What's wrong with this idea...

What's wrong with this idea? Education is a right and we're the wealthiest country in the world and the only one charging students $50,000+ a year

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Because colleges aren't about education unless you're in STEM. I don't want my tax dollars funding some fucking hambeast so she can learn how to blame all her problems on white males.

>whats wrong with this idea
any liberal policy is retarded. and spending tax dollars to fund sjws? definitely a retarded idea

You can't just magically make it free.

Because there is supposed to be a barrier to entry. We need less idiots with masters degrees in otherkin genderqueer studies, not more.

Make college more expensive. Make it prohibitively expensive so that the only people who get in are people who get scholarships for engineering, medicine, finance, etc. and let everyone else go into trades.

Getting a fine arts degree is a luxury and should have a luxury price tag attached.

we charge 50k too, apart from the scots they get it for free.


Idiots getting snowflake degrees on the taxpayer's dime.

>Education is a right
Not it isn't. Rights should be used to be ensure someone has the opportunity for survival, not for entitlements

>what's wrong with communism, Sup Forums?
KYS, faggot

SAGE /thread

>Federal government starts subsidizing higher education
>Retarded kids decide to major in communications, business, or some other generic retardation that passes for academia
>Retards grow up and realize that their field of expertise is either overpopulated or out of demand.
>Retards then demand that the federal government tax non-retards and pay off their debts
>Rinse and repeat

Sanders is a jew. Never forget that.

>Education is a right
The fuck it is. It's never historically been a "right," and shouldn't start being one now because some Godless geriatric socialist from Vermont says it is.

Education through high school is a right. Higher education is an investment one has to make in themselves, and is only for those it makes sense for.

Higher education isn't a right, it's a privilege.

>Education is a right

There's nothing wrong with the idea, which is why it's inevitable. Public colleges, starting with junior colleges, will be absorbed into the K12 system and it will in effect become a K16 or K18 system. This will be done not to make college free but to control them and to ensure compliance with federal curriculum standards.

Agreed, fuck art studies(Even though I want to do TV production)

>we charge 50k too

What, total for 4 years? Oxford is 11k/yr.

Because all government funding to schools will do is increase tuition, and flood an already crowded job pool. Privatizing student loans and giving incentives to banks is the best method, as people going for a liberal arts degree in ass fucking will have less of a chance to get a loan than someone going into a STEM field, and we are already having a lack of people in STEM fields.
The point here being, college has become more or less pointless, it's become a hugbox of collective thought with anyone of a dissenting opinion being chased out. It's not about opening your mind, its about following directions. No new jobs are going to be created by sending more kids to college, no new great ideas are going to be sent, all it does is destroy competition in the field and allow losers who have no place in college to go to college.
We dont need baristas with a degree in history. Hell, we don't need electricians or plumbers with college degrees. Go to a trade school you fucking mongs.

if you want to subsidies education just increase grant the government already gives out to top students.Sanders plan effectively removes private colleges and therefore any market optimization.

>Education is a right
And that's where you're wrong.
>you cant succeed without college
meme now has a bunch of students saturating college education system and they're getting degrees in basket weaving or whatever, then not being able to find a job afterward.
This education is a right bullshit began with bad parenting and thus, spoiled children who feel entitled to some shit which is actually supposed to be for higher class people.

College used to be a PRIVILEGE.

>Make something massively expensive and worthless free

better off just giving people 100k for free

My taxes will not go towards Social Justice institutions and useless degrees for Starbucks baristas.

Modern non-STEM college/university is progressive indoctrination outside of a few Christian schools. Progressives want all kids to go through their Frankfurtschule bullshit.

Yeah, it doesn't even compare to here. Harvard is almost 59k a year.


>Education is a right

Education is a right until you finish high school. If you want anything beyond that, either hope you have rich parents, work hard enough to get scholarships or deal with the loan Jews.

No fucking way I'm paying more taxes so niggers, illegals and women - the only people who benefit from Democrat gibs - can get useless degrees (you never hear people who earn useful degrees crying about muh free college). Plus, more college graduates waters down the value of my degree. Fuck that. I worked hard to get a leg up on other people in the job market.

>spending tax dollars to fund gender studies
>people here take this as an argument

Guys. You know that there are smart people who want to become engineers and doctors, but cant study it because they lack the money?

