If Trump didnt win the popular vote, should Hillary be president, for the sake of democracy?

Dont get me wrong, I want Trump to win, Im certain he can and will bring a positive change to the US, but Hillary won the popular vote, and I do believe in democracy, the alternatives have proven to be a lot worse. Despite the fact that Hillary would be disastrous for the US, I cant help but feel like she should be in office anyway.
Please prove me wrong.

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Fuck off, not your country.

That's not how presidential elections work, limey.

Hillary didn't win shit. There was gerrmandering in the primaries, for christ sake the Clinton campaign were bussing people around at caucus's.

Also only a million more people voted for Hillary that Trump and I can promise you they were all illegals.

Democracy in the United States is not reasonable, due to our very large population and land. We are a Republic.

3,000,000 illegals voted.

>I cant help but feel

Your feelings don't matter. This isn't a safe space.

the Seattle Seahawks got more rushing yards but lost the super bowl.

the Cleveland Indians scored more runs but lost the world series.

Kill yourself

>I do believe in democracy
Apologies on behalf of Britain for this total cuck


We're a republic. Not a true democracy. If we were a true democracy, gauranteed we would be a true communist economy aswell.

No, becuase that's not the system either the voters or the candidates participated in. If there was a pupular votes, perhaps more Trump supporters would have voted in CA and NY because then their voted would have actually mattered.

why should faggots in cali and new york decide the president every time? We're the UNITED STATES we have 50 mini elections. Voted bernie, but switched trump.

America is not a democracy like people think. We're a republic

I know you're a shill, but if the election had been based on popular vote people in solid blue states/solid red states who didn't bother voting (since their state wasn't a swing state) would have voted, and he most likely would have still won. Also he was winning the popular vote until the last 20% of Califonia's votes came, and it's highly likely that Hillary got a million+ votes from voter fraud anyway.

No, you don't get to change the rules of the game just because you don't like the results. If the popular vote mattered in presidential elections, then the campaigns would have been completely different.

Countries formed on pure democracies almost always fail due to the minority of elections rising up. Electorates are needed to ensure that each state is given a voice. Otherwise elections would literally be decided by California and 5 city centers.

There is literally nothing illegal or wrong about bussing voters, so long as those voters are legally registered.

Or are you going to claim that Trump's victory in Pennsylvania was illegitimate because Trump's campaign bussed in tens of thousands of Amish?

He's referring to the story that broke, which explained that they were bussing from across state lines.

Kys yourself my long-lost Anglo brother

>hillary won the popular vote
>implying illegal voters and stuffed ballot boxes count for consenus

>for the sake of democracy
Democracy is shit and should be abolished. However considering all the illegals voting and the voting machines being suspicious af, he may have won the popular vote too.

In one state, the governor released 60,000 fucking criminals from prison if they promised to vote hillary.

Hillary used the identities of over 4 million dead people to vote for her lol.

Around 6 million votes registered as hillary votes through hacked machines when they were actually trump votes.

No, she did not win the popular vote either.

He already won idiot

If all 38 million Californians voted giving Hillary a 38 million vote lead over Trump but the electoral vote stayed the same, then Donald Trump would still be the President Elect to the 45th Presidency of the United States of America.
If any serious motion was made to repudiate that, I among many others would reject whatever decision was made to enact such a violation of the Constitution of the Republic of American States, resulting in possible secession and, as a last resort, armed conflict.
Thankfully, I trust the American Electoral College to respect the will of the states that they were selected to represent so that each geographical demographic is represented fairly as explicitly laid out in the Constitution of the United States of America.
Should the country wish to decide to abolish the electoral college, that would be their own right through legal legislative processes initiated by an amendment to the United States Constitution, carried out by a majority of Senators and House Representatives and approved by the President of the United States and a majority ruling of the Supreme Court. Whether this will happen or not does not alter the fact that Donald Trump won the general election for the Presidency of the United States, and even if it were somehow to pass prior to his inauguration on January 20th, it would not alter his electoral mandate to the Presidency.
Thank you for your interest in the political system of the United States of America. Please continue to remain active in researching and understanding governmental policies and the Constitution. If you wish to know more, you are welcome to start at the National Archives online at: archives.gov/founding-docs

Proofs? Breitbart doesn't count as a source.

Here it is, bong. If you think Hillary should be President because of the popular vote, then you agree that Brexit should go through immediately because the majority voted for it. However, since you're shilling for Hill, I think that you're probably extremely anti-Brexit. So, which is it? Is the popular vote a mandate, or is it not?

Only answer that wasnt a faggot