So, don't get me wrong I like trump. A lot

So, don't get me wrong I like trump. A lot.

But holy shit what about climate change? How do we convince trump that it's real?

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Its not tho

With actual proof.

I think we'd be better of unionising the coal miners to make coal uncompetitive. Then he will switch to nuclear on a purely economic basis.

Climate change is largely irrelevant to first world countries, seeing that they can quite easily adapt to the changing environment.

shill or not, we've gone past the carbon tipping point. Which is a good thing, because the jews cannot rule over a wasteland

Too late. You screamed doomsday too many times now nobody takes it seriously anymore.

Except it is, retard.

There's plenty of proof.

it's irrelevant whether it's real or not. it's an intergenerational problem and no single generation wants to sacrifice to save a future generation.

it cannot be solved, so no use worrying about it.

i'd focus on air quality improvements we can see and enjoy in our lifetimes without sacrificing our livelihoods.

you are retarded there is no proof

It's fake you NWO shill

Climate Change is mostly geopolitical, the 1st world will be fine. And if we fuck up the 3rd world, their ability to be competitive will diminish. That being said you, me and our children will be long dead before climate change has an affect on any one of us.

what happens if it is real?
earth gets a few degrees warmer or colder in different places?
why should i give a shit? doesn't this occur naturally too?

Talk about pollution and post pictures of China.

No one wants to live in smog.

Not really. Earth after a runaway greenhouse effect would melt the permafrost. An 8 degree increase would lead to almost constant forest fires, which would deplete earth of it's oxygen (not due to fires, due to very little trees). This would also lead to ocean acidification.

We wouldn't be able to breathe well, farm, fish, anything.

This is also not taking into account the rising tide.

A runaway greenhouse effect would kill 99.99% of humans at the very least.

The only real way to reverse it (at least the only method we have now) would be nuclear winter.... which would also kill off 90+% of humans. Not quite as bad, humans are better equipped to deal with nuclear winter than a runaway greenhouse effect. But still. I'd rather not have to deal with either. Nor my kids having to deal with either.

Climate Change is bullshit. Trump was right. It's a hoax designed to tear apart western civilization. Liberals can use it to dismantle western manufacturing and then use it again as an excuse to important niggers and muslims.

The sooner the rest of the world realizes it's bullshit, the better.

You are literally sucking koch rothers dick if you think clinate change isn't going to fuck everyone in the next 100years

Why the fuck would anyone think that scientists would or could organise such a conspiracy, yet be completely blind to fossil fuel industry interference in the political system

Fossil fuels cost billions more in subsidies, yet for some reason idiots like itt think its these pesky scientists who aren't bought out who are the problem

It isnt real

sometimes when people get old you have to put up with some of their old-school ideas. youre not going to change his mind on this one. Almost everyone else disagrees with him about climate change, but americans elected him because we think there are bigger issues.

Personally, im upset about the rest of the worlds little baby-steps approach to this huge fucking disaster. "we all agreed to cut emissions by 10% over 10 years :^)", fuck you thats not good enough. We're fucked anyway with such a slow rate of progress.

Ill watch the world burn a little bit faster with trump, but at least my country wont get the short end of the sticsk

Why don't you apply to be his Tech Czar?

What can Peter Thiel possibly offer that you don't?

There is tons of proof, you just disregard it as some big conspiracy against America, or some equally as retarded theory.

>It's a hoax designed to tear apart western civilization

Do you realize how crazy you fucking sound, dude?

Like, do you ever just step back to realize that, not only are you an idiot, but you're totally fucking bonkers as well?

Do you really think the ENTIRE WORLD'S scientific communities made this shit up? Why? They're all poor as shit, none of them have anything to gain from it.

You're going to believe american oil lobbyists over the whole fucking world?

>buying into the RGHE meme

it will be solved by technology one way or the other

Every single day, two or three of these.

It's like nobody ever reads any threads but their own.

I don't know what that is, but if you do have evidence against my claims I'd like to hear them.

Like, legitimately. I would. I don't WANT climate change to be real, after all.

Runaway GreenHouse Effect

Climate change denial is just an easy defence for people who (with good reason) don't want to go overboard with fixing it.

>manufacturing can't survive without fossil fuels
Dumb dumb dumb

It literally makes no sense to not start harvesting the biggest nuclear reactor in our solar system immediately.

Enjoy becoming a complete africa-tier backwater when every country on earth is running off 100% free and practically unlimited power and no longer needs your shale or oil

Global warming is not a man-made problem. Only globalists that want to see all manufacturing moved to third world countries would disagree. Not surprised that the leftist-leaf is an ignorant globalist.

This, we're pretty much fucked at this point, I say embrace. Do what you always wanted to do, think however you want to think. We have passed the tipping point, only a few years until the runaway effect hits.

You can't always agree with everyone on every single thing.

>Almost everyone else disagrees with him about climate change, but americans elected him because we think there are bigger issues.

I supported him as well. Anything to save the white race, really.

But I still want the right wing to be educated.

It's cold as fuck here, Make World Warm Again!