Thanks btw: becausr of your big fear of a functioning social system, I am movint next year as a industrial engineer to Murica and they had literally sucked my cock because '' pls german engineer we need u, not many good engineers in murica :(''

If you:
-Take away otherkin racial studies, genderfluid studies and nigger studies
-Stop letting niggers in with 1110 SATs and 3.2 GPAs and make the entrance for free college more competitive
-Stop letting in illegals
Then sure, why not.

Would you be in favor of subsidising only certain fields?

STEM, maybe Law...

>Because there is supposed to be a barrier to entry.

well no, the monetization of higher education made it so that to provide for yourself and your family, you need a degree.

education costs are out of control. tens of millions of people buried in $1.4 trillion in debt is not good for this country no matter how you spin it.

Education is not a right. Education is a service from one person to another. You don't have a right to someone's service. Whether or not the government will provide it is another story but it's not a right, you fucking commie.

women already get more degrees than men.

why are you so upset?

> well no, the monetization of higher education made it so that to provide for yourself and your family, you need a degree.
that's not true at all.
and the reason why colleges are so expensive is exactly the fact that every retard takes a loan and studies some retarded shit.
Stop the loans and the prices will go down.

As someone who lives in country of "free higher education" and who studied in 2 universities for free, DON'T FALL FOR THIS SHIT, BURGERS!
"Free" education is utterly useless, both studends and universities only care about generating diplomas while eating through state money, most of professors are senile lazy scum with no knowledge of their subject and no will to teach anything, most of students are literal retards and administration doesn't let to kick them because more students = more state gibmes.

Because it's not "free." Bernie Sanders is a retard.


This plan is hilariously flawed.

You mean 50,00+ $ borrowed at interest from the ((banks)) to get taught marxism? And now the US government has to pay for this?

>that's not true at all.

sorry mate, this is america, not fucking armenia. you need a degree to make a decent living.

>Education is a right

Maybe, but there needs to be a cut off point, here in the UK every single person is entitled to a state paid degree through the convoluted loan system. Now we're fucked because we can't get young people into manual or semi-skilled jobs because there's no incentive to not go to uni.
The kids who do graduate are half the time convinced that they deserve to walk into a managerial role aged 21, it's an absolute nightmare. Worse still, it's made postgraduate degrees the marking point for any real academic skill.

TLDR: free stuff brings complacency

Education should go from 5 to 30.

> 5-18 = general education
> 18-22 Bachelor's
> 22-26 Masters
> 26 -30 electives to become more well rounded

Honestly though, schoosl are stepping it up. The pace you can learn in a classroom with an astute professor is ten times faster than the internet. You learn nothing browsing the web it just makes you a zombie.

>"Free" education is utterly useless, both studends and universities only care about generating diplomas

this is exactly how it is in the united states. more students means more profit, which is why tuition costs are through the roof. since you need a degree and loans are guaranteed, they simply increase the cost of tuition more and more because you have no choice but to pay it.

an indebted populace is not good for this country. full stop.

Bernie is a nigger-loving kike

The only right he has is the right to get his red ass into an oven

This is what's wrong with that. We're not fucking Denmark.

With the budget cuts to K-12 across the nation, you really think they can sustain higher education without a drop in quality?

Also brain drain

>decent living
I am talking about america. And no you don't absolutely need a college degree. Having a women studies degree with $200k debt is not a good way of making a decent living.

1. You are not entitled to anything
2. Wasting tax money on gender studies is retarded.
3. College means nothing if its free and every one gets it, it just becomes the new high school but slightly more irrelevant since there isn't any gender studies in high school
4. College doesn't automatically make you smart or productive, this is a fallacy. It used to be that mostly smart and productive people went to college but that is not the case anymore.

>Having a women studies degree with $200k debt

can you cite a source showing me the percentage of women with women's studies degrees who paid approximately that amount for their degree?

i'll be waiting.

Same in france

Amerifats, what do your laws say? Is education actually a right or is the socialist jew making shit up again?



Lots of college is them just filling up your time and making you busy doing nothing but it makes you feel like you are accomplishing something. Like you get a workload but it's pointless and most of us just skate by and we only care about the paper degree. I would guess 95% of students are there just to show up and get the degree.

Yeah, we all need more state controlled indoctrination...

that's not my point. Why don't you make a decent argument instead of nitpicking.
Look, loans created artificial demand, which in turn artificially increased the prices of degrees. Everything has a price and at the moment, US colleges are not worth their price.

Moron ANY Service that requires the time and effort of another person is NOT A RIGHT.
You have the right to EDUCATE YOURSELF.
But NOT ENTITLED to have Education.

