Face it MGTOW cucks, white women are now based

52% of college educated and 68% of non-college educated white women came through and voted Trump. It was a sound rejection of a lot of the bullshit the lonely cucks were posting so frequently lo these several years.

Also based are all minority women who voted Trump, they are honorary Aryans now.

manlets btfo

They voted Trump because women as a rule hate other women - they couldnt stand female president too

So cuntiness saved America?

>MGTOW cucks


i have never understood it and they develop cliches which on the surface look friendly but all of them in private talk about how they hate each other

it's madness

Nah they did it because they didn't want this place to be Germany or Brazil or even fucking Canada.

They could see what was happening. The liberals underestimated white women perhaps more than any demographic.

At least they're petty jealously and bitchiness makes it much harder for women to get into power.

Also most women secretly want Trump to schlong them.


why do i always fuck that up i'm going to go mope for a bit

>doesn't mention the age groups
>white women under 30 still massively liberal
>conservative white girls are even more whorish than liberal white girls

nope. still shit.

Though I do concede maybe 20% cuntiness.

Anyway they pulled through anons. We'll be OK.

theyre competing for the best sperm and to for the best provider

cooperating doesnt assist this because at absolute best they can conspire to create a harem but even then that means their provider needs to divide their gibsmedats by half or thirds or quarters

>white women under 30 still massively liberal
that's not true

according to bullshit (((surveys))) on college campuses maybe

just go with a non-college educated tradeswoman, she'll make more money and be less of a cunt than most highly educated broads

White women have saved themselves. I'm SO happy about it!

well they knew that after white men had been blamed for everything, they'd be next

I have no idea why so many white females (((voted))) Trump but sexuality is still gross, relationships don't work and people should just raise their own children.

>heyre competing for the best sperm and to for the best provider

would give her a few touches of my electrode t b h

hes literally a 1% provider

me, my gf and her son would like to offer this apology.

we're sorry we doubted you. things looked bleak but we were reminded how the white race can always persevere

So this is another "just because they sleep around, do drugs, vote liberal, talk liberal, raise their kids liberal, and cheat like a Jew at poker, doesn't mean they are liberal because they wore a Trump hat once" episode?

>hur dur i wanna be a welfare leech single mother / single mother pollenator
degenerate as fuck

A lot of women were insulted by the assumption that they would just blindly vote for a female candidate.

Find the rate of white women under 35 who voted Trump

>they sleep around, do drugs, vote liberal, talk liberal, raise their kids liberal, and cheat like a Jew at poker
yeah but they don't, you're just picking up shit grade broads at the club

salty faggot, there are tens of millions of redpilled women out there but you have to leave your hipster fuck city to get into places where they're the majoriy

Look at these SEXY Trump-voting white women!

The white men are evil doesn't play very well on women that have a son, father, husband, brother etc that they love and respect.

(((surveys))) and (((media)))
see the white women at least are checking out of that crap

>doesn't mention the age groups
>white women under 30 still massively liberal

Source mgtow faggot.

>OP cites (((surveys))) and (((media))


>I ask for data by age


I live in a smallish town in one of the most conservative states in the Union, dipshit. The vast majority of girls I know suck dick on Saturday and sing hymns on Sunday.


you're an idiot.

This especially, how can they reconcile what the TV and Internet is screaming at them with their lives?

Also not just white women, any minority woman who figured out what's going on is probably one hell of a lady.

>muh salt

I'll concede that as much as 40% of women aren't trash.

But that's kind of sad when less than 40% of men are trash.

20% of men have a real fucking problem.

women are not the enemy
they never were

feminism is the enemy

>less than 40% of men are trash
I submit at least 40% of white men are quantifiable trash.

> The vast majority of girls I know suck dick on Saturday and sing hymns on Sunday.

But they don't suck yours, because on sunday you're on Sup Forums complaining and whining about white women. Fag.

>tfw pol turns on white men now for hating white men

dat ass


more like men going their own GAY amirite

heh, good one

I've always suspected that it's the gays who are behind MGTOW.

Also partly the Jews, Tom Leykis is the prototype MGTOW and he's a fat faggot loser who probably has STDs.

No one is posting the age group data. That's because without looking at it I can tell you it's probably 33% for Trump or lower.

Whether I am bitter or not does not change the truth: women who are "redpilled" are a myth. You can find me the exception. Wonderful. I can find you an African fellow who stumbled on a diamond the size of a fist.

