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Why are republicans so easily offended?

>the manlet with a juice box

At least he's self aware

There's only 3 dudes in that pic whose whole career isn't DUDE REPUBLICANS LMAO. I don't remember it being this saturated 10 years ago. Hopefully the Le Funny Liberal Comedian xDDD bubble pops soon.

I think Kimmel is the less communist of them all, and Maher the more intelligent (he's still a piece of shit though)
what do you think?

How sexist and racist.

Why do all talk shows have the same agenda? Wouldn't make sense to have at least one talk show being republican for the sake of profit? I mean half of the country is Republican and TV channels just choose to compete for the millenial market

>Including Conan
He's not nearly as biased as the rest of these fucks

It won't pop, they have double downed on identity politics. Prepare for a great 8 years

Conan is a pure spirit

The fuck he isn't.


And his butt buddy Andy is a top candidate for King Cuck 2016.


>Hopefully the Le Funny Liberal Comedian xDDD bubble pops soon.

It already popped when they shoved the two half-niggers down the goyim throats. le current year man and (((BILL MAHER))) are the only SJW televangelists still pulling big ratings.

is.Sup Forums.org/wsg/1479544277550.webm

Republicans ARE shit, though.

Just because Trump ran as one doesn't redeem the party of its cuckservatism.

Conan pokes a little fun a whites, and it's just jokes. Im sure he knows that its all fun and games.

>just jokes

is.Sup Forums.org/wsg/1479544277550.webm
is.Sup Forums.org/wsg/1479544277550.webm
is.Sup Forums.org/wsg/1479544277550.webm

This Harvard faggot is dead serious.

Bill Maher at least calls out the Muslims.

All I see is 10 white males.

*breaks into a song & dance number about how stupid conservatives are*

People are just easily manipulated, and we live in a capitalist society, you make money off of people who want to here their easy-to-hold views echoed back at them - and it's so fucking safe to do it.
Left-wingers are: devil-may-care; good in bed; raffishly tousled; cool; sexy. They: sympathise with the underdog; hate injustice; respect the working class and people of all races and creeds. regardless of looks, physical ability or genderl nurture the environment; have geat taste in music; oppose violence; loathe inequality; are kind to children and to small furry animals with lovely bright eyes and darling floppy ears and expressions on their sweet pink little mouths you could almost mistake for a human smile.
>All of which goes to prove how incredibly principled right-wind people are. If they wanted to, they could choose the political affiliation which miraculously confers on them all these wondrous things. But they don't, because for right-wingers truth is more important than social convenience.

This is a brilliant picture. It will be saved

Being biased in your work isn't the same thing as having your own personal opinion.

He can be the king of cuckery all he likes, as far as his show is concerned it's not literal liberal propaganda like the others

They don't want to make a profit, but want to influence the way people think. It's all propaganda.

conan - smart, kisses jew ass but not obnoxiously
kimmel, fallon- normie tier, uncucked
everyone else will meet their fate on the day of the rope

But user FOX news exists. Why no one invests in a FOX news comedy show or some crap like that? It seems so fucking dumb to me

Wow where is their famous diversity they love so much? Only two light skinned black guys who don't even speak ebonics.

Kinda sad what happened to Conan. He's probably the smartest guy in that picture and the only one with a genuine sense of humor. However, the whole Tonight Show fiasco neutered him, and when he was given the chance to reinvent himself on cable, he decided to go with the old, tired formula that only Johnny Carson had the charm and personality to pull off.

If Conan had the balls to leave his comfort zone and make his show much more focused on remotes and other prerecorded bits where he's given a theme and has to improvise, I think he would end up as the most popular host on late night. Watching him do stale interviews with people shilling their bullshit and tell jokes written by his incompetent writers isn't working.

Kuririn is stronger than Yamcha and Tien.

Not gonna lie, that Mary is hot.

I'd change that to why are democrats and leftists so easily offended. Why is there such a disparity if what you stated was the case? If they were able to take a joke they wouldn't wield censorship and totalitarianism with reckless abandon.