Get an invite to TRS 504rums

How to win:
Post you best meme and the first one to make me laugh gets an invite to the forums.

One meme per ID
Put your email in the post so I can send the invite

>implying anyone wants to be on TRS forums

Better than pol.
Pol has a bunch of blue pilled faggots now
Ruined by Reddit

If I wanted to make someone laugh i'd just show them your shit forum mate


> shit forum
Has 4,500 goys that actually plan "pranks" and happenings. Fag

Here's how I make someone laugh

>better thank pol

A bunch of fat losers jerking each other off in one of the stupidest echo chambers ever produced by the internet.

The only thing worse than TRS forum is the Daily Stormer bbs.

Sup Forums is superior in every way.

Fuck it nobody else wants it what's your email?

Fuck your forums.

No need to get defensive about your lil poofta clubby mate
Just don't fukken shove your gay shit in our face or you'll get a lethal dose of morphine ya know what I mean eheheheh ayy cunt


Just give a shout out to Jacob on any of the TRS Facebook groups and pages. I don't want to release my email on Sup Forums

Fuck off our board you gigantic faggot


That came out sounding more Scottish than Australian


Make a fucking protonmail and use it for TRS Email is the only way to invite




Jews are behind white genocide and cultural marxism, you clearly aren't from here, make a thread if you disagree and get BTFO.

Go ahead.

>"How do you know Jews are behind white genocide and cultural marxism"

Then prepare for hundreds of posts of you getting BTFO.




> pol is superior
Lol pol is dying. Normies are everywhere. When was the last Nat Soc General? 6 months ago?

Talk shit mate. Watch it alright or you'll get a left right goodnight




Jahans HAHAHA u win. Email?




Literally yesterday. Got this sweet new Rare Hitler from the thread.


Why are the TRS faggots so autistic?
>oh no, we need to be exclusive and not accept people!
>oh no, we must hide all our faces! I am so scared!
You're just a fag.

Your podcast would be good, but it's just one good speaker with good ideas being yelled over by 10-30 people.
The interview with the Vice ''reported'' was the worst. The absolute worst.
She asks you ''what is white?'', then a guy goes on a rant about how he is not going to go that way and play into her shitty mind games. What do they do 5 sec later? Play her mindgames letting her dictate where the conversation is going. Hour or two absolutely wasted because some idiot wanted to explain to her what white is.


A week ago at the latest, but yes I agree, there are never enough NatSoc threads.

made it myself, shes clean boy.

There hasnt been nearly as many of them for about 3 years or so now really, when I first came to Sup Forums they were daily, like the Trump general.

>ruining the point of the invite system
Sup Forums is filled with shills and ctrfags, the forums don't need any of that

Yep and now trump general is the new NSG because of the R the_donald invasion

I see that now


It wasnt an invasion from Reddit which created that general, we used that donald Reddit to turn the entire front page of Reddit into Trump.

Reddit was not for Trump, you seem to have this confused. We made Reddit pro Trump. They didnt make us pro Trump.

Reddit invaded when Ellen Pao cracked down on moderate centrist positions, anyone who wasnt an insane delusional marxist was booted off... and they came here, that was the real invasion.. and before that, the cuckening, all boards were told to go shitpost on Sup Forums while we had no post cooldown etc.

Its been shit for years, man. Go full, not TRS.

[email protected]

[email protected]

That whole circle is cringey as fuck. Not sure what annoys me about it exactly, but the neo-masculine circlejerk vibe gets really old and really pathetic really fast. I don't know how people listen to that trash, much less every week.

Sup Forums has always been filled with shills, Im bringing back calling out the JIDF btw, they are still around you know... they were just being lumped in with CTR.

fiki fiki gib loggin infu

>Invite to hugbox noflylist forum
No thanks.
Kill yourself, faggot.

>implying we want to be on TRS

Your movement is gay, TRS hosts aren't funny, and you should leave.

Do not invite people at random please

Ur not getting my email, shill.

>American accent-perception

I'm not inviting anyone anymore after seeing how far gone pol really is.

The problem is that they have one or two really smart great people on there, but everyone else is just an overexcited sperg who is ecstatic that they're part of some secret club.

It's like a podcast that consists almost entirely of that weird kid who tagged along even thought no one liked him.
You know exactly who I am talking about.