Fake news thread

They are desperate, MSM media had pick up on the new fake news """"""problem""""" and is a making a huge deal of it, they literally think this is why Trump """"""""won"""""" the election

twitter, google and facebook are changing policies due to this, what means that they will be banning dissenting opinion from their sites by saying it is fake news

once again the juden outsmart /pol

also which one (2) of you did this ?


Other urls found in this thread:


Banning dissenting opinions is just going to mean they lose harder next election cycle. People are sick of this shit. I'm actually voting the opposite of the media from here on, regardless of my views.

The liberal news media has picked up "fake news" as a buzzword and are spreading it at a faster rate that Pepe the frog's white supremacy smearing. As we know, this is yet another categorically undeniable attempt by MSM and "those in control" like Facebook to infringe on things like free press and free speech. Not only this, we know with some legislature in place to govern "fake news", corruption would run rampant across all social networks. Anything deemed "fake news" would take an aside to preferred news, approved news, and favored news.
If you need to be reminded what this sort of thing looks like, just take a trip over to our favorite subreddit for Politics and political discussion. If you need a refresher of what that place used to be like, head over to web.archive.org and take a look at it on literally ANY day within the first seven months of 2016. It would seem preferred and approved news took total control over that subreddit in August of 2016.
Anyway, let me get back to topic here. Liberal news media has shown their hand, the only way they are backing out now is with a show of equal force. We made it apparent to them on November 8th that they are the old and we are the new. They no longer have the foothold in Politics they used to have, nor do they make decisions for the American people. MSM is a sickly dinosaur, just about ready to go extinct. As we speak, their hand is on the table and they are ALL-IN on this "fake news" propaganda story.

I say we take one from their playbook and pull a PEPE the fucking frog on them. We take the buzzword "fake news" and make it so unpalatable no one will touch it. No news agency will report on it because it's a dirty word, no self respecting reporter will touch it for fear of tarnishing their reputation. "Fake News" is propaganda, and should be treated as such. The first thing we should do is recreate world war propaganda posters to reflect the "fake news" agenda of silencing any voices that do not conform. There can even be ads at the bottom for Facebook, Twitter, Google, and anyone else who is perpetuating this latest propaganda.
Know someone in your social network perpetuating fake news? Report them today and receive special incentives from Facebook! sli.mg/a/N9JXGN
Here's a quick album of Propaganda posters I collected from Google Images. Maybe there's a talented centipede out there willing to edit or recreate these images. Hell, maybe there's a few, I know we are all talented in our own ways. Can I get some feedback on this, how to do feel about making #FakeNews trend the way propaganda deserves to trend?

If fake news was banned then most MSM news would get blocked

What they're really hinting at is the creation of a Ministry of Truth.

Fuck this gay earth.

>I'm actually voting the opposite of the media from here on, regardless of my views.

I was thinking something among those lines yesterday. we can assume there are a percentage of population that doesn't believe in the media and will always do the opposite of what the media says, unless ofc it puts his life in real danger... but I don't see this as a solution, it is only a reaction and not a thoughtful consideration

All news if fake and written by spooks

Why are Sup Forumsfags not also against websites that post blatantly false "facts" that work in Trump's favor? Why do you rail against Clinton's lies, while seemingly not so bothered that Trump himself has quite the track record with honesty. You can't tolerate lying just because it's coming from people on your side. Fuck objectivity as long as it hurts the scary brown people, I guess.

Once again outsmarted by (((them)))


>left has no issue with lies, slander, oppression, violence, corruption and collusion

>the right should ignore all this and refuse to engage in any of it because "muh moral high ground"

This is why we lost the culture war.

You dont get it.
I hate fake news too, but they gonna use it as a tool to censor us while letting fake new by (((them))) up.

>We take the buzzword "fake news" and make it so unpalatable no one will touch it. No news agency will report on it because it's a dirty word, no self respecting reporter will touch it for fear of tarnishing their reputation. "Fake News" is propaganda, and should be treated as such. The first thing we should do is recreate world war propaganda posters to reflect the "fake news" agenda of silencing any voices that do not conform.
this is a decent idea, we should do it, just need to get /pol informed on it first, you should help on this creating your own thread, maybe you are better than me creating threads to get attention on the matter

I'm not saying it's the correct response, but if media is going to forcefully censor opposing views I'm going to forcefully censor the media. Already, it's been proven that for whatever viewpoint they hold as a majority, the opposite occurs.

We ain't gonna ban you for lying. You gotta work on your false equivalences bro, cause right now you're having a hard time

Mtv no longer play music. History channel has aliens. I should have figured network news was next in the cultural decline. The only ones who voted for the criminal were the sanctuary cities anyway


>lugenpresse creates "fake news" narrative

Did I just see Milo wreck a bitch on channel 4?


Are you disturbed by “fake news” as promulgated by “fake news sites?” I see. But before I can offer commiseration, it is crucial we define the terms.

Are you referring to fake news such as, Iraq had weapons of mass destruction? Qaddafi was on the verge of committing mass murder; therefore, a massive NATO humanitarian bombing campaign was imperative to prevent the carnage. The crises in the greater Middle East are very complex: Those people have been killing each other for hundreds of years. Western imperialism and Zionist aggression are only nominally to blame for the proliferation of civil strife and sectarian violence in the region. A peoples’ uprising in Ukraine ended the corruption and tyranny of a despotic regime. US foreign policy, in general, is based on the principle of spreading democracy across the globe. Conversely, Putin has awakened the Russian bear and she is licking her chops as she gazes upon Europe. Putin and his geek squad of neo-Cossack hackers, as claimed by Hillaryites (not proffering a shred of evidence) tilted the election towards Trump.

