Please help me validate the authenticity of this transmission

Please help me validate the authenticity of this transmission.

Supposedly, a wikileaks staffer was put under a gag order and is now spilling beans in fear of his life. Is this roleplay?

Other urls found in this thread:

Every time I make a thread about this or LHOHQ dot info my thread dies.

It's as if the truth does not want to be discovered.


Have a bump just in case

All my threads auto-sage

Somebody just take one for the team and submit a leak. Report back when you find out

OPs can't bump their own threads.

I'm lazy. I wasn't on the frontlines in the Meme War, I was in the rear with the gear.

it would be a not good kind of thing if this is the case, however, it's completely in the realm of possibility, there is some global shady dynamic power shit going on in the world these days. In the iraq war, i fought with militias lead by paracommando operatives. It was super shady shit, years later i figured out that the militias were composed of insurgents including al qaeda from our immediate AO and the coordinators were cia. flipped my world upside down. i wasn't anything special, just a grunt but it's all lies, at least iraq to present, syria, libya etc. all lies...


> If there were a question about Julian's safety, he would immediately appear at a balcony window... he would not want the reputation and credibility of WL to be in question

This is a very, very, very strong argument. No sarcasm.

I was frequent on /k/ a few years back and a lot of military anons were saying we were in countries we'd be ashamed to be operating in, allies being implied. Now I know they weren't fibbing. Rock on /k/ommandos.

Have another, on the house.

Momentum bump


Bump for Assange of Rivia

The video with Assange yesterday , that claimed to be technical fakery, MAY be just an effect of digital encoding into MP4 format. May and may not...

(just bump with a note)


No its not. All the other times he was rumored to be dead he never did that. He just appeared in some video.

spook war


fuck this is bad if it's true. What happens next?

shoulda just dumped everything at once instead of making the info leak a striptease

So the 'interview' with Assange, Assange's meeting with Swedish prosecutors, and the updated pre-commitment hashes are all just a ruse?

>Also Pic related, is this just a ruse as well?

We need to think, is this "Assange is Dead" a psyop? Who will benefit from people believing he is dead? Who benefits by scaring people from leaking to wikileaks?

My point exactly. Julian would have shown some proof of his well-being by now, role-play post or not.

I need to see this. Link? I want to see if he's in another location, if this is true.

Why won't he come to the window?

First by Never Forgetting.

keep larping
friendly reminder that nsa is powered by a bunch of autistic nerds

He likely did that 'striptease' to tiptoe around what just happened to him. Besides the obvious keeping up with interest.

I'm betting on assange being alive and well and just using this "omg is he dead!?" shit to get more attention to wikileaks. If there is one thing he is, its a giant attentionwhore.

I didn't mean he just appeared in a video, I mean he would just do some video conference thing. And no, I am too lazy to gibs you a link.

Good counterpoint to the whole blackballing thing. I'm open to all views to find the truth and you've got a good theory.

Also, if this is true, the CIA knows you goys have figured it out and the person that claimed to be from wikileaks is probably dead.

Even if Assange is alive, they have cut all his connections to the outside world and wikileaks has likely been compromised.

I'll fuck off to do my research on his recent video. Brb

Assange's meeting with Swedish prosecutors was conducted via embassy proxy and his lawyer was not allowed to join the conversation.
Hashes don't match the encrypted data which is unprecedented, and their excuse is that they are the decoded hashes. This has never been done before in the history of wikileaks.

All of this plus the fact that Assange is Dead threads and information are being regularly deleted in various websites leads me to believe it is not a LARP.

This is just one anons opinion though.

Please post evidence to the contrary if you disagree.

The interview that didn't mention any recent events, the meeting that wasn't face to face but through embassy intermediaries, and the updated hashes which defeat the whole point of releasing hashes.

He's fine.

Is this shit for real? If so, this is terrible!

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Something is very wrong with wikileaks. Their posting has changed, their tones have changed, hell, even what they leak has changed.

Holyfuckingshit I didn't even see that twitter post


>announcing your intentions to leak
No. That's dumb. Be like Ozymandias and gloat about it 35 minutes AFTER you leak it.

>terrible argument
>no evidence



scary stuff


Weeeeeell, with the recent taking pressure off of Assange by the UN and Sweden, I suppose other agencies might feel the need to put it back /on/ or finish the business some other way.

The scary thing is that nobody seems to care. You'd think the media wants to do interviews and shit with Assange after the election, but guess not.

Well fuck. I wasn't trying to say he's fine. I don't know. You guys make good points. Im just trying to play devils advocate and think of different scenarios. Hopefully we get more concrete evidence one way or the other. Any idea how we can ACTUALLY prove anything?

how new r u?

