How do we halt and reverse America's transformation into a surveillance state?

How do we halt and reverse America's transformation into a surveillance state?

you don't. you embrace it and use it to destroy America's enemies

You can't.
People use the internet because it is convenient and the path of least resistance.
Government agencies use that same internet to spy on you because it's convenient and the path of least resistance.

Frequent massive NSA hacks and info dumps of literally everything every person has done on their internet/phone ever.

Total annihilation by nuclear war


Just let Eris take control of the internet ,she grantees the same level of access to everyone, government or user all will be a equal.

>lest destroy our brothers becose they don't tink like us.

Every time America destroy his "enemies " a corporate devil gain a tail and horns.

better VPNs and better encryption.

>using mass surveillance of americans by america to destroy america's enemies

Computers were a mistake.

hiding better will only make them look harder

They'll just get the VPN to cooperate.

Welcome to the botnet.

we just have to "slide" like they do on these boards

they can only process so much information

by filling them up with useless spam we can effectively slow down the spying process


NSA is already illegal and yet it exist.
Trying to force nsa to stop spying people is futile, since the current law already try do it (by turning their actions into illegal things) and nothing is done about that

so we all just give up?

In Germany they just went the other way and declared everything legal, that was forbidden before..voila...everything is fine again
Also our high court ruled, that the controlling body of our NSA (bnd) is not allowed to get the list of search words they and their american buddies from the NSA could upset the USA, a foreign country. So our parliament is not allowed anymore to control our own secret service...police state here we come..

If even the biggest information dump like snowden did not achieve anything. Honestly, what are the options?
Maybe having an unckucked pres gives you a chance now, but seeing his choice for CIA head honcho does not inspire confidence..

>polish flag
finally a german i like


Your "english very good" is showing, frogman.

Somebody has to prepare the next invasion here. It's long overdue...

Trump doesn't seem that great for internet & encryption stuff.

very hard to do. the NSA do whatever they want and don't give a fuck what you think. use and promote strong encryption.

at some point strong encryption wins out. the best they can do is take advantage of incompetence and try to create openings.

just embrace the surveillance state, its inevitable. but also fight so that the elite gets their share of surveillance. after all it has been prvoen to be the only way to fight back, through leaks n shieet. motherufckers want surveillance, everyone gets survaillance

It's too late, Joe. The world is fucked.
1984 was not a work of fiction, but a prophecy.

i read that they're actually trying to make a quantum computer for cracking encryption. good luck with that shit lol

trump wants to ban strong encryption

trumpshills on here (from reddit) literally killed the internet and free speech

> ban math

i'm not holding my breath

Ban assault fractions

ron paul 2020?

If it's illegal they'll just throw you in jail for using it.

i'd probably just move to some place where they weren't dickless faggots about privacy

>trump wants to ban strong encryption
Do you have link?
If I google it all I get is articles about tech companies asking him not to.

what surveillance state?
amirite guys

more like safe state because we're so safe

Computer science major / Sup Forums here, it's all fucked man

There's nothing we can do

We set up our grass roots surveillance operation of the people surveilling us.

what would that accomplish?

Be fearless. Say exactly what you think and keep waking people up. The more people relentlessly expose their corruption the harder it is for them to clamp down.

I think they have the advantage.

You better hope to god Nationalists and Fascists use it to control the leftists, othewise we are all doomed.

Maintaining privacy on the Internet is nearly impossible. If you forget even once to enable your protections, or click on the wrong link, or type the wrong thing, you've permanently attached your name to whatever anonymous service you're using. Monsegur slipped up once, and the FBI got him. If the director of the CIA can't maintain his privacy on the Internet, we've got no hope.

In today's world, governments and corporations are working together to keep things that way. Governments are happy to use the data corporations collect -- occasionally demanding that they collect more and save it longer -- to spy on us. And corporations are happy to buy data from governments. Together the powerful spy on the powerless, and they're not going to give up their positions of power, despite what the people want.

Fixing this requires strong government will, but they're just as punch-drunk on data as the corporations. Slap-on-the-wrist fines notwithstanding, no one is agitating for better privacy laws.

So, we're done. Welcome to a world where Google knows exactly what sort of porn you all like, and more about your interests than your spouse does. Welcome to a world where your cell phone company knows exactly where you are all the time. Welcome to the end of private conversations, because increasingly your conversations are conducted by e-mail, text, or social networking sites.

And welcome to a world where all of this, and everything else that you do or is done on a computer, is saved, correlated, studied, passed around from company to company without your knowledge or consent; and where the government accesses it at will without a warrant.

Welcome to an Internet without privacy, and we've ended up here with hardly a fight.

just use a content/script blocker and httpseverywhere or some similar combo for basic privacy

surely, they'll always be able to get you if you're a high value target, which you probably aren't

by learning to speak only in memes

Low estimates put around 40% of current memes being created by intelligence agencies.

Go Cuban and make our own internet with our own cables

finally, government by the memers for the memers


not enough normies will ever care enough about privacy for this to not happen

I think our only real choice is to be better than what we are asked to be. Not because we are asked to, but because we make the personal choice to be excellent. I have absolutely no idea how to do this.

it will collapse from racial tensions eventually, chill