Jeb Sessions atterney general libtards forever btfo
Thomas King
Yes, amazing. He is the mentor of Stephen Miller, hard against immigration and trade.
Nicholas Cruz
>missed the first half hour of the Trump special >have to stay up another two hours to watch it
Aiden Gomez
For whites.
Carter White
Adam Cook
Robert Green
Robert Williams
He has a bigger ego than Trump.
Luis Lopez
Evan Murphy
which one would u rather put a baby in
William Mitchell
Nobody I know still has the cable jew.
Blake Lopez
>tfw still miss trump rallies Sucks we gotta wait 4 more years till it happens.
Jaxon Price
Oy vey!
Nicholas Cooper
Jack Johnson
Yes he is based as fuck and backed Trump from the start
Camden Miller
Aiden Lee
Colton Ramirez
Sessions is literally the basis for Trump's immigration policy. We could not ask for a better Attorney General. A good ol boy from Alabama who loves the rule of law and enforcing Federal immigration statutes.
Gavin Campbell
Owen Gray
Yes for enforcing immigration policies when overblown mayors think they can stand up to trump
But it tells me he probably won't be the guy to prosecute Clinton
Caleb Perry
Fantastic pick, I was talking about him being on Team Trump ages ago.
Uhhh why didn't Trump bow down to the Japanese president?
Oliver Torres
Marla, to be an eskimo buddy with the God-emperor... Youd be a legend m8
Christian Sullivan
We're all gonna make it
Jason James
Carson Hernandez
I'm flying over.
Aaron Cox
That special was really good
Why didn't they release it before the election? It would've been highly successful, nobody in their right mind would hold onto it
If he lost, it wouldn't be nearly as valuable
really makes you think...
Elijah Walker
>Oh, kek. It seemed like he'd already won in the interview. It really did. The man is the living embodiment of confidence. Failure is not even a possibility that entered into his mind.
>Everyone is sick of fight song, even liberals. This, it made me want to puke before Hillary's campaign, now I just want to bash whoever made it with my schlong.
Juan Harris
That drink is not alcoholic I hope
Ryder Evans
Owen Gomez
oh god this is giving me flashbacks of Naruto TrumpOP
delete this at once
Leo Baker
Ist Trump ein sexmonster?
Ethan Turner
She actually looks decent there
Noah Carter
Romney's a tool. I think he would be a pretty good SoS but hes also the face of the establishment. Shake hands, do a photo op, maybe give him some lesser post but not SoS.
Gavin Ramirez
Jacob Phillips
>wtf what's wrong with her ha-oh it's Trump
Jaxon Scott
I bet it was made just in case Trump had to rehabilitate his image after a loss. Harvey Levin is his friend after all.