Most forms of Islam are a RELIGION of HATE.

Islamophobia - or rather Islamo-rejections, is Good and Right.
Islamophilia is a Treason...!

[(just bumping the thread to keep (at least the) information alive)]


What is a symbolism of "collar", "tie" and "cat" ?
What kind of message is that ? Or just a caprice ?

Assange is not allowed in rooms with windows, so he's trying to capture people's attention since other way.


I'm not an expert, but I'd say they turned him into a cat. It's the purrfect crime.

Maybe it was her.


That gets me to my core. He was a pivotal player in the election, the source of all email drama on the media. They should at least be trying to denounce him and his credibility like they did in the past with Snowden.

But as they say there is no such thing as bad publicity. The media knows they cannot possibly spin opinion in their favor, so they completely blackout any coverage of him.

At least Julian's potential martyrdom will only make his cause stronger.




I've seen the image of the bill recently, but thought it's just an internet jpeg fun...

Did they really distribute these as physical banknotes accross states ?




Jews, man.

That's the rumor, and the examination of the bill showed microdot precision; something a printer cannot do. The money and effort involved was beyond the average basement-dweller.

What the FUCK is that?

Is that a REAL tweet?

Holy shit....


Our lives are in danger....

We shouldn't have found out about the CHILD PEDO ring.....



He's right (sort of) about Tor. CMU broke .onion addresses by creating a shitload of new entry and exit nodes then analysing packet size, timing, frequency, etc. The interesting thing is that, if you have access to all ISPs and access to certificate authorities, you can break Tor without any observable change to the network.

I'd imagine you could mitigate the attack by
A) using a proxy server located somewhere America doesn't own, like Iran or Russia, on top of Tor
B) encrypting your data with a known good wikileaks PGP key so you're not relying on the CA
C) getting on cafe wifi with a spoofed mac address and no cameras around
D) using Tails to mitigate browser fingerprinting and stop your OS calling home

But fucked if I know, really.

It was literally done by a basement dwelling christian. It was an elaborate set up to berate people for not rising up over abortion.

That faggot made everyone watch like 3 minutes of some abortion gore then yelled for a half hour about how we were blind. He was literally retarded. He was mad that we were looking at the people that caused abortion to be normalized. Dude was a retard.

I fucking tripped balls when I saw that tweet AFTER I saw the original post. There's some real shit going on, why would they go through the effort to down-play someone's LARP?

why deleted?

pic got pruned

Pamela Anderson visited him 4 days ago.
He had an interview with a Swedish reporter 5 days ago.

Yes, he's in hiding. Deep hiding right now, there's probably 4 snipers rotating watching all the windows. And since his internet's been cut, other wiki peeps have had to take over, that's why the tone is different.

But this is disinfo to start panic, and the belief that he's dead. Wikileaks operators are all over the world using proxies, no, there was no combined raid on them all at the same time in their corners of the world behind their proxies and bots. or at the VERY least, kimdotcom would hear about it. And wiki info is NOT resident on their home computers in their bedrooms, jesus christ.

Why is this disinfo being spread? Probably because its demoralizing, but....there may be a big drop waiting in the wings.
come on.

My educated guess...and I dont want to say WHY I know it because everyone is watching, is there's a big drop coming very soon. Its being held in reserve as leverage.

This disinfo is so you won't believe the drop. The guy doesn't use Tor? And has a ready answer for why, yeah ok.
Look, everything is psyops right now. Everything. There is NO reason, in spite of how narcissistic we are here, for someone to come to /pol with information like this -if it were real.- BUT there is plenty of reason for disinfo to be pushed at /pol since we help spread wikileaks leaked materials. We are GOOD at that. And so they want that curtailed in advance. They don't want us picking through what is coming out now.

A big drop is coming, and they want us to think Julian is dead, and wikileaks is compromised so we wont pick through it and won't spread it.

Its going to hit just before the electoral college vote.

quit biting your fingernails and throwing yourselves on the floor. We're the people that CANT be brainwashed. (but we ARE neurotic, so shit like this can make us panic). THINK.

Because they rely on whistleblowers trusting them, and some aspie is going around roleplaying as some wikileaks person telling everyone to stop giving them tips.

It could really go either way. Thats the problem you come to when you can't trust anyone and your enemies have access to everything.

This really makes me question all of this.

Man it looks like Assange is dead.


Site (mentioned in the image) does not exist or was taken down... (is a link to 404 page of instead)

Im a printmaker. I studied paper making, etching, lithography and screen printing. The amount of time and effort in creating the initial image COULD take a good deal of time, but actually printing it using traditional methods, not that shitty laserjet printing, isnt that much effort. It would be really easy to mass produce.

