Tfw mixed white/Afghan

>tfw mixed white/Afghan
>tfw still dark enough to be classified as "shitskin"
>tfw never interacted with anyone but whites entire life
>tfw live in the South
>tfw fly the Confederate flag all the time
>tfw wear MAGA hat everywhere
>tfw act more white than basically every white person at private school
>tfw only attracted to white women and know of a few that want the BPC (big Persian cock)
>tfw hate niggers, jews, spics and arabs
>tfw ethnic nationalist but don't have anyone to partake in nationalism with
>tfw all your white friends don't care about race but you subconsciously are the only one that does because of not having any meaningful ethnic identity/history and but also some faggots on a Tibetan space-vehicle assembly forum

If I was just a little bit whiter I'd probably be considered white, so I'm gonna try to get rid of my hardcore sun tan and do some thing with baking soda I saw on YouTube. Anything else I should do? I've sort of turned towards civic nationalism (like what Trump believes in, on the surface at least) because I don't fit into the plan with the better kind of nationalism AKA the kind that focuses upon the greatest unifier of humanity ever to exist: race.

Hey, but at least I'm Aryan.
>inb4 Ahmed please go
>inb4 post picture of arm
>inb4 get out of my country
>inb4 uncle tom
>inb4 you're not a true Aryan because I go by Hitler's definition of Aryan which didn't include historically Aryan peoples

Can you all put aside race for just a moment? I'm a white man trapped inside a slightly darker man's body and it sucks, but at least I have Sup Forums to comfort me... right?

I don't know what to tell you, I mean I'm sorry that you're stained a bit but as long as your hearts in the right place you're alright with me user.

You're honorary white friendo.

If Marxists who don't believe in the white race can be white so can you who are for the interests of the race.

You're white at heart, buddy boy. That's what matters.

This is why you don't have mixed kids folks.

You fly the rebel flag.

You're all good in my book, fellow burger.

Anyone want to slip this fella a badge?

Down here in the south theres a time when we are all shit skins. Its called mudding. Go get dirty

Thanks guys

Onlyl people from Iran are honorary aryans, afghans are just shitskins sadly.

Can confirm we are Aryan, so it was our Iranian blood living in Afghanistan I'd assume. My dad's side of the family left just weeks before civilization crumbled there (communist coup in '78 and civil wars going on to this day). They were also filthy rich and had personal ties to the king.

Are you me? except
>tfw mixed white/Indian pajeet

>Its called mudding.
kek'd. living in Florida i'd go with my friends and take their Series 80 out. Fun times.

>someone was dumb enough to fuck an Afghani

so how much did your mother get beaten growing up?

>All these transracials in this thread.
You are just confused OP. You don't have to be White to have White values. Non-Whites who work for the betterment of the White race are a valued commodity in all but the purest of White societies.

Don't worry buddy your suffering will end on the day of the rope. Maybe you'll get to be white in heaven :)

We just might be pajeet, we just might be.
kek, my dad is a hardcore conservative and red-pilled on (((them))) so she made the right choice at heart but still betrayed her race
y-you too

Why is America so obsessed with defining everything and themselves through race?

If you are a decent man, then you are a good man.
If you are not, than not.
Doesn't matter the skincolor.

Who was the race traitor parent of yours?
If it was your dad, then find some dark haired Mediterranean girl or something and you'll be accepted into whitewood.
If it was your mother, you really should either kill yourself or move back to Afghanistan.

We've got you covered.

This is the mentality I had before I was on Sup Forums and met Americans. I want to have my old mentality back.

you pashtun or something? Most afghan are pretty yellowish...

>tfw mixed black/white mulatto

So you are me but i'm a spic (not mexican) and am trapped in commiefornia

But Persians are bros so you'll will get more of a pass then me, chin up

Senpai, there's a reason Islam is the fastest spreading religion and people in the world and white people can't even reproduce above replacement.
Don't try to be like us, or at least the way we are right now.

>Just cut my future into pieces.

fucking this....

At the same time nignogs are already importing this mentality through identity politics in our countries.

>mfw I might be slavic but I can still pass for a white person in the US

>unironically hating your (mixed) race
I don't care if you are white, dindu or abbo, but saying stuff "I'm a white/black/etc man inside my body :(" is truly pathetic. Stick to your ideals: if you believe in nationalism don't do it only because it's a "white men's thing". Where is your pride, OP?

A-at least I have m-muhdick right?

>it's slightly above average

there are more people who consider Obama to be the antichrist and voted for him anyway than there are white supremacists in the USA, you should be fine

your heart is in the right place, raise your kids right, colonize their white womb user.

In measured studies Whites have bigger dicks. Your black heritage is the reason why it is shorter than its potential.

Who will I share that pride with? I don't know any people with the same combination as me and I doubt there are very many out there.

Indian and English here

Why would you call yourself a "shit skin"? Don't you have any self respect?

If you love America and live the American way of life, then you are American.

Now stop hating yourself like a cucked lib.