Do you desire to expose fake news sites? Then turn your scrutiny in the direction of the entirety of the US corporate media hologram. Furthermore, your capitalism-colonised mind is a fake news site itself thus you yourself are a fake news outlet; your utterances are fake news. Apropos, Trump will make America great again. Third parties engendered the election of the tangerine-tinted huckster-in-chief elect. Poor innocent Hillary was a victim of sexism. Racism elected Trump (when the fact is, the key swing states that enabled his victory voted for Obama twice). Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are positioned to lead a progressive resurgence within the Democratic Party. It is possible to vote away an oligarch-constructed dictatorship of money by working within the system created to maintain its power.

The crux of the matter is, the struggle to silence fake news begins within.

>stop spreading fake news!
>here's a story on how Hillary Clinton has a 99% chance of being the next President

What you tried to do here is interesting, but the NYT reader is totally immune to something like this, the use of words like Zionist and the mentions of the middle east conflicts only raised a red flag, that is because such issues are already fixated in the mind of a average person and the cognitive dissonance would be too hard to get over, for the pol/lack this says nothing new, we mostly know that our enemy is not the media but the people who are feeding the media narrative, just curious, where in facebook did you find something like this ?



>creation of a Ministry of Truth
Sweden just did this. There was a thread on it this morning.

That's not what user said you dumbfuck. Stop pardoning bullshit sites that go in your favor, nobody cares to read "thejewrevealed. cu. ck" cringe tier blogposting and it is shameful when people quote sites like that.

>Sweden just did this. There was a thread on it this morning.
what exactly is it ?

fake news are a problem tho, look all the assangefags and pizzatards spamming useless fake theories

>assangefags and pizzatard
wikileaks is real tho

>wikileaks is real tho

probably but even when the phone number of the embassy was posted not a single faggot had the balls to call it

It was something along the lines of the Swedish government hiring hundreds of journalists to correct "corrupt" news. Literally Winston's job in 1984.

>They are desperate, MSM media had pick up on the new fake news """"""problem"""""

Is this happening in every country? In Germany it is for sure,.

I've been noticing this term 'fake news' popping up all over. You know they are trying to crack down on dissenting opinion.

It a pretty bold gambit, consittering how flawed their own 'news' has been. Even total Norms can see through this bullshit now.

I saw some user that called the number, but what would you even say in such cases?

>It was something along the lines of the Swedish government hiring hundreds of journalists to correct "corrupt" news.
this is troubling

well i agree with you but i think assange is fine so....

assangefags and pizzatards posters are about the same as far as being obsessed

pizza posters are mostly autistic that I would say

Smart MSM move. While here in Germany the media outlets produce a self-proclaimed "Qualitätsjournalismus", hence, there is the need to prove their quality. Meanwhile, the US media just points with a finger to others and says: You are fake.

Swedish people need to wake up
In no way, shape, or form is that acceptable.
But I don't know anything about the Swedish' peoples' (the natural born one's) sentiments. Maybe they like being lead around on a leash and fed garbage

Then again, I'm in Canada, where censorship is free speech and division is unity

Wow user this is genius please pull the ripcord on this this sounds incredible.

Screencapping this for posterity

CTR is pushing this garbage on reddit too. They are trying to discredit any alternative media, It's pretty pathetic.

>CTR is pushing this garbage on reddit too

We have a word for it in Germany "Gegenöffenlichkeit". It means something like "Counter publicity/Critical publicity". Its every news outlets nightmare because forging opinions has become their most important source of income since advertising and selling print media isn't that lucrative anymore.

Guys I found the Sweden thread.

That's a well-adjusted and spot-on image you got there. Mind if I save it to use on dumb libs?

Save it friend, it's all yours ;)

Also, yeah that's what Ive been using it for

WOW this is real!
How fast will this go over Europe ?

Can we get NowThis known as a fake news site? Just something to fuck them up.


where's the list of all news orgs that are cucks?

it was like
abc nbc wapo etc etc etc


Can confirm, seeing it here in Canadian MSM alllll of a sudden over this past 4 days or so. Very sudden, synchronized, coordinated effort throughout the EU and NA.

>t. pedosatanist

jesus christ

Banning everything that doesn't completely align to their opinions. Never thought I'd see the day that MSM stops trying to hide the fact that they are empirical.

Also, anyone else been getting "banned" notices from Sup Forums with bogus claims that you broke one of their global rules? I got one today claiming I posted content that i never even knew existed.

If you're on a mobile or dynamic IP sometimes other people's shit post will get you banned.


I have no problem with this... it will hasten their downfall, they need to be taken down... stop using them all... problem solved... stop being whinny bitches...

But you guys said that all news was lies and biased

How does this not confirm it?

>We ain't gonna ban you for lying.

Yeah, you're just going to LOCK HER UP!

Retarded hypocrite.

>every thing I don't like is hate speech and lying
>the people have been lied to, that's why they didn't vote the way I wanted them to!

Already sick of this shit.

Has anyone else noticed more shills than usual today?

>MSM media decides to make a move to ban all dissenting opinion from social media
I think that confirming or not is besides the point, what is more important right now is that they will create a atmosphere where only liberal rhetoric is told on social networks, this is 1984 stuff

White males under my bed!
Russians in my wardrobe!
Fake news from every direction!
Hate crimes on the rise!
Radicalization in every white home!
White rape culture spiraling out of control!
Innocent jihadi families bullied by Russia!


make sure to purchase your subscription of real news from CNN today

this is super scary and a sneaky assult on 1st ammendment. Also the irony is dripping. All MSM got the election predictions wrong, yet it's Infowars that's the "Fake News"

MSM has been fake news the entire time! NOW THIS? Up is Down, Wrong is Right...