I don't know user. Climate change is my main concern with him.

Hopefully he was just memeing with this tweet and won't withdraw us from Paris

its just a hoax bro, now get out of the way while we deregulate everything and dump more shit into our atmosphere

Climate change, like the prospect of nuclear war back in the day, is going to be used to give more power to the UN in an effort to create a global government. They'll tell you there's no other way to combat climate change except for every nation to come together under one banner.

I was just meming

We can't. If you voted Drumpf, you comdemned the world yourself.

Ah. Well I'd like to hear reputable claims against the runaway greenhouse effect.

Why is there such a rush to appease the coal industry? Coal's literally the dirtiest form of fossil fuel. Not only that but coal miners make up only a fraction of the fossil fuel industry and they can pretty much get any other job. We keep relying on coal like this and eventually Chinese coal will outcompete our own and we will all start barbequeing with bricks from Chingchang City, Bumfuck province.

You really don't think that there's a conspiracy in the media and the scientific community to hurt western civilization? Do you just blindly accept everything that's thrown at you without even bothering to look where it's coming from or who's telling it to you?

(((International organizations))) are paying out big money to climate scientists, to ensure that they all come up with the same results. Then they use those results to try and force western countries to undertake self-defeating policies. The goal is obvious.

All I will say is the fact that you bought in so hard is shameful. Take the red pill. Open your eyes, open your ears, see who benefits from the Climate Change hoax and who gets hurt by it. You'll figure it out eventually.

CO2 has gone from .025% of the atmosphere to .04% over the course of the industrial revolution. In previous epochs, it was a much higher percentage and the world didn't end.

Mars has also gotten warmer over the last 40 years, so a lot of this shit has to do with that big flaming ball in the sky.

With the reduced sun spot and solar activity, it's likely that we're going to be cooler over the next century, not warmer.

So in a nutshell, it's not something I give a fuck about, and apparently neither does our future president.

Because they're the primary victims of the scientific establishment lying and misrepresenting things for profit.

Gee idk this a real fucking mystery, really makes me think

Maybe we should stop strangling the US manufacturing sector to the point where they need to start opening up plants in countries where this happens because they have no environmental regulations whatsoever

China and India contribute the most to the world's CO2 emissions. Instead of being worried about 1st and 2nd, you're trying to take down 3rd.

>we're all going to die! buy a prius to save the polar bears aaaaaaaaaahhhh
greenland is actually gaining ice at a record rate

It's 2016. It's already too late to fix global warming. 400 ppm happened. Energy independence is more important to our national security.

If global warming was real then why did they have to change it to "climate change"?

LMAO "i-its freezing cold cuz da global warming fucked up da climate n shiet"

if liberals want to scream climate change it's fine, but I hate the hypocracy of turning a blind eye to the rest of the world polluting the world.

Either we all work towards it or not.

Still alternative energy sources are progressing about as fast as reasonably possible.

Any asshole that tells you we are fucked from four years of doing nothing is an asshole cause there's no way we can reverse hundreds of years of pollution in four.

Go Google Lysenkoism or Deutsche psysik. Science is downstream of politics. I'm not saying climate change is bullshit in this case, but it is entirely possible for a whole scientific field to be totally bonkers and distorted by politics. It is not at all crazy to think that this may be the case with climate change as such things have happened before on massive scales, and with terrible results.

>implying nuclear war didn't come within a bees dick of occuring several times on each side throughout the cold war
The only difference with climate change is that mother nature doesn't possess a conscience or any regard for human life

>runaway forest fires
lol you just cited a perfect example of how a first world country can deal with environmental challenges that a 3rd world nation cannot




Let other countries who don't have the energy to sustain themselves, invest and design the hardware while we keep relying on our own energy reserves. By the time we need to begin relying on alternative energy the technology will have been improved and be a lot cheaper than it would be today.

That's just basic common sense. So by all means, spend vast amounts of money to develop the best kinds of alternative energy sources you can. When we finally need them in a hundred or so years, we'll be able to get them for cheap.

Gas will run out in 60 years it doesn't matter

Before I can convince Trump, you are going to have to convince me.
I'll wait.

>I have written about climate change and energy policy for more than 25 years. I have come to the conclusion that current energy and climate policy is probably more dangerous, both economically and ecologically, than climate change itself. This is not the same as arguing that climate has not changed or that mankind is not partly responsible. That the climate has changed because of man-made carbon dioxide I fully accept. What I do not accept is that the change is or will be damaging, or that current policy would prevent it.

Alright. So everyone agrees it's real. Even climate skeptics. What they're skeptical about is whether or not it'll effect humanity.

I still feel, in any case, that it's a gamble not worth taking.

All climate change scaremongering is based on AGW theory that ASSUMES positive H2O feedback from increased CO2 levels. this is done because modelling H2O levels is almost impossible on the long term.

There is no evidence to support this as true and the researchers who made the theory stated that if they failed to be correct for more than a decade (as is the case) it would falsify AGW.

Every single prediction has trended far too high.