>in fact, Ive often humored the idea of printing my own money. I am confident I could make near-exact replicas of it. But I dont have enough balls to do so.

why doesn't he just give proof of life then

The guy was interviewed by John Pilger at the height of the dnc leaks. The twitter account just tweeted that exact same grab, basically claiming it is bullshit and asking who benefits from this fake story?
Give it a break.

Thank you based aquafresh, I'll stop using that in a derogatory sense

>tfw it's how I remember your flag

>there's probably 4 snipers rotating watching all the windows

so what. he should come out and show himself anyway.

if he gets shot dead, then that will be an undeniable news story showing that (((they))) wanted him dead. he'll become a martyr, the cause will be strengthened, etc.

if he shows himself and doesn't get shot, then we'll have proof he's alive.

That hasn't been the case for a few weeks but people just keep repeating it

came here to post this

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>Risk life to prove to some neck-beards he is still alive.

Yeah I think he values his life a little more than that. Hence the push to get his case dropped in the US and Sweden.

gtfo Alphabet Soup

Alright, lets say he's allowed nothing electronic or anything that could be used to transmit data. he can't write anything in case its code. Nothing can go in or out of the room he's 'prisoner' in, except for people like Pam Anderson willing to go through the ordeal of an invasive search. She can only take him food. She can't leave with anything.
How would you suggest he provide proof of life in no one can take anything from his room? Maybe he's not even allowed to pass notes now, as he was doing.

Sure, its possible he's alive, its possible he's dead. But somebody posting on /pol?? There'd be a hundred hackers to pass info off to, instead of coming to a micronesian turkey farm. Those guys communicate deep web with each other. There's NO reason to come to /pol EVEN IF ASSANGE IS DEAD...
you wanted your post to be spread. Whatever is in that post. The ONLY reason to come to /pol is to have your post spread around.

Is this why they rushed the ip bill through parliament?

Elaborate for a dumb burger who doesn't follow Bongistan politics aside from based Farage?

>white collar + tie

who else?

The thread yesterday claims, that the video is fake.
There are today technologies, that you take a person video or even a still image, take completelly different person making grimaces, and combine them. I've seen video of guy, who made grimaces and talking and beside that G.Bush making these grimaces and talking, and this can be done even in real time... (mapping one face gestures onto another face)

So someone here claimed yesterday, that on that John Pilger video there are artifacts, that suggest, that it is such a fakery.

I claim, that these artifacts can happen, when encoding genuine video to a MP4 format, which uses key-frame and then just differences in following frames for video encoding...

But be aware, that the John Pilger video MAY actually be faked...

83 posts
>not one post commenting about "GHCQ"

The fuck is GHCQ? Stop falling for larpers.
FBI didn't help Sup Forums.
Julian is not dead.

>ip bill through parliament
>burgered on google
>A Bill to make provision about the interception of communications, equipment interference and the acquisition and retention of communications data, bulk personal datasets and other information; to make provision about the treatment of material held as a result of such interception, equipment interference or acquisition or retention; to establish the Investigatory Powers Commissioner and other Judicial Commissioners and make provision about them and other oversight arrangements; to make further provision about investigatory powers and national security; to amend sections 3 and 5 of the Intelligence Services Act 1994; and for connected purposes.

That's some next-level 1984 shit right there son

British intelligence you moron

I think you are looking for GCHQ, yankee, go fck urslf.



>a provision for the provision of the provision on the provision...for connected purposes of course

GHCQ is just an NSA outpost... Does it matter, if it is GHCQ or NSA or CIA ?

>Intelligence Services Act 1994
Just thought that it could rather be Act 1984 ...

I don't buy it, its scare tactics to STOP people from leaking. The administration is done, nobody gives a shit and nobody is getting v& because nobody has been. They wouldn't come here real or fake because they would go to Reddit like they JUST did and be taken seriously by more people.

Wikileaks did its job, we don't even need it anymore the FBI does if anything. Its too late. She lost. Find a new larp you niggers


Fucking 1984 man
The Luddites were right.
Fuck this technology.

There's no way it could have been an intentional typo in order to bypass xkeyspore made by someone deathly afraid for their lives or anything.
Verily, a blatantly incorrect presentation of an obscure british intelligence firm is a clean cut indicator of a LARPjob.

fuck he could just have a note on a stick and stick it out the window. on the other hand cant they see through walls? couldnt they shoot a 50 cal. through them? i dont think they need windows braz