I live in a top-5 city for uber driver earnings in the US. I've driven 3000+ uber/Lyft rides over the past three years as a side gig. Pay has gone down steadily since 2013, but I can still steadily clear $25\hr with a 4.91 rating. Out of $240 net, $40 goes to gas, $40 goes to self-employment taxes, $40 gets invested in an SEP-IRA, leaving $120 in spending money and it took me 10 hours to earn it.
I don't think uber is busy enough to drive full-time except for 5-8am, 4pm-1am, and 24/7 the weekends. 50x$25=$1250, but around 9-11 shifts per week and lots of late nite hours. This has been a great gig for a nite owl like me.
Does anyone else on Sup Forums make a side-living off doing this?
Elijah Brooks
what city is that?
i deliver pizzas on my bicycle.
Xavier Brown
Serious question here, what's your thought on nigger customers? Do you tend to avoid them? Do they regularly trash your shit? What about other races?
Kevin Anderson
Nah I Airbnb my second bedroom instead, does $1800/month during peak months.
Anthony Flores
how do you feel working for a company actively trying to get rid of you?
Benjamin Ramirez
Uber is killing driving jobs so fast it's unbelievable. I worked as a Chinese food driver for the last year and i was the only left because my coworkers quit to work for Uber. Eventually my boss resigned me because it's not logistically possible for one person to deliver Chinese food in a city for 80 hours a week lol
Benjamin Brooks
Shew, I can tell some stories. Backpage crackhos trying to jack my car, seeing fistfights at gas stations, BLM protests at all hours, people on obvious hard drugs like PCP.
I'll go ahead and say I'm in DC. There are lots of parts in SE/NE DC to completely avoid. That being said, I give every rider a fair chance and 99% of rides are completely normal and uneventful. But that 1%...
Isaac Edwards
I did this, but the old-fashioned way on Craigslist. I got tired of dealing with other ppl's shit. I live in a tiny apt now for $800/mo which is a steal for the area.
Cooper Lopez
This is the truth, and it's fine. I've been doing this consistently since since August 2013, and I'll eventually be sick of it. Autonomous cars run en masse by uber/Ford/google are at minimum 5 years away, and more likely 10 years away. I'm trying to make the most of it now. I have a day job and make $60k, so this is just extra. I netted after $9,500 in 2015 driving uber (after taxes and expenses).
Jayden Rodriguez
Yeah. I think uber has reached the bottom of the barrel on recruiting drivers. ~25% of drivers are veterans with 1yr/1000+ rides experience. The rest turns over every 6 months, which has happened about five times now.
Christopher Ross
Yeah Craigslist isn't Airbnb, not even remotely the same.
Carson Ramirez
You could make a killing delivering food on a bicycle in DC if you're good at it and hustle. I see black dudes here walking backpacks of Panera orders slower than Christmas.
Cameron Gomez
I remember that in NY -- yep, better to cycle than to drive in many parts of town.
Wyatt Turner
this was in 2009
To add on: If I drop of a rider in a rough part of town and don't feel like chancing an unpleasant ride, I turn the app off and drive west over the Anacostia River or out of Prince George County, MD.
I have driven off and cancelled a ride request or two while in a sketch-ass hood and then catching a glimpse of my rider walking up who's a scary black dude. I've done it to creepy-looking white dudes and drunk Mexicans too. Zero Asian problems, lol. Other than a couple of puke incidents, I've pretty much drunk-proofed my car so few problems ever.
Juan Jackson
I was thinking of doing Uber in LA, my semester ends soon, I don't have a jor or experience and got nothing else to do. I already plan to avoid niggers and need the sheckles
Daniel Butler
Take what I say with a grain of salt, but I've got family members who do Uber, and they tell me Orange County nets them more than LA for some reason.
Benjamin Ward
Nope because I have a career and slaving away at odd hours of the night driving drunk loud people around for very little money sounds like a poor use of my time.
Angel Harris
More people with money in OC compared to LA. There are some parts of LA I wouldn't be willing to drive through at night or during the day
Bentley Taylor
Looks like you're actually making $16/hr. Also you're not factoring in maintenance and depreciation on your car. I'd bet you're coming out pretty close to $12/hr after all that.
Blake Turner
Before I came here, I was living in northern Virginia, delivering pizzas to keep save up a bit. People working with me made a living off it working 5 days a week, I just worked weekends. I'm sure there are better ways to make money, but it's pretty comfy driving around suburbia while listening to audio books.
Matthew Perez
>not including depreciation
Sebastian Price
LA is a top-5 city too. Along with SF, Chicago, and NYC. Density and high cost-of-living drives the game. It practically is a game, but instead of XP you get ducats.
Jaxson Cox
Edgy post bro.
We're all really impressed by it.
I'm looking forward to you posting here more often.
Carter Gomez
Sorry you didn't enjoy my response to OP's publicly known waste of time. If uber, lyft, and other driving apps were these fountains of gold, everyone would be doing it. They aren't, and they are incredibly giant wastes of time.