You don't get it. Only around 20% of students are enrolled in a STEM program and only 6% will graduate with a STEM degree. Most of the kids here are getting liberal arts degrees so that they can do "consulting" or whatever other bullshit they want to do.

If we made college free we would overwhelmingly be paying for liberal arts degrees.

It is a right but only until you finish high school. K-12 (kindergarten through high school) education is available for free to every child in America. College is not, and never has been, free. Tuition has always existed. Bernie and Bernouts are just trying to latch college on to free K-12 because dude free shit lmao.

He's making shit up again, we need laws to prevent predatory loans, or at least we need to stop paying when students default, meaning banks wouldn't give loans to students who want niggertrannie degrees.

still waiting on those figures mate

Meanwhile his wife literally bankruptted a small college

Just another hypocritical kike

Once upon a time top tier schools were about educating the next generation of americans, now its for jews/foreigners/children of rich liberals

There is literally no downside to more people in a nation being more-highly educated. That's not to say everyone needs to go to college, or that everyone who does becomes an amazing innovator or something, but the academic and social benefits are helpful on a nationwide scale, because it raises the floor on the average intelligence level overall.

those figures are off-topic for the argument.

free college = tax money = me paying for you to go to college.

The complete opposite is true. The affordability of education is what made it necessary.

If any idiot can get a loan and defer payment until graduation and more and more people have degrees, then any company can make having a degree a requirement for the job. Before, degrees were rarer so only certain fields required them. Now you can hardly flip a hamburger without being asked for your resume. Degrees being a dime a dozen is what makes them mandatory to be competitive in today's job market.

Tuition is the cheap part of school anyways. Most of the expenses are room and board and he doesnt make any mention of doing anything with that.

That's actually a good idea. Here's one way to do it: Base it on the number of job openings requiring a specific major.

>There is literally no downside to more people in a nation being more-highly educated.

Because its free? Because wasting years in education you'll never use is good?

This kike's a genius desu. Going around campuses promising free shit for everyone and the sheep donate their lunch moneys to his nigerian prince tier campaign.

>There is literally no downside
I see somebody doesn't make enough to pay taxes

My high school principle was complaining to us that he is still paying off the tuition debt for his wife's college, and finished paying off his debt for his recently

and hes a principle for a high school

so stfu autist

its over a trillion dollars now in student debt

Everybody needs to go to college. Not for the education, but mostly because you don't have to engage with the real world for four more years. That's why I go lol

This is what Americans actually think. That anyone can and will become a scientist/doctor/lawyer if they just put in time and money. Anyone is smart enough for anything!

World doesn't work like that, Billy Joe Bob

This x1000. The education industry is a fucking racket in this country.

>no downside

This is literally the stupidest statement I've ever heard. You think giving some hoodrats bachelors degrees is going to solve anything? The only thing that happens when you increase education levels is that you're going to dilute the pool of candidates for jobs and you're just going to increase the demand for more educational degrees.

>the taxpayer should have to pay for my principal's decisions

Thats what I thought.

And I can tell you, coming from a country where university is completely free, there are much too many students, standards get lowered and as a result we have too many academics who also have too many useless degrees.

Economy is in dare need for apprentices for regular jobs but cant find them because under our green/red governments the standards have been lowered so much that every idiot gets the qualification to visit university.

The result of a people that shuns manual labor and common sense.
Education and literacy is something you are born with a sense towards or you are not.

While I myself visit university studying law there are so many disgusting pleb children here around me that think just because the state allows is they can larp as students and humans now. Disgusting.


That's why everyone should have access to a free college education if they decide to pursue one. College is great for people who know what they want to do and want to bust ass and get there, but it's also good for people who don't know what they want to do for a living right out of high school (or later). A rounded education is useful in pretty much every aspect of daily life.

Good thing in Russia government pays = free, not from taxes, cause almost all its money comes from the natural sources, kek.

Also I love that I get my high quality education for free. Soviet Union really is a milch cow for modern Russia.

He's actually right though. STEM degrees aside, there is a massive overpopulation of Lawyers in this country. Basically any degree that doesn't require serious effort (liberal arts) are being diluted by people who just throw money and go through the motions.

why do you think that taxpayers' money should be invested in retarded degrees?

>There is literally no downside to more people in a nation being more-highly educated
1. Anyone receiving "education" in "gender studies" or similar shit becomes brainwashed leftist retard, he's walking permanent downside.
2. With degree comes entitlement, they aren't going to do 60k jobs or "dirty" 90k jobs, promoting immigration.

