Paranatural Thread: Could we please not wrist-post immediately? Edition

Paranatural Thread: Could we please not wrist-post immediately? Edition

>ummmm are you trying to BREAK my ARM?? uh ever heard of the GOLDEN RULE? cuz what you're doing is war crimes

>Thanks for your patience!

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I could just go full Sup Forums and complain about how the minorities are attacking while the White males just stand around instead?

what's with all the niggAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGHHHHHH

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extra based wristposter denying OPs wishes

We're reaching levels of WAAAAACKY FACE that shouldn't even be possible

>Hijack, who can apparently contort his host's body to ridiculous limits, has less wacky faces than Max

Veins are an ability?

Maybe everyone's possessed by Hijacks and all those balls in Hitball was him firing sperm at them?

>It wasn't the Namek arc but the Baby arc all along

Somehow not an improvement.

It's more distressing than comical when he gets like this.

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>Isabel flips herself then flips the umbrella itself to hook him


Why does Max hate Hijack so much again? Has Hijack done anything worth meme angry face?

Yes, by perpetuating the "you only use 10% of your brain" meme.

I wish this entire scene could have happened back when the art wasn't this horrendous yet.


Yes indeed, it's a reference to JoJo's BizAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHH Adventure.


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How the fuck does this particular set of actions flow? She swings the umbrella, Hijack!Spender blocks with his right arm, Isabelle teleports behind him somehow, flips her umbrella around somehow, hooks his arm, then pulls down with just enough force to move his arm and only his arm?
Does zach ever think these through before he draws them?

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Have you been reading the comic? That sequence is the only good thing about this page.

That her tools ability. to flip shit.

Yes, FlipFlop's power is flipping things(or should I say FLP! things). First she flipped herself to get behind him, then filled the umbrella to hook him.

The umbrella spirit lets her flip things. So Isabel attacks Spender, flips behind him, then flips the umbrella to hook his arm.

oh fuck I completely forgot her new spirit can do that shit
disregard me, I suck cocks

It's intentional because of the power, but it could still be conveyed better.

It's a valid complaint though because when was this power explained, two years/twenty strips ago?

Proof spender is Zack self insert. There's no way that last panel isn't autobiographical.

her ghosts power is "flipping things" A vague statement.

Note the "flp!!" sound effect.
She swings the umbrella and he blocks.

in panel 2. she uses the power to "flip" and her position is 100% mirrored, on the other side of him.

p3. notice the "FLP!!" again. she flipped the umbrella this time. inverting ITS position in her hand. so the hook is now on spender.

The FLP!! fx should be more prominent.

that motion would pull his arm backwards over the top. tearing every muscle and shattering his shoulderblade.
To pull his arm behind his back, it should be pulled DOWN, not backwards. you are correct that would be wrong.

Paper power was cooler. He didn't develop Eightfold enough to give his/her/its/??? death any meaning, kinda sucks.

>Isabel's ability is literally *teleports behind you* "pft nothin personal kid"
Man, I hate these fun sequences and ideas that I can just imagine would look so much better with Zack's old style.

Max hitting his spec shot with his bat the first time would've been so rad if it was a splash page and had better art.

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>this mad max compared to the chapter 5 mad max background characters
People say he keeps getting better and I honestly don't know why or how anyone can say that.

you could, but you could also not

What's this picture from, anyway?

inb4 max' manlet arms can't hold up the bat long enough and dinner is ruined

Zack's Paranatural desktop backgrounds.

Also as long as he's holding the bat, I think with all the scrap around, it'd be like holding nothing due to the magnetism

Isabel's power just works

Isaac is still adorable

legit laughed out loud

wait since when does Dimitri have powers? Did I miss anything?

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Only like five years of fan speculation but you can be forgiven for forgetting that.

I remember I made this back when this page came out two million years ago.

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Remember when there was hope in the world?

