You will never have cool cop uniform. Or be a cop

>You will never have cool cop uniform. Or be a cop.

Other urls found in this thread:

>you will never be a corrupt LAPD officer taking shitloads of drug money while your buddies hide any wrongdoing

> you will never know the thrilling experience of having to shoot someone about to shoot you, then have your entire city riot because he dindu nuffin

is LAPD officers that corrupt?

i hope thats not true, i start at the academy next year

probably the worst in the country

>tfw you wanted to be a cop when you were little
>tfw you don't now bc of the blm fuckers that'll chimp out if you take out a nigger

Honest question, Sup Forums, do you respect your country's police officers? And how does the general population feel about them?

>wanting to be a tool of the enemy

Intelligent people able to watch a video or read reports objectively respect them

Idiots incapable of understanding basic tenants such as self defense do not.

Because i heard that LAPD was some of the best in the country. But if you say that is true. They have some problems to deal with.

Good, cops are stereotypically stupid here.

I have a really neat fur hat and some elf jacket

no niggers fuck with be because they are afraid ill summon a treant to attack them

I could be one if I wanted to be, even though that would be silly (manlet)

And I don't care about their matching costumes, wearing that would be a shitty part of the job imo

It's a tough job and most of them are pretty good guys

They've had their share of scandals in the past

>you will never pepper spray leftists while getting overtime with your bros in sweet riot gear

I have no problem with the police, in the other hand i hate the chief of the police force hear in sweden.

most swedes don't have any problems. But the immigrants hates them.

I was one for a decade. Wore some cool riot gear, raid gear, was a Use of Force and firearms instructtor.
It was fun, bit I enjoy being a teacher now much more.

are you from ontario>

if so have fun giving hard working tax payers tickets for going 10km/h over because your boss told you to.

RCMP is pretty great; they spend more time preventing crime and investigating than sitting parked in a car collecting revenue.

OPP === human trash cans

cannot wait until I get to ontario and some faggot cops pulls me over because of yukon plates

I have a shitload of respect for them.

They have a shit job, should be paid more, have to listens to politicians telling them not to beat the shit out of retarded teenagers protesting about everything, can't shoot the muslim shit from Algeria that should be exterminated, etc etc.

As for the general population it depends if you're a fucking marxist cocksucking social study failure @ Sorbonne university or someone with a job and taxes to pay.

Cops are okay, I guess

But they'd be better if they were perfect

Says who?

I think our police is too respectful and sweet. Even when cussed at by angry ahmeds they remain respectful and kind. If the ahmeds would talk to police like that in their own country theyd get assraped, so they are way too arrogant towards cops here. I think they need good beatings to know some respect. our police needs to stop being soft.

Thanks for protecting the laws that define our society I guess pig.

You're welcome bro. I don't agree with some of what goes down but honestly, getting to speak and serve the great people of my community is a privilege.

not anymore
they are literal tools of the left wing propaganda

I'm 5'6

False, i am a Cop on Chicago.

Well it's their job to protect my countries citizens even if it comes to the us of firearms so very positive.

Lol they all look so small compared to ours...


Did my degree in Criminal Justice.

You have to be a cuck to want to be a cop. Security management is an exponentially better career.

Lol, says the Beta who couldn't place high enough on a civil service exam or pass a physical.

Uh what? No

I used to like them but they've betrayed our people.

I mean, if you want to manhandle dirty niggers, then go for it.