>Working office job
>4 chicks really tight
>Always posting on facebook together weekends and shit
>The prettiest of the group goes on vacation
>They decide to prank her
>All new staff usually have to send a photo and brief bio to the department in the first month they work there
>These friends, send two new staff emails
>Photos are of dad and boyfriend of girl on vacation
>The bio is just pure insulting, saying they didnt go to uni, the dads wife left him for another woman because he cant satisfy her, he has a daughter who is he is ashamed of and just pure hatred type shit
>Boyfriend is worse, they found a photo of him with his ex gf, same sort of shit making out he is dumb etc
>Emails are sent the day before she comes back
>Comes back to work, red in the face reading
>The other 3 stand around her and actually cackle at her
>Boss looks nervous as shit hoping she doesnt have to step in and resolve it
>Girl obviously pissed off
>All still "best" friends
>Constantly bitch about each other to all the dudes in the office


A lot of whites are obviously niggers. The cream always rises to the surface though.

Let's not forget our non-white female anons who voted Trump. I'm proud of them for breaking the conditioning.

Sure but you're well known for having the second worst women on earth after Great Britain.

Every vote for Trump was a vote for the Jew, and every vote for the Jew is a vote for Moloch.

basically all we have to do is make it so its in their best social interest to align with our politics being more of advantage than any repercussions they could experience from doing so.

You're deluded dumbass.

Go back to your non-country you waffle eating fuck.

>Its true, just spoke to a mates gf who bought ten pills for 200 and will drop a couple of them as soon as the kids go to sleep
>Husband is away working
>Youngest kid is 3

>black women

Btw in France the Front National is the first party among the youth. My 20 years old sister will vote for le pen like some of her friends and many other young french girls.

Black women are along with the abos the worst form of life on this planet.

10 for $200 , she got rolled what a rip off

This guy is right about the age groups... Doesn't help that we have the best moms, grannies and aunts if we have to marry 18-30 yos and they are 50+ % Bernie

How is this possible? It looks like a lot of them voted too.


I've been trying to have this thought but you articulated it perfectly.

I've thought about it extensively, and praise can be more effective than shame, especially when you deliver praise in person.

Even if you're not idly fucking or in an actual relationship with a woman, you can try to show her the light in a positive way maybe? I travel a bit and often bump into the same women in the area, and they're all pretty receptive to my ideas. My area's mostly white but we have some Asians and Native Americans, but most of them are mixed to the point of being barely tinged with a lightly exotic look after a couple generations in a majority white place. Anyway whatever their race (mostly white) or political persuasion they seem hold many conservative values and we can really praise them.

Another thing I practice in public is not being an edgy chimp with foul language, and treating people kindly and respectfully. Just having a standard code of public behavior shows women which group they want to affiliate with.



He just had to grab them by the pussy.

Who the fuck is "others," they sound pretty based!

Mixed race, islander, native american, maybe asian? Neato.

>highly educated
are you trying to imply that a liberal arts education which doesn't include any mathematics, chemistry, physics, or any traditional science at all constitutes as an "education"?

to me that's just being babysat for 4 years while being indoctrinated into lies and groupthink

don't blame me I didn't make this crazy world

you can convert women to conservative ideals, it's in their best interest

white women especially since this culture war started, just give the hint when you see / hear bullshit anti white male garbage

"you're next you know..."

The only thing women hate more than men, is women. It's really not surprising at all.

So you're either a woman, or a Stormfag.

Either way you have an agenda, and it doesn't include what is best for white men, which is the unvarnished truth. You're shilling this too hard for it to be pure curiosity.

So what's your problem? Are you racial, or are you just tired of us shitting on you?

>So you're either a woman, or a Stormfag.
Nope, regular joe white guy.

Also I'm not shilling, I'm just trying to convey the fact that, in many areas, there really aren't many committed SJW women even if they fell for a few memes and soggy articles.

White men have been shilled on this board for ages about how shit white women are, and then when the big chance to save civilization we had shills on here twice as much as usual saying the same thing, and finally Election Day comes and holy fuck, white women came through! Not just non college educated ones, ALL white women, as well as many hispanic and 'other' women as well. Blacks BTFO though, barely any based black women but they're around.

I do well with all kinds of women, but yes just like you, I'm racial topkek.

If anybody's racist it's the shit scum punishing white women for voting in their own interest.

Their days are strictly numbered, Trump will stop that the instant he's in office.

And you're either a fat ugly bitter virgin, or a jew.

Either way you have an agenda aswell.

Whitout white women our race and civilizations are fucked.


No, you're definitley shilling. Because you're still ignoring the facts. The white women Sup Forums is bitching about are not the 55-year old mothers of six who voted for Trump because their hubby told them to. The white women Sup Forums bitches about are the young white women who didn't vote for Trump. ALL white women did not come through. Old white women came through. Just like they have always come through.

I'm not racial at all. White, black, brown, yellow. Women are all the same.


What's my agenda? To tell people the truth? How fucking sinister of me! I can't believe I would want to tell people the truth! I must be a Jew or a bitter virgin because I asked the OP for age data.

You have made a file of white old women to troll Sup Forums you're an mgtow faggot

You don't give a shit about the truth you just want to shit on white women because you are to retarded to talk to them and get laid. It's sad.

I had some shit typed out but I just lost power because a transformer exploded so I'll simply put this here instead.