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I know. It's so fucking strange. How do we live in a world where Paranatural started out as the best thing since sliced bread and got worse in every aspect. It's unthinkable. It should be illegal to raise expectations this high.

>Only like five years of fan speculation

Plus you know, a page where he literally uses them.

Man this is one ugly ass page.

Yes that too. Didn't feel the need to mention it but yes it was much more recent.

Dimitri's smoke-fu is pretty cool too bad we get two tiny panels to enjoy it.

Will we get one day an updated version with the new cast that doesn't look like Zack's new shitty art?

>LMAO Implying

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Zack probably started watching Boruto

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I said it already last thread but the fucking glowing red eyes thing doesn't work if the glasses have soft pastel colors instead of being completely black. How did Zack go from being creating some of the coolest shit ever like to forgetting fucking everything about art?

Last week user.

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Yeah that's true. Jesus Christ Zack won't even put black on the glasses.

TUNE IN NEXT WEEK to see Isaac get mad nobody tole him Dmitri had powers

Art degradation notwithstanding Isabel has been lookin real cute lately

Has she ever not been qtpi tho

she was more qt at the start of this chapter (over 3 years ago by the way)

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She wasn't as cute as she is now in the beginning.

I feel like Hijack may have overestimated these kids a bit, or at least underestimated how much stronger he'd be in an adult's body instead of a dweeb, because the way they're positioned now leaves it hard for anyone else to get involved in the fray, and even though Hijack is sweating a bit on the second-to-last panel, I don't get the feeling that he's overwhelmed.

Still, that is some cool use of powers from Isabel, and fast learning since she only learned what Flip-Flop's power was like... ten minutes ago?

Max is just an (un?)naturally angry boy already
He just has a really good focus for it with Hijack, who's been spewing moralistic crap while beating people he doesn't like up, taking over his friends and teacher, and now he's suddenly just changed tack on everything he was about before and spewing bullshit like the "you only use 10% of your brain" crap and "I must destroy the earth"
We know what Hijack is planning, but Max has no clue what's going on, other than some stupid-ass brain is fucking with everybody and being really annoying while doing so, being angry is the correct response, if he follows it up by trying to piece together what's going on instead of more anger

>Dmitri using full spectral powers for the first time in comic is two tiny boring panels
I'm disappointed

>How did Zack go from being creating some of the coolest shit ever like # to forgetting fucking everything about art?
Literally because of Tumblr and Twitter-hugboxes, user. That and his utterly shitty, mutually parasitic relationship with his Monsterkind GF.

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>it's been 1 year since 10 minutes ago

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You better get used to disappointment.

Cutest scene with greatest sexual tension was with spender "you don't have to hero alone senpai, baka ne"

I'll take whatever I can get from Isabel, prison be damned

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Except that was Hijack.

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So it's not technically statutory rape? Even better

>flips things
Probably the worst power ever. And also is just a mess thematically.
>breakdancing turtle
How the fuck are those things related?

He seems to spend basically all of his time on twitter, so you might be onto something.

Are you a fucking moron?

Umbrellas, Breakdancing, and Turtles are all things associated with the concept of "flipping". Umbrellas get flipped inside-out, turtles get flipped on their backs when they can't move, and many breakdancing moves are also done with the person flipped on their back.

Spirits typically choose tools that are thematically close to their power, like Muse choosing a paintbrush, Eightfold choosing a book, and tha whalefrog choosing a plunger to match how it can manifest reflections as doppelgangers.

Umbrellas aren't flipped open in the same way that a turtle flips though. Umbrellas are more of a fold. A better fit would be a coin, skateboard, or skillet. An umbrella doesn't evoke strong flipping imagery at all.

Eh, I can kind of see your point with the coin and skateboard, but a skillet seems more like something that flips other things. Also there's an additional limitation of "things you could plausibly carry in school" which a skillet wouldn't fit, and a skateboard feels like stretching it.

As for Flip-Flops power in general, I feel like Isabel already got some pretty good usage of it, and it would be even better if it enables her to bypass the barrier.