Only reason why crooks like Sanders are trying to push higher education on everyone is that colleges are perfect breeding spot for commie ideology.

Only mathematics is high quality in post-soviet countries.Also, you are stupid if you think you are not paying for it.

It's not the DEGREE that matters (although getting one doesn't hurt), because generally speaking, if a society is exposed to more knowledge in general, we all benefit.

>rounded education is useful

No it's not. This is the kind of stupid liberalism that's making young kids get dumbfuck degrees for jobs that don't exist. Education is an investment that should in theory pay off later by increasing job opportunities. When you turn education into some hipster walkabout you end up with people who come out of the system with a useless degree expecting a six figure job.

Americas universities are the best in the world exactly because they have a buttload if money

They'd never get that much without tuition fees. Most univerisities in Germany are poor as fuck because of state legislators saving money at the expense of the fucking Medicine faculty

Job experience to me has always been way more effective than learning in a class.

Picture a group of students watching old baseball videos to learn how to pitch. If you just gave them the ball in the first place and let them practice it would be way easier than dicking around and watching the videos.

And I am mathematics major. :)
And I don't pay for it. Not even a ruble. Stop your envy ;)

>inferencing that having an education makes you an sjw
>only the educated are sjws

well you sure revealed your role in the picking order

Thats an argument in favor of free internet
Not free school


Education for a few hundred of million of people is costly, too many people being educated means they can't find jobs.

*I actually have money from the stipends.

Your nation is a fucking joke, its like you want a whole bunch of uneducated mongoloids with these obscene prices for pointless diplomas like woman's studies.

Your upper classes are so fucking inept that they know in a fair race they'd get fucking rekt by any nigger that picks up a book so they skewer the game in favor of their inbred children.

This is more a thing in the southern democratic ruling circles than it is at the republicans, unsurprisingly the republicans compete on the global market and involve themselves in trade, where they have to battle the best and brightest the world over. The democrats focus more on piss poor quality public services, primarily education which they VASTLY over value to remain relevant in the political arena.

Is it any wonder that your nations "colleges" bred the SJW movement which has basically cemented 45% of the nation into voting against whoever was labeled as racist? People who even though they possess a "higher education" diploma have to compete with each other for managerial positions at MacDonalds, and you can bet your ass they blame the republicans for lack of government spending in "areas that matter".

America get your shit together idiots abroad have looked to the US for guidance and you're fucking us all monumentally.

Education is functionally free; anything you ever wanted to know is available online or at your public library.

What you want is a piece of paper to validate your dumb ass so you can pretend you're more intelligent then you are.

There's a very real difference, and no amount of academics can fix a mental deficiency.

that true but more knowledge isn't free.

There are only a few good universities in America, the rest are crap.

I pay for mine knowing that I won't pay for somebody else's retarded degree for the rest of my life.

>fund STEM only
>require a minimum GPA
If those conditions are met I'm all for this. We already pay taxes for bullshit like preparing a speech for extraterrestrials in case they ever show up, why not fund something that can add a real competitive advantage in this world?

It could be structured as a grant that takes effect only after you finish your four-year degree with a minimum GPA.

One B-2 bomber affords us 40000 STEM undergrads for four years. America could be great again yet.

>engaging in massive redistribution of wealth just so your youth can afford to attend indoctrination centers

it's so backwards I don't even know where to start

>make STEM fields free
>finance it by doubling the fees for everything else

No we don't. What's the point of knowing some bullcrap about Greek philosophers when you're $100k in debt and can't find a job?

Leaf has it right. If you want intelligent people then improve K-12 or internet. College is nothing more than a luxury investment.

today's colleges are nothing more than daycare's for adult babies, and for people looking for a safe space.

education up to a point is a right

>I pay for mine knowing that I won't pay for somebody else's retarded degree for the rest of my life.
The thing is like I said:
>almost all Russian money come from the natural sources
So it's not you or him paying for someone's ass. It's Russia itself pays for our asses for the most part.

Majoring in "gender studies" is dumb, but the fact that you have to be exposed to a lot of other useful things along the way means you are at least INFORMED about math, science, political science etc. Nobody made you major in something useless, but if you learned some science, math, or whatever along the way, it means you know more about our world than you did when you started. That you decided to major in "gender studies" is a waste of an opportunity, but you at least had one.