchbro dont forget to sage these useless threads

get ready to be called a shill by tards

remind them they have


they get triggered very hard

sorry, Im an idiot. didn't see op posted that already.

shit guys. You do understand that millions of normies, our mothers, fathers, Sisters still call us insane conspiracy theorists, right?

If my sister was 5000 miles away right now, shed probably be trying to spike my drink with an SSRI.. AGAIN!

>Hillary Clinton was the real deal after all
>trump really was a fake
>assange was all in on it

I have literally never seen that happen before

This isn't America, you can't be thrown in jail indefinitely for the little stuff.

Yeah, obviously there are like pussy-whipped gag orders in European nations, but in comparison to the American counterpart, they're basically a slap on the wrist.

Thanks for correcting the record

Still waiting for you to translate this:
>mi piacce tanto ma tanto tanto sukkiare piserroni skuri e larghi come tronki di quercia e saltellare su li paletti nei parkeggi pubblici e ai jardinetti davanti ai regazzini sulle altelene ke mi fanno li ditalini al kuletto stretto

How is the wage at CTR? is the VPN cost included or do you have to pay with your own cash, like the good cuck you are?

at least change the content


how mentally incapacitated do you have to be not to see it

Huge alarm sounds in my head every time some shills says "it's nothing" or "get over it".

There's no proof of life, nobody has seen Assange at embassy. Wikileaks twitter doesn't reply to proof of life posts. They could easily disprove it if Assange is still there.

Most likely he's being tortured at some CIA black site so he would tell about dead man switches and who has the keys. He's much more useful alive than dead.

He's gone. Wikileaks is compromised and it could be used for false flag.

why make an effort

its just to sage

Really made me think.

well great. make me even more paranoid and skeptical.

how does the fact that Trump won the election factor in to this? They lost despite running/faking Assange?

We would have already seen some hashes or some death message on his twitter it that was the case though. I don't think he's dead.


I am a CG artist, these sort of artifacts are not caused by computer generating him. Are they splicing old videos or what is going on?

very true user, idk why i made an effort to try and make an effort for someone else

If Assange is dead who is going to take in contracts and deal with monsters like Hillary? Also do you think Assange like Triss or Yennifer?

>I am a CG artist
>asks whats going on

image and voice generated by a neural net

Triss, she bought a copy of the wikileaks book too, pic related.

that's not even the same effect you stupid fucking paki

did you watch the standford video?

Great source video, it's unavailable.

Wouldn't the source come from RT's youtube? Come on guys.

I'm sorry I should of worded better, I am a 3D modeler/texture with experience animating. Not compositing


Its not over you fuckers.
Make him time person of the year! Keep him in the spotlight.

Thanks OP. This confirms my pet theory that Assange was actually a reptilian all along. I now have video proof, let me start work on my Youtube video. I'll credit Sup Forums for this discovry

But if Assange was really dead, then who was phone?

They can blackmail Trump with fake leaks. Nobody knows who's controlling wikileaks now because two leaders are dead or missing.

>guy mimics the movement int he videos
>you all fall for it


Makes me think this real-time reenactment could very likely be the cause for many of the weird artifacts used to support the reptilian theory.
If true this of course would imply that much of what we see is computer generated.


The thread is literally FILLED with shills trying to claim there is nothing to see here... interdasting.

>implying this is some sci-fi technology

nigger, do you really think this kind of thing isn't possible?

I grew up skateboarding and watching shit in slow mo all the fucking time. This is just what happens. It's called an artifact and I'm amazed there aren't more of them considering the amount of digital processing involved.

t. comp sci guy

If you're talking about the youtube video, go to 40 seconds and you'll understand why what you said is nonsense.

Why would they invent something so obviously geared towards corruption and misleading the people?

You have two top eye lids?

What fucking kind of sub-human species are you?

If he was dead or gone, wouldn't someone working at the Ecuadorian embassy say something to the press?

This would be major international news -- so major that it would be very hard to keep under wraps.

Wait so if Assange is gone that means there's only Trump left to take care of Hillary. How is Trump going to deal with a monster when Assange was the last Witcher?

that's not artifacting.

He will not appear until January 20. Stay tuned, Sup Forums.

Have you ever thought that the shills are the one trying to convince everyone else that he's dead?

You do realize the source video doesn't even work right?

I hate this fucking tech.
For all we know our movement leaders could all be dead and (((they))) are just leading us along with shit like this and body doubles.

No, that's retarded.

There are mirrors of the video you can watch.

John Kerry visited Equador just before Assange was cut off. Goldman Sachs has over half of Equador's gold reserves:

That's pretty good leverage.

would be counter-productive desu, and that's too ridiculous a concept to believe.

Could be possible in the future though, but isn't possible or necessary nowadays.

Why do we need 20 threads on this? Post definitive proof of his death or fuck off.
Learn how to type.

Well, the most reasonable thing to do is tweet that shit to wikileaks and ask what the fuck is happening. Jesus.

>post definitive proof of something that you'd never be able to get definitive proof of

wew lad

Have you seen the video or compiled lists, or is this just another proxy?