I guess my biggest problem with her power would be that it's visually boring. The paper/ink/magnet/weather powers are all really interesting visually, as they lend themselves to big flourishes and can be read kinetically through the art. The flipping power only makes sense with a literal "FLIP" spoonfed to the reader, and there aren't that many cool things to be done with it.

I'll agree with you there, since this page alone seems to have revealed pretty much the extent of what Isabel can do with the umbrella. But she also has by far the best level of control (among the kids at least) when it comes to Spectral Energy Constructs, so maybe in future fight scenes those could be utilized to give her more flair?

Was this not covered when Flip-Flop was introduced?

>You're not very thematically coherent.

>But she also has by far the best level of control (among the kids at least) when it comes to Spectral Energy Constructs

And yet at least she uses her tool's actual power as opposed to Dimitri who just creates spectral gloves to do that stupid punching shit. Is Zack keeping his ability a secret for four or five more years?

He was lost the moment he decided he doesn't have a gender anymore

okay that last panel made me laugh. Good job, Hack.

as someone who's followed this comic since 2014, this is the best response in the thread.

>the black kid fights in the most basic way possible despite supposedly being smart
bravo zack

It's crazy. It feels like no time at all but you can see how dramatically the art changed from even here.

I could really use a Paranat doujin where Hijacked Spender holds Isabel down.

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He's so smart that he knows that the best way is actually the most basic way instead of trying to be fancy with all the flips and flourishes.

Not the reverse then.

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Why not both?

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based wristposter

Remember the whale ghost fight? God, that feels like a different comic.

Its strange how something so minor looks really wrong, even before you pointed it out last week it really stuck out

This wristposting is getting pretty subtle.

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>Posted Jan.17.17 at 01:24 am

Its a power that would work much better in action. Zack has truly lost all respect or forgotten how the comic medium works and the comic is basically just a script for what he hopes will be adapted into a TV series. Thats probably why the backgrounds and art in general is so poor.

>he mains Mr. Spender

just admit you're a tryhard and fuck off

...and had the build-up wasn't so shitty. Or the flanderization never happened.


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>Could we please not wrist-post immediately
>>ummmm are you trying to BREAK my ARM??
The jokes even write themselves.

>the comic is [now] basically just a script for what he hopes will be adapted into a TV series
Pretty much. The problem with cartoon productions though is that the planning can get so uncertain and hard to overview - what if, say, the IP gets snatched yet it'll never get the small screen treatment because reasons, at worst? What if the source material gets whittled and stripped down off lively, adventurous aspect making it less likeable than it used to be, underperforming from those original works' potential? (see: Sup Forumsmplaints for adaptations of stuff like Bee and Puppycat, Forever 12 etc)

Had this comic's writing been so consistently decent and solid on its own, at least people will have something to cherish by even if adaptational plans go awry.

I think Zack may seriously be retarded.

Zack the man has gone downhill for a while now, but Max getting annoyed by schticky lines has always been a thing.

I like 100% brain joke. I think I would have liked Hijack more if it wans't for all the super-serious posturing. Zack really, REALLY overwrites all of his serious conversations. Remember Forge vs. Spender? Fantastic lines such as "Haha, you poor deluded fool", etc. I think aime rots the part of the brain that understands drama.

>Only audience for your comic is a n autistic comic board on a basket weaving website
>Throw a tantrum when you find out about this, vow ot make it us unpalatable as possible to them
>Ends up with a webcomic that nobody likes instead of getting the tumblr audience he desired.

Should have just kept doing what he was doing instead of deciding to virtue signal.

There's annoyance and then there's "face distorts like you're in Ren and Stimpy" annoyance.

What am I thinking? Why would Zack save wacky faces for special occasions when he could use them all the time? Who doesn't love wacky faces?

>Those spectral energy boxing gloves
>Just plain spheres
Try harder Dimitri.

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Silly user, that page was only a few months ag-
What the FUCK