Another rat got into my house and is somewhere in my room

>another rat got into my house and is somewhere in my room
>the putty i had on my desk is somehow missing
>i keep having weird dreams of my hated classmate destroying my life and fucking my waifu
Any comics to get me out of this funk?

Attached: 9BFA5388-29AC-45D4-93D9-18D973C73316.png (447x655, 169K)

Other urls found in this thread: - Priyanka_Maheswaran Steven_Universe no123450n.png

>OP is getting cucked by a literal rat

Attached: 1365722560006.gif (150x152, 2.23M)

Stop reading comics and go outside.

I hope you have a fucking knife handy ready to kill the shit out of that rat, OP.

I actually got to agree with user here OP, take a walk outside and here listen to some Sup Forums Soundtracks while you are on the good, and remember don't forget to stretch before heading out.

>Sup Forums Soundtracks

Attached: -co-dance.gif (380x298, 368K)

Go get a rat trap (not a mouse trap, not strong enough) and bait it with peanut butter.

Find a nice park.

>peanut butter
dude, you're supposed to put cheese on it

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Im deathly afraid of rats, i was screaming like a girl when i saw it and was so jittery lying the traps down because i didnt want to touch it. Rodents disgust me.

Are you twelve? You use peanut butter/chocolate for rodent traps.

But... but you don't just NOT put cheese on a rat trap.

Attached: 1518401565845.png (320x291, 121K)

Instead of reading, you can give me the source. IQDB failed me.

>mfw I finally figured out how to style my hair

Attached: DHR1_oWXUAA6i6F.jpg (599x529, 108K)

Face your fears, user. Confront that which terrifies you, and conquer it. Be like Batman.

Attached: batman-the-animated-series-3.jpg (1680x1050, 303K)

Stop being a fucking pussyboy. Last hear my house wound up fucking infested by rats (long story) and I had to watch them skitter to and fro for months while I baited the fuck out of the place, set traps, and shot them when possible. Do you want fucking hantavirus?

Rats are one of the few animals resistant to the chemicals in chocolate.
Traps with cheese

and thats how ratboi was born

I dont want to become the fucking vermin
I dont own a gun

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>su fag
Checks out.

Clearly, the rat stole your Putty.
Real life is NOT a cartoon..yet.

How can a rat stell my putty patrol figure? Its bigger then him - Priyanka_Maheswaran Steven_Universe no123450n.png

The rat does.

Attached: b4d7bb8c4992adc88268f44fc6d00d95.jpg (1125x1500, 338K)

>I dont own a gun

Do you own a machete or an axe?

Yes, for protection against the stoner dropout a few blocks down, but this fucker is fast i cant kill him with that.

Blogfaggotry and request threads are cancer and against >>>/global/rules/16 and >>>Sup Forumsrules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge subhumans like him from this board by reporting this thread

It sounds more like OP should write comics.

I hope you get smothered in your bed with a pillow from an intruder, i hate you more then almost anyone else on this board you thread polluting policing subhuman

The mantra is "report and ignore" not "report and then announce your report and then generally be obnoxious".

Rats don't particularly care gor cheese. But peanut butter makes them lick the trap spring.

do not hurt the rodent

Attached: EnC trap1.webm (1600x900, 1.77M)

What is this? I love it

...yes, I want to explode that heart, but in a disgusting, depraved, and utterly wholesome way.

This is your chance, user. Stand up to the rat and stab the fucker to death. Strike fear into the hearts of rats across the city. Become The Verman.

I fucking hate those nigger furballs. I set up TEN glue traps in my room and not a single one of them got trapped. They even pulled insulation from the wall and put on top of the glue traps to get over it safely. These little shits are getting smarter

I got a mouse problem right now and I am having to use the damn glue traps. It's fucking terrible, you can still see them struggling to get out and you just throw them in the trash to starve.

I fucking hate doing it but those god damn mice won't seem to be too smart to fall for anything else.

>nigger furballs
That's a new one.

You have to catch or kill them by hand. It's the only sure way.

theres that guy on youtube who tests out the effectiveness and cruelty of various rodent trap methods
dont have a link on me though but im sure someone does

If it's mice and not rats, the walk the plank mousetrap seems good, or the metal noose thing

Don't have the link, but it's Shawn Woods with mousetrap Mondays

If you use a rat trap, the old trick we used in mammal collection was chewing a bit of instant oatmeal and mashing that on the lever. It dries into a hard lump that mice and rats have to gnaw on like a dog chews a bone. That way they can't just grab it and go like other baits. Very effective and cheap as sin. Plus it will last weeks or months without going bad.

Just toss them in a bucket of water first to drown them. The heavy side floats down and puts them out of their misery nice and quick. I could never stand the glue traps after I saw one mouse eating another alive that was in the trap. The one not stuck was smart and just chewing on the legs and tail of the other without ever getting near the glue. Always a little disconcerting to hear rodents scream like that.

>Not owning a gun
What are you, British?

This is so satisfying to watch, seriously fuck mice

How about you find out where the rats are getting into your fucking house

THAT will improve your life, not a comic book.

I have no idea how they get or how to find out


If I knew how to work webms I'd share a vid of my cat eating a mouse alive. The crunch is really satisfying for some reason.

Don't be a fucking baby.
Wild rats are gross and diseased but they're nothing worth being scared of.
Hell, tame rats are top tier pets.

Attached: Cute ratto.jpg (600x450, 60K)

Their are no holes in my house though

The dryer exhaust is a usual suspect, as are the attic vents and the stove vent.

If it's a recurring problem, maybe consider getting a big, mean cat? Like a badass one from a farm so you can be a bit more sure it's a mouser and not some dumbass who'll watch a rat eating out of its bowl. Or a terrier, they have a noble rat slaughtering history.

Found peanutbutter is the best bait. Rats can't get enough of that shit.

source? this is adorable


>put peanut butter on traps to get rid of mice and rats
>it attracts roaches


in the very off chance you arent trolling the film is ernest and celestine

There obviously are if rats are getting in.

The peanut butter didn't spontaneously create them. You had roaches already.

The animation looks so French.

>drowning as a method to put them out of their misey nice and quick
Its better than starving but it still seems all kinds of horrible

If you do find holes and don't have patching glue put some cheap steel wool buns covering the hole. When the mouse tries to bite it will cut it's mouth and leave

Goddamn, say what you want about SU, but that character has given me a hard on for indian women.

Listen to the master of small rodent killing, OP. historichunter/videos

Did you know that declaring your report is a bannable offense?