Nah. I don't think men are any better than women, and I think the majority of MGTOW is just a desperate ploy to get women to notice them. It won't work, and it will just make them even more depressed. Women might chase after desirable men who check out (usually they won't even then), they don't chase after undesirable men, period.

I talk to women all the time, fool. I have friends who are women, my male friends have girlfriends who all seem to like me. And I've gotten laid before, so it's not that either. And honestly, that was with very, very little effort put in.

I'm shit talking white women because white women are as bad (mostly worse) as every other type of women, but are still the only creatures on earth who are given the benefit of the doubt on every subject, every time, by basically everyone. And anyone who calls them out on their shit is a "bitter virgin" and gets shamed into silence. Too bad I can't be shamed because I actually do hate myself more than you could ever possibly imagine.

yep i've seen these stale pix before

some fucking car crashed into a power pole

the car is holding the power pole up

it's happening

wow, some white women did something good for once. wtf i love women now fetch me a wife and 3.5 children at once

I got them off Google images during the course of this thread.

Are you going to provide a single argument that isn't based on some (always wrong) assumption about me personally, or even something with a little bit of data? I've talked to probably dozens of the anti-MGTOW people and I have yet to hear much besides "bitter virgin!" or variations of that. I'm not even asking for a strong argument, or even something approaching proof. Shit, I'd even take some anecdotal evidence. So, user, how many girls do you know who are dead-set on being virgins until they marry, have accepted this might mean they die an old virgin, dress modestly, and would willingly sacrifice of themselves for their partner with no expectation of return?

I'm gonna guess it's pretty low.

Maybe they're sick of the left pushing the racist narrative requiring all white women to "prove" they're not racist by bedding black men and rejecting having whie children

>the ones that voted

>you going to provide
You provide, you're the one making assertions.

You bring your own data to support your case, if you wish to quibble over numbers.

Anyway you immediately go off the rails and move the goalposts. Of course there's room for improvement but we're already past the watershed line and it's really making (especially black) liberal bitches salty.

Don't worry about white men and white women, they really came through in a big way. It completely fucks you over too, because you can't adjust.

Sooooo funny, you'll redpill the rest with your social shaming soon, and destroy your menstrual media with your party.

but mama merkel's sad if they don't race mix

btw less than 1% of white women in the USA have ever race mixed

I did. Young white women did not vote for Trump. I moved the goalposts even closer and you still couldn't hit it. You can't tell me that young white women voted for Trump because they didn't. You can't tell me young white women are conservative because they aren't. You can't tell me young white women are modest, because they aren't.

>Room for improvement

That's a nice way of saying we haven't made any ground at all. I don't give a fuck if it makes black women salty. And what watershed line? In what possible way could slightly more old white women voting Republican than usually vote Republican be seen a watershed? Fucking Reagan had better white woman numbers than Trump. fuck outta here with this bitch-logic.

I can't adjust to what? I'm ecstatic that Trump won. I've been doing cartwheels ever since it happened. Has nothing whatsoever to do with how young white women voted.

Yep. Definitely a woman. Don't worry though, I don't want to see your tits. And I don't care if you stay here. You femanons make me laugh. You think you're different than the other girls but press a few buttons and all those differences fade away, and you're just another dumb roastie.

How does this correlate with someone being a cunt? I would have voted trump, and I'm a cunt.

>Young white women did not vote for Trump.
You said this but you didn't prove it.

Then you let loose with a bunch of long-winded crap like you did now.

You're just salty now that your shit bait failed so damn hard.

And not just among whites.

I'm deeply concerned though thanks for your concern.

This is what they wanted

i'll bring some culture in here, which will probably promptly mocked by you plebs. so let's quote verdi:
>la donna e mobile
got it? no? pearls before the swine.

>So, user, how many girls do you know who are dead-set on being virgins until they marry, have accepted this might mean they die an old virgin, dress modestly, and would willingly sacrifice of themselves for their partner with no expectation of return?

None, maybe one. I don't know any truly respectable man either. You're like a girl that seek the prince charming bro it's not real.

Nowaday most of the white women are shit and most of the white men are shit aswell. That's why most of us are here on Sup Forums btw. I wan't to make the west great again and we can do it but not without women.

>la donna e mobile

you're new

9 inches oh shit bro.

>I wan't to make the west great again and we can do it but not without women.
This is the essence of their attempts to cleave white men and women apart.

We're much easier to screw over if we're attacking each other. It's so one-dimensional when you look at it properly.

>mfw the ass is so good it brings me to life again

Souvent femme varie, bien fou est qui s’y fie.

>men are competing with other men to impregnate all local women
>this is a explains why two men can't stand to be in the same room without fighting to the death

Look, I can into pop evo psy bullshit too!


not a surprise.

the only thing women hate more than men are other women

Believe me or not but I alerady grabed this girl by the pussy she leave like two blocks near me.

dat reverse google