Josiah Bell
Can't you write off gas expenses?
Hunter Wright
How is clearing the positions of a Chinese restaurant killing driver jobs?
Nathaniel Roberts
Yeah, I deal drugs primarily and being on the road means im usually closer than my rural home, also makes going out to deliver drugs from my home better because while i'm out i might pick up a few fares on top of money from drugs.
Adam Davis
What do you guys mean by this?
Accumulated depreciation? What's the salvage value on the car? Or would you do it more as a depreciation per unit (miles?).
Isaac Cox
Car is too old for uber.
Any services that allow older vehicles? My ride is smooth as fuck and has nice hookups for people's electronics and vanity mirrors and shit. Fuck uber.
My car is 80x better than the shit boxes these Somalians who drive for uber have.
Brandon Hernandez
This is something I see alot when reading about the supposedly good money driving with Uber. Maintenance and depreciation can easily cost $0.30/mile for a moderately-priced used car, and you have to include any distance you drive between rides. Given that OP says $40 for gas, thats probably at least 300 miles, if not more. That's $90+ in maintenance and depreciation. Even if we assume OP is driving a beater and it only costs $0.15/mil, thats still $45+. That puts your rate at $11.50/hr at best. Possibly less than minimum wage if you have a nicer/more valuable car.
Jace Butler
I got lucky here. My car had 100k miles when I started, 180k now and still nice enough and still running well. It'a a 2009, has leather seats and I kept it clean enough. I've squeezed most all of the value out of it by now.
NEVER BUY A NEW CAR TO DRIVE UBER. You will lose money and this is exactly what uber wants.
Jacob Russell
Ha no, I really doubt it. No one wants to ride in your shitbox ricer. Get a nice luxury SUV like the africans who I always see driving do, then reconsider.
Needs more white drivers because the africans always have a smell
Leo Parker
The somaliansout here drive base model Hyundai and camrys. Everytime i used uber they ask me for food.
Fuck these cunts. No tint having warts on the beautiful downtown area of my city.
Benjamin Richardson
Every mile you drive in your car, the value goes down. Even if you're driving a beater that is already pretty much at the flat part of the depreciation curve, or you don't plan to ever sell it, every mile you drive is a mile closer to having to replace that car. Plus you have to do maintenance on cars every so many miles; brakes, oil, tires, etc. There's also added insurance costs as well, unless you're lying to your insurance company. Even a very low-end beater worth $3k is probably still costing you $0.15 per mile.
Kayden Evans
mcdonalds isn't a career. Also, you have to be over 18 to post on this site. Enjoy your ban.
Jonathan Carter
After 250k miles your car is not going to be reliable enough to drive uber without risking pissing off customers when it breaks down. Taxi services get away with putting that many miles on a car because they know what they're doing and they get good deals on maintenance work.
Noah Hill
I'm in between grad school and getting a better job, and wanted to take some time before deciding exactly what direction to go. I've been doing Uber off and on for a couple months now. I don't know exactly how many rides I have done in total since Uber stopped showing me this number a few weeks ago, but I think it's still under 200.
To be honest, I have difficulty cracking $15/hour except during peak times, and I find that I'm often making more like $10/hour. I've had success working airport pickups, but find that even then, I HAVE TO get one or two very long (30+ mile) rides from the airport in order to crack $15/hr. Fortunately, there is a nearby city about 30 miles away that lacks its own airport, so these rides aren't that uncommon, but it's very hard to make the $20-25/hr that many drivers claim.
I was also really pissed off to find out that Uber's "hourly guarantee" rates are actually a lie. They say that they'll pay you $20/hr during certain periods if you meet their criteria, but they take a 25% cut out of their own guaranteed rate! So it's actually a $15/hr guarantee, which isn't that good.
Christopher Anderson
>12/hr Shit nigger I make that literally sitting on my ass t. Security guard
Jose Myers
He's sitting on his ass too.
Jackson Reyes
I didn't like that you attacked OP like that. I'm glad you have a job that earns you enough money. I'm glad OP likes driving for Uber. Lots of people do it to make cash on the side since earning enough money to live is getting harder these days.
I love you all. Let's try not to hate the world so much.
Good night.
Aiden Walker
People who claim $20-25/hr are almost guaranteed to not be taking into account taxes, gas, maintenance, etc. Alot of people get into Uber thinking they're making bank only to shit bricks when Uber sends them a tax form and their car fails all in the same week.
Robert Gomez
Minus gas, maintenance, wear. Uber is for chumps.. Hence why they advertise all over.
Julian Ortiz
>People who claim $20-25/hr are almost guaranteed to not be taking into account taxes, gas, maintenance, etc I'm talking pre-taxes payout, though.
Zachary Green
Do you get tips?
Ethan Kelly
He drove 1.08 miles. What gas, maintenance, wear? It took him a total of 7 minutes, minus the time to drive to the person to pick them up (possibly another 5-10 minutes).