>ad hominem
>t-there is too p-proof


Proof backed up with possible actions to combat it in a way that wont fuck the economy.

The thing Trump does best is listen to the right people.

Also, if you feel that strong about it, and I think most people do, then the free market will handle it.

I don't know why people don't get how strong a boycott is. If a company is going to dump chemicals and be irresponsible then people just don't use those products. Companies will either adjust their behavior or go under. It really is that simple.


oh look i can cherry pick info graphics too

so do it, faggot
mine came with a source

>reputable claims
And let me guess, anyone who disagrees just happens to not be "reputable"?

We've gotta nuke the polar ice caps and find out.

>climate change is globalist elite propaganda to justify more taxes and wars and ultimately start depopulating third world countries and take over their Agenda 21.

I'm not a fucking shill, you amerinigger. Jesus christ.

We don't, we just put jews in the ovens

>a leaf


The climate changes.
It is natural.

Start posting proof. And no "it is theoretically possible that it is true because our computer models which don't work say it is" proof, but actual proof.

we dont, the chinese are not going to stop burning coal in mass so why the fuck should we cripple ourselves the world will be fucked even if the U.S went fucking green.

> On the Earth, the IPCC states that "a 'runaway greenhouse effect'—analogous to [that of] Venus—appears to have virtually no chance of being induced by anthropogenic activities."

It takes CO2 concentrations of around 11% to trigger runaway greenhouse. CO2 is lethal to humans at concentrations of around 7%. Current CO2 concentration is 0.4%

Trump is a selfish retard on this issue. You can even call him dishonest as well.

I think most people are willing to pay that price though.
But I expect we are going to have a lot of increase in pollution.

If climate change is real why are climate prediction models consistently wrong on every account?

Now, pollution is real. Runaway polluting from major industrialization can have a huge effect on local environments, see China oh wait you can't because it's covered in a smog so thick people buy oxygen tanks to breath easier. But total climate shift is probably not influenced by humans all that much.

global warming and man made climate change is a hoax created by the jews Kind of like the holohoax but worse. The "science" has been corrupted, see climategate and greenpeace fudging their numbers.



Lmao global conspiracy
Renewable energy will overtake current sources of energy in

Doesnt matter because we already have a solution.

Yes but it's acelerated by humans releasing greenhouse gasses that will make the planet inhospitable for everyone including people on the western hemisphere. Most people will starve or die for thirst it wont matter if its browns or whites everyone will be fucked.

>believing in the climate jew

Where the hell do you live, because if the temperature isn't getting warmer each year and the weather isn't acting stranger and stranger then I want to move to your city.

Lol china pollutes the most but nowhere near the most per capita

Why is it that the whole of the EU pollutes far less than the USA? Why do countries like theh US and Australia pollute so much more than others, yet still think other countries are the problem.

This sort of thinking is why people hate America, no understanding of the global, incredibly self-centred and selfish, no regard for human decency or capability to admit that theyre wrong - even when the facts hit them directly in the face.

>large masses of people coming together around an idea that is obviously false? that could never happen

Niqqa that's confirmation bias


>if you believe in the climate change are a puppet for the globalist elite.

because cars and spread out cities with no mass transportation. You pretty much need your own car to get to work in the u.s.

Its not only about conservation it's about putting in place higher efficiency standards and renewable tech that will create new job opportunities and sciences . China uses a shiton of coal while theyre simultaneously investing in renewable technologies. Their coal usage is a stop gap.

Why would the tides rise if the ice melted? Frozen water is bigger than liquid water...

It's because of deniers and fearmongers like you that we're not 100% energy independent. We're in the 21st century and our country is not 100% nuclear and solar power yet. Instead we're sucking Koch to the base and getting troops killed in oil wars that got us nowhere. Stop being a fossil fuel cuck.

the thing is an honest person would see both sides of the "science" are very corrupted, not blindly accept whatever greenpeace or NASA tells you. I trust Exxon no more than I trust Al Gore. Just admit that

Y'all are retarded. The main issue with this is that (1) scientists are highly educated and thus co-opted by the left, and so they can't come up with anything other than "shit's bad. vote dem" and (2) the solution to global warming isn't any kind of primitivism, but rather creative, out-of-the-box thinking, which Trump has clearly shown he possesses.

I mean, you could literally dump a couple of nukes in Antarctica and counteract global warming.

Keep in mind also that for the first time in ages the US is about the invest in cool shit again instead of welfare for Mexicans, so we might well get fusion soon.

But the pay gap is true, women generally don't rise that high in the corporate ladder because of children etc.

Whether or not anything should be done about it (I don't think so) is a completely different issue.

Not that I disagree with your point, but the whole "trees make the oxygen" part isn't entirely true. The vast majority of oxygen comes from cyanobacteria.

Wait. People actually believe that climate change exists?

But they've literally been caught cooking the numbers.

Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on?

Someone is spamming every board saying Sup Forums wont let hillarys picture post in threads?

Help please

Come up with a renewable, clean, resource that can replace the roles that oil fills then we will talk.