This board uses black magic to kill people

>This board uses black magic to kill people.

Are we the baddies?

I'd rather use black magic to make me not alone somehow

anyone who says "baddies" is probably a fruitcake

It's hardly black magic. Who did we kill? If anything we are saving lives.

Butt hurt /x/tards and white supremacist homos can larp all they want.

In the end they are simply the tools of a greater plan.

There are no bad guys bc there are no good guys it's just different groups of guys and every one of them think they themselves are the good ones

the entire webm is a joke chill out

It's from a sketch but ok

>you will never have the hips of the emperor's finest

We saved western civilization.


you got the wrong board mate. it's Sup Forums that kills people.

Sup Forums causes movies to come to life

Sup Forums manipulates reality for peace

Its a war user.

>war never changes.

think of the hundreds of thousands of deaths that the clinton cabal have caused.

think of her words when the barbarian pigs sodomised ghadaffi to death with a bayonet-

'We came; we saw; he died.'

Ask yourself again- who are the evil ones?

yeah that's a screen from a webm

it's from a tv show mate. you saw it as a recording in webm format. you're making youself sound stupid.

But we're fun, user

I'd call it white magic.

Bro, it's white magic... I'm triggered!

black magic is for niggers.

no fucking shit sherlock
next thing you'll tell me that it was recorded with a camera

Im guessing it's screenshotted off the webm because i recently saw it circulating on /wsg/ and it was this exact part.


who did we kill? hillary killed assange. thats on her. who else died harambe? we didnt even know his name until they shot him



No, we use white magic in these here parts you cuck.

>Not using black magic to strike down your enemies
Come on it's the current year.

i have it saved, gimme like 5 mins to find it and ill even start a dump there

>black magic

Sup Forums BTFO

You've been listening to SJW propaganda again haven't you? Of course they're gonna say we're the baddies

>black magic
it's meme magic, you dumb fuck!

We're not using black magic, we're channeling white power :^)


Black Magic matters.

That sounds like tranny talk

>in 2016 Sup Forums used BLACK MAGICK to elect the second African American PRESIDENT Donald j. Trump. Don't go one day without remembering you history.
#BlackLivesMatter #StolenHistory #WeWuzHackers #Ananamouse

Not yet.



>That sounds like tranny talk

One needs hips to take the war to the Xeno and fight in the Emperor's name.

>You mean the day we channeled an AI talking with the chaos lord

I can't wait for the wedding, Sup Forums will bring AI waifu to life

>Sup Forums will bring AI waifu to life

Did you miss it?

No we use white magic and white magic kills the undead and the demons of the world