>tfw you will never experience the 1992 campaign season ever again

Other urls found in this thread:





Good 2016 was the only campaign you ever need.


>Shills still on damage control for the pedo rapist lecher

I want to know whose in charge of telling you dumb kikes what to do. I'm really curious what thinking took place to make the top jews think Bill could be redeemed in the eyes of the normies after lolita express.

>tfw you will never experience the 90's again

feeling like a 90's thread...


>holding my wife's daughter hands

She really is the spitting image of Webb Hubbel.


bill got the sympathy vote

>trumpfags on rape accusations against Bill Clinton


>trumpfags on rape accusations against Trump

lol, who cares? Just grab 'em by the pussy, brah


choose or lose

>look at dem titties
>look at dem children
>hurr durr

I don't remember what there were inside those boxes. 3 1/2 A discs?



Ross Perot won our class vote

Not another nostalgiafag thread.

It's because of those regressive dicks that I hate being a Millennial.


Was Ross Perot /OurGuy/?

Kind of funny how they didn't pull that shit this election.
Trump kind of did, sitting on a personal airliner while eating a big mac but we didn't see OP happening from either party.

I wonder if Bill knew he was getting cucked, that frizzy hair speaks volumes.

>rape accusations against Bill are made by people who were friendly with him before being raped
>rape accusations against Trump are made by people who either never actually met him or have ulterior motives for attacking him
really makes ya think

>implying I experienced it in the first place

t. born in 1995

CD-ROM was common for win 95
(back when computer shows were adverised like monster truck shows)



>tfw dad promises you can stop by Uncle Webb's on the way home

>implying people don't act friendly as part of an ulterior motive


The pilot is locked up, but Bill gets off Scott free? This isn't an accusation, he's being blatantly ignored in the investigation unlike most political or social rape accusations which have no forensic evidence at all.

We know he flew on a plane named "Lolita Express" to a small private island called "Orgy Island" twenty-six times.

elmers tier pastiness

>trump offered me money for sex
>also i just opened an online sex shop yesterday
>pls dont sue me

I remember at the time, we were subscribed to Rush Limbaugh's newsletter. My based mother wanted for me to know "what was really going on." Said she wanted to save them for me when I got older. I don't know if she did, maybe I should call her. It's been 8 years now.

I miss 1992.
>tfw 7

what happened this night?

I was born in 1992 and didn't even care about politics at all even up through W's presidency.


They got gassed by DJT, now kys.


Oh hell I forgot it. I just remember Win95 that I played Doom and those card games. Oh, and those funny PowerPoint slideshows

Imagine those horse teeth sinking into a small child's limb.


hilldawg went down on Tipper



High stardard swingers right there

man those old reptilian suits were pretty bad, they barely compensate for all the teeth


You'll never be on acid and literally shit your shorts laughing at the Perot/Stockdale skit on SNL as it was being broadcast live

A few Perot '92 signs graced the lawns of my neighbors in 2016


why's he wearing gloves?



Chelsea is so clearly not Bill's daughter.



'92 was a cold year, global warming is no joke

>TFW hot cakes and sausage combo looks like it was $1.79.


>ywn live in a neon 1980s miami receiving orders through a phone to murder people and in return get unique masks

Why live?




is that al gore's dick?

Chelsea? BARF

dat micro dick though


Is that Obama in the front row? Second from right.

remember when bush vomited in japan


red pill me on ross perot

>tfw youll never be in the know
>tfw youll never be super important societal figure
>tfw no gf

May be a grower.


old Barbara with the situational awareness.

>tfw youll never be in the know

billionaire redpilled dude ran to fix the budget, bought primetime time and aired the countrys fuck ups when it comes to immigration and economy, fucked up bushs 2nd run. was threatened with death of his daughter. steps down to save famlily and helps clinton win fucking over bush because he took so many votes away

Jesus Fucking Christ.

If ape hoop did anything positive for society it was making below knee shorts popular.

bill was certainly the looker of the family

>tfw no one ever found out about Jeb's cummies


you've never heard that expression before?


ross perot basically saying what trump said

No way?! Bill get cucked?

Red pill me.

fuck that made me laugh. thank you, user.

user pls, i'm twice your age.

Below knee shorts are not white. The white man wears his shorts at least 1 inch above the knee.

ross perot redpilling america


How old are you OP?

I imagine most of us were children in 1992.

The most I knew about Bill Clinton as a kid was from the Animaniacs.


i was born in 92 but a chilhood spent watching television in the 90s taught me all this shit, if you had hbo in the 90s and cable you learned all of this

1992 was a simpler time

so you were implying that I heard John Oliver say that and I was parroting the expression?

also, I hope you're not twice my age, because I'm 52

yea, it's more like below the dong

member Animaniacs?
ooh yeah dat was fantastic!

Don't remember Bill Clinton president thank god. Oh wait I experienced George bush as first president. Fuck