Will she run against President Trump in 2020?

Will she run against President Trump in 2020?

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maybe wheel against trump

convicted felons can't run for public office

She's is seriously fucked in the head if she thinks she could do that.....so yes

She lost twice user. It's over

she'll be dead along with bernie

if life support technology can get good enough to sustain her

She won the popular vote both times.

in four years i doubt it

No, it's Bernie's turn!

3 million of illegals voted for her.

The only reason they even ran her this go around was because they felt they could run a shovel and it would still beat Trump and they felt they owed her the position.

They'd be fools to run her again.

Too bad it's not a democracy.

it never was and it never will be

she's been eternally BTFO. The Democrats are purging her and her allies as we speak. They have lost all influence after losing two elections.

The DNC will be led by Bernie's influence, and you can see that with their likely next head, and who they are beginning to support.

Pic related is what happens to people who weren't elected democratically.

She lost the electoral game. We aren't the United States of California. Besides, they still have 55 electorates.


Pic related is what happens when Clinton wants to pretend she is a grand chess player.

Enjoy your riots.

I hope the Democrats are stupid enough to run her in 2020.

When can we have the day of raking?

bernie isnt even a democrat anymore its definitely not going to be him calling the shots they got some nog mudslime convert as chairman and fucking shummer as senate leader

>she'll be dead

Hill and Bill look like shit. I suspect they'll be dead by 74.

>along with bernie

Ashkenazi Jewish men live to 95.

>Pic related is what
this pic related deserves

Michelle Obama will win instead.

Poland will happily send their police and troops for a trip

Percy Miller for President 2020

What riots? The libtards are tearing their own cities apart, not mine.

Fuck off maplenigger

All signs point to no.

pic related. rape culture.

She Will Be Dead By Then.
Check Em


ching chong ding dong! you rikey fried rice? i meku you swee sowa pork! i sucki sucki five dorra!

haha that's my impression of your mother you gook fuck.

She will live, you cursed us all!

From Prison?

calm down nigger

Liberals changing what the media calls wetbacks doesn't change the fact they are illegal aliens.

>le popular vote meme

>convicted felons can't run for public office
Bull Fucking Shit!

Democrats lost the pesidency, congress, and the supreme court. I think people are titred of the CIA shills in govt raping everyone. Seinfield could have run against hillary and won.

That's not true.

There are only 3 restrictions to being a president.

Age 35+
A natural born citizen of the United States.
Atleast 14 years a resident of the United States.

Pertinent to note that there have been some felons who've ran for president in the past. With differing amounts of success.

George W. Bush has the most serious and extensive criminal arrest record of all presidents before entering the white house having been arrested numerous times for DUI and "pranks" in college.


>she won the popular vote in 2008

You forgot human.

Oh, but you can enjoy them too, Leaf, since your people are rioting too.

She would try to, but her handlers would tell her no.

Hillary has advanced Parkinson's and probably Syphilis, and is a mega alcoholic

Karma has opened a can of whoopass on her body and mind, I doubt she will make it

She will have died/disappeared by then.

Yes she did.

That is literally the exact same thing. Legal immigrants have documentation.

She has KURU

>wonder how she got it

maybe trumps daughter can face her off if she even fuckin tries

She cannot hold public office ever again.


first post breast post

She'll have been dead 3-4 years by then, so no.


day of the rake can't come soon enough

Not going to matter. If she gets pardoned it's as good as a felony and plays right into the government corruption angle Trump has been hitting for months. If she doesn't get a pardon Her, Bill, and Obama might all end up in jail depending on how rotten the swamp has become.

I doubt she will even be alive in 2020.

>trial 2017
>appeal and sentencing 2018
>death penalty 2019


Hillary Mummy

Stronger Taped Together

A better question would be; will she live that long?
I say no.