I'm not denying that Uber is for chumps, but you're not proving your case very effectively.
Zachary Brooks
Does anyone else teach English online to chinks for a bit of extra cash? The pay isn't that great, but it works out to be good when you factor in the cost of living here
Kayden King
Yeah so take out ~30% for payroll taxes. Then subtract all your maintenance, depreciation, gas....
Your $15/hr is probably about minimum wage after that. You'd almost definitely be better off working fast food.
Joseph Moore
But he has to show up for work. I waited tables in the past, which was sort of flexible, but you still have to show up and do it. I've taken off for months from uber multiple times.
Uber is as flexible as it gets and I can plan around big events to make the most of my time. I made $600 in an evening driving before and after a Guns 'N Roses concert at FedEx Field. Netting $50+/hr a half-dozen times a year really helps the average.
Gavin Ross
And how many miles did he drive to pick the person up, and then again to pick the next person up? How long was he just sitting around waiting for a rider. The $7 is pre-tax too, and contractors (which is what uber drivers are) pay both sides of the payroll taxes. Uber is bad money for people who don't even realize they're being had.
Alexander Martin
Then don't do it. No one is forcing you to. I'll never understand why people get so butthurt when other people do things they don't like. Get a fucking life.
Camden Sanders
I deduct straight mileage with the IRS number. My actual expenses wouldn't add up past $3,000. I deducted $10,000 worth of mileage expenses of my earnings one year.
Jose Ward
Do you actually think most minorities act like that and trash everything they come in contact with?
Noah Ortiz
Well the driving job bosses should pay more. Simple
Jacob Robinson
Drive XL /Plus in Seattle. I had a good run but I didn't go out tonight....just too many drivers. I drove Friday and Saturday nights only and was doing $5-600 every weekend for a good 6 months straight. Those weekends driving 100 -250 miles tops.
I have a good time, getting hit on and complimented by young and hot women is a plus. May be back out tmw...but at this rate $200 for the night is a big ?...
Hudson Morales
Have you ever met one?
Daniel Long
Any drunk chicks ever try and get frisky with you?
Blake Sanchez
>uber is a jew owned business that exploits the desperate and under employed...do not support the taxi jew.
Lincoln Lee
Yes, on about 1 out of every 10 trips. Mostly from older ladies and Asians.
Justin Cox
>12 dollars an hour >For 10 hours of driving >While having a full time job
Is your time worth so little?
Dominic Bell
I've been invited out by numerous women , telling me to log off and go party. I am a married man, I just tell them I am flattered. Last week a woman made a hand to the thigh move and just gazed at me. She was sure to rub her tits on my arm as well reaching over....she was very pretty and I was as flattered but gave her the signal it could not go further.
I guess I am a pretty decent looking guy after all... ;)
Jeremiah Mitchell
Yes. I grew up in chicago so there were lots of minorities. Sure there are bad ones but there are bad people of all races.
Matthew Smith
You said a case was not made.. Then agreed with the presented case. Also uber is best for people who need jobs to pick up benefits. Not to make money. It's too accessible.
It's a lesson in why wages are shit for entry level work. Fuck off triggered bitch go get stiffed by shiniqua who forgot she called an uber cause Tyrone was stuffing her gullet.
Sebastian Diaz
>people are voluntarily exchanging services for money without my consent >better throw a tantrum about it!
Nolan Reed
You used steadily twice in one sentence
Jonathan Harris
>people are spending their time outside a trump tower >better shit post about it
You right now
Matthew Murphy
You lost me.
Gabriel Gutierrez
Here's my math on a random but typical weekday night. My car costs 20¢/mile to drive (everything...gas, maintenance, insurance, taxes). It took me 64 miles to earn that $94.32. IRS mileage deduction of 54¢/mile recudes taxable income to $55, and 20% fed, 5% state, 10% payroll (w/ 1/2 deduction) is $20 total in tax.
$94.32 - $12.80(actual expenses) - $20 (taxes) = $61.52 / 3.45 = ~$18/hr of pure net profit
Just because you make $20/hr at your 40 hours/week desk job, it doesn't mean you bring home $480
John Wright
I was habitually single and I had the free time. And I'm a fucking basement user like every one else here, but driving uber for cash to buy anime. And it's 20 hours/wk in some combo of after work + Saturday or Sunday until I hit $500.
Jaxon Jenkins
I agree that ridesharing is a giant waste of time for most, but there's still a bell-curve for earnings, and a few veterans are at the top. I have a sleek car, can do about 90% of trips without the GPS, and a smooth driver. On the weekends I can average 4 rides per hour, wuick and efficient.
Gavin Gomez
OC person here I lyft and uber OC has fullerton to anaheim to beach cities (goldmine) LA gives you more in time pay rather than distance...if you find urself in LA, stay up north 210 freeway area all the way to pasadena Burbank and glendale are consistent, Hollywood is a goldmine oy vey, ive netted 80 dollar rides during middle of the weekday from people in any of these areas wanting to go to Long beach, santa monica/venice