Trump Lost

How does it feel to know that your boy got less votes for president than a girl? Oh sure you "won" but only because of a technicality. Trump lost the vote. He's a loser and everyone knows it. And no one even liked her. Sad

>Madam President
>Curl up in a ball and cry
>strong wymin

yeah sure bud whatever helps you sleep at night

>Sure Trump won the chess match, but Hillary killed more pawns so who's laughing now?

>sure you "won"
Stopped reading there,

>california and new york should decide the election

the Seattle Seahawks got more rushing yards but lost the super bowl.

the Cleveland Indians scored more runs but lost the world series.

not the first time your girl lost on a technicality

>when you forget to spread out 3 million of illegal voters


>Literally the democratic process is a technicality

>Electoral college exists for exactly this reason


>everyone should have their own sexual preference unless you're a guy who doesn't want to fuck a disgusting tranny

>in b4 50 million illegal votes

>Year is 2019
>Bernie Sanders proposes a bill to allow people who sexually identify as living in another state to vote in that state's electoral college

Our country wouldn't have lasted 50 years if we relied on the popular vote, moron. The same rhetoric that works in NYC works in San Francisco even if the people in Iowa hate it. Trump won by appealing to the whole country; Clinton won the popular by appealing to generic urban douches who think nothing exists outside of their city.

This is the best thing I've read this hour, just wanted you to know that

It's so salty in here. You played the game and lost like the little bitch you are.

>Clinton won the popular by appealing to generic urban douches who think nothing exists outside of their city

People for some reason choose to ignore the fact that California had more democratic voters combined than Oklahoma, Kansas, South Dakota, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Montana, and Arizona had rebuplican voters combined

So Hillary won a contest they weren't having?

Literal babies first election

The game isn't to get the most votes but to win the most states

I agree. It truly is a shame these inbred idiots have stunted our quest for peace and progress by not sucking it up, being men (pardon my brief venture into the world of misoginy) and letting a LADY take charge for once.

I bet you all didn't even vote for Obama. Racists.

Grow up, people. It's 20-fuckin'-16 and you are ALL on the wrong side of history. The 1800's called and they want their "president" back.

Again, it's 2016. What America needs is definitely not a bigoted, racist, homophobic, sexist, mysoginist-- I could go on, and on, but alas... it wouldn't get through "yall's" thick craniums.

"Y'all" that is a term that you country folk use. Isn't it?

Yep. I got all of "y'all's" number.

By the way, "cranium" means "skull" in case you illiterates were not aware.

Or better yet, so that you can all understand me --- A "cranium" is those bits and pieces you will all pick up from the floor after I curb stomp your fascist flesh and blood motherboards with gusto.


Sir this is a drive through

Hillary Clinton was trying to win the electoral college, not the popular vote.


Feels good.

It let's us know that equal representation is still alive.

IF it went by Popular vote, California, New York, PA, Florida, and Washington would be the only States that mattered


you want to know why you lost ? because you think you won the cultural war , the left has decided that every other way but there's of looking at the world is wrong , you silenced the right , not with reason and debate , but by labelling them racist ,xenophobe ,and bigot . you don't allow people any more to speak up there minds .
of course the polls aren't credible , because no one dares to say he'll vote for trump .
bottom line: being offended doesn't work any more .

Struck a nerve, nazis?

How does it feel that he won, even if only by technicality?


>libtard not knowing that posts like this is the reason rural America hates them

>Implying the 1800's had no good presidents

>Libtard not knowing what "bigot" means

>Libtard thinking only "country folk" voted for Trump

>Libtard threatening violence




>1 post by this ID
Why dafuq did you reply, guys ...

There's nothing wrong with me

The electoral college has been in place since 1787.

It's not "a technicality"


With literacy tests and ID requirements, there would have been fewer nigger and illegal spic "votes".

>the entire basis of our electoral system since the nation's founding

Yeah okay, retard.
"buhbuhbut if this were checkers she would've won!!!"

She also has Trump beat in the FBI investigation tally, ignored subpoena count and the Russian blame game.

You're not a winner if you beat someone at a different contest than the one that matters.

newfags need to stop falling for this bait