
Did she have that dot on her forehead before?

Attached: echo locate the child lover.jpg (600x900, 259K)


>Duane fucking around on the lake floor.
Isn't this literally Aldish hell for him.

Pretty much though his personal hell would be being trapped at a Crescian economics symposium.

ass and titties
ass ass titties titties
ass and titties

Wouldn't the fishies be awfully attracted to Duane or does he taste super bad


Jesus Christ how horrifying.

Does he even have meat? He has been zombie'ing about for like seven years.

What's with all the nipples?

I'm sure Duane's not pleased with his current situation, but if he were actually in the extracontinental khert dead zone that the Ssaelit consider hell (which, conveniently for their religious imagery, happens to be where the deep ocean also is) he wouldn't be functioning at all.

He's basically a mummy by his own design to keep from smelling bad and going through any more rot than he already did. He doesn't have anything juicy left to attract attention.

It adds a layer of sophistication

I missed Duane


Same. Aside from Sette, I don't really care about the "main" group.

Is it time for Duane to steal another child?

>Duane travels the countryside, amassing an army of children he vainly tries to convert to proper Ssaelism
>Sette teaches the exact opposite to the budding rogues

They're generally used to secrete milk in order to feed young children.

But she's a fish woman who can't have children.

I got the impression that he sometimes patches himself up with fresh meat when he gets the opportunity/need.

Are you people just making up words at random?
Is the Sissarian ghyadi in full equinox since Fhragbn comes so close to the green opal army? I see several nods to both Kant and Botticelli in the current arc, but I wish Laurent had a stronger presence now that it's in a post-human cybersupremacy.

wait, are you saying you think "extracontinental" is a made-up word, or are you complaining that the in-universe words from the comic the thread you are posting in is about are made-up words? i mean you're really stupid either way but i'm kinda curious which specific species of stupid is at work here.

Waterwomen have some water-sense thing? Is Duane's irregularity tickling her first-khert thing?

or you can the comic and not look like a retard

I would LOVE to can this comic.

>specific species of stupid
You genuinely thought that would sound cool and dismissive when you imagined it in your head, didn't you.

Sup Forums is that way

dont act like he wasnt missing half his head to begin with

There are only 3 words in those two comments combined that are not typical english words.

Are you some kind of brainlet that doesn't know what a symposium is?

Well yeah, he took Turas' leg after he nommed on him. But I think he dessicates it or strips it of flesh somehow.