What do we do about the NEET problem?

What do we do about the NEET problem?

I personally think that NEETs should be either forced to work or be killed off.


neets can be useful though

look we helped get trump elected

how about fixing the diseases of society that created them, instead of trying to bandage a symptom?

Neets are one of the primary driving forces behind Kek. What your saying is blasphemy

Mandatory military service for young males. More apprentice programs and "hands on" educations that teach the kids a real trade or craft. Make it easier to start up a business. Legalize prostitution so they can get real pussy instead of 2D. Ban females from voting so the men feel like they matter more in society.

m8 you are naive. You can't force people to work, and you can't just kill people as a solution unless the problem is Islam.

Why are there NEETs? What are the barriers between NEETs and work? How can we encourage NEETS to train or work? What medical conditions affect the individual NEETs ability to work or train?

These are the kind of big boy questions you need to ask if you want to sit at the adult table because "forcing" and "killing is a fantasy solution of the narrow minded and unimaginative. (Unless the problem is Islam. In which case forcing them to die is the final solution)

>>I personally think that NEETs should be either forced to work or be killed off.

alright, as long as you fire the first shot.

after you bro.

NEETs are NEETs because they feel like they don't have a prosperous future in our society. Everywhere is stagnation, the population who live on pensions is getting bigger, we are encouraged not to breed, not to try crazy stuff, don't fight, just sit in your room and watch netflix, maybe get a job maybe don't, your state doesn't really care. Trump will make things better, you will see.

“All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone.”

― Blaise Pascal, Pensées

have them take a test, if they're autistic enough they get offered a job as intelligence analysts
I'm sure Sup Forums would have a field day with this kind of stuff

I once took a NEET to the Tittie bar once.

The 10$ his mommy gave him ran out quick.

I gave him 20$ in 1$'s so he can at least get the Hispanic bitch to give him a private.

Dude immediately got a job at Publix to pay for bottom barrel strippers.

neets are ok. maybe we can give them jobs online nobody else wants to do.

If there are jobs to be filled and the commute is reasonable, tell NEETs to take the jobs or lose their gibs.

For be kikes like the UK government by making the NEETS work full time jobs with no pay just to keep their gibs.

NEET here. At roughly age 9 I was moved out of mainstream schooling and into one that I suppose was equipped and permitted to manhandle kids or whatever due to being disruptive, diagnosed with ADHD.

At like age 12 I got sick of school and gradually dropped out (fought tooth and nail to not go in or to get sent home until they eventually just expelled me).

Since then I've been spending all of my time sitting at my computer doing anything and everything I could ever want.

So to summarize, I guess I'd put the blame on the internet for offering such a viable alternative to being part of society.

So you're on welfare?

fuckingneets you idiots go get a shit job, suck it up i washed dishes for 2 years, do shit work that is thats the solution, none of you can be masters if you dont start a the bottom, get a shit job and suck it up

mandatory military service doesnt help in combating neets

Thanks gramps

the neet problem can be solved by the parents kicking their ass, we had no neets in the 50s because the dad would kick their ass

remove welfare, lower taxes for working people. its this easy.

Majority is becoming NEET due to automation.

Yeah, got £300 every 4 weeks from disability and £250 every 2 weeks from ESA.

im fucking 25 and i was a neet, the problem is none of them want to do shit work. guess what thats what men do when they turn 18.

i know none of the neets want to work, but thats life. look if you dont get a shit job, none of you will ever advance up the ladder. you will never get laid. you will be fat. you will like anime. take a shower and shave you worthless excuse for humans where is your dignity

Leave us alone plz.
I come from r9k not to meddle in politics but because I enjoy observing what you do on pol.

Mandatory military service if you're equal to or greater than 20 years of age, and do not have a job or education.

Removing welfare would just create more homelessness, trading one problem for another.

I fucking hate this meme.

So study STEM? Become a programmer. Become a scientist. Become an engineer. Become a doctor.

It's not hard. Just fucking do the work. Ugh. NEETs make me so frustrated because this is MY generation. It makes me sick to my stomach knowing that the previous generations work hard while we millennials just waste our lives away doing nothing. DO THE FUCKING WORK YOU LAZY MORONS.

No, that's what people conditioned to believe that work is something to be proud of do.

Smart people realize you can get free money equal to or greater than whatever shitty job you'd get and just live comfortably with the entirety of your time belonging to you.

its for you own good, your a parasite thats all you are, trust me im recovering neet, once you do any work and get paid you get dignity and then you get intelligence. do you understand that i have more respect for a foreign asian dry cleaner. he works daliy long hours and he supports 3 fucking kids that go to college become doctors and buy him a mansion and hes a totall asshwhole to them and they love him

And? Let them be homeless. Let them survive on their own. Evolution motherfucker!


Hahahahahahaha fucking wagie

I'll bet your fuming right now, aren't you? But you can't do anything because you're stuck at your desk doing meaningless work for Mr Shekelstein!

How pathetic. Sad!

no work gives you dignity. sure you can mooch of the gov but where the dignity and respect. what women will respect that

Meanwhile your house and wife and kids get raped and killed while all your stuff is stolen.

Nice job there dumbass.

Nothing wrong with being a NEET. I know tons of 30 year olds even who still live with their parents. Not our fault we've had 16 years of shit tier presidents running this fucking plane into the ground. It's too hard man. The only thing you can do is get a stem degree but guess what- not everybody loves doing math. Shocker. And that's really the only option these days so, hence the NEETS.

The neets are the ones who go Trump in office. They should be given a medal and a blow job.

I fail to see how being a slave is dignifying, I perceive the opposite to be true.

I don't give a fuck about women, the only place I actually interact with people is online and I only know like 3 chicks, can't fucking stand them.

I´ve had a career, my own house, hobbies, gf. Life was good from 18-24. At 24 got diagnosed with cancer, health problems. destroyed my health and motivation.

At 26 now and the only motivation is to get up and shitpost on Sup Forums. i hope the bright days come back, i´ve literally lost everything. had to negotiate my house loans back with the bank etc. moved back into with my folks. I worked 7 months in 2016 and ended up in nervous breakdown. Just hope I get my mental health back, at the moment can barely get out of bed to shitpost.

It sucks that i´ve become a nervous wreck, the doctors say that the cancer triggered some underlying mental condition in me and I kinda agree,.

the worst part is that i´ve degenerated in every possible way, im mentally probably on par with my 15 years old self and my nervous system are on par with some of the more hysterical women I know.

Dude you should know that STEM doesn't apply in Aus. Scientists here are underemployed and underpaid, tech jobs are getting outsourced out the arse, engineers are underemployed, and the ease of access to higher education has created a boom of medical students, all competing with the working visa holders.

Don't fuck up your future believing the STEM meme

They should be rounded up and given the choice of a swift painless death in the gas chamber og forced to do menial task for the state

MGTOW ay brother?

basically this

NEETs exist now because most companies love to import cheap labor from shitholes and have the people of that country forced to study useless shit in universities for 10 years just to have them regurgitated out by the system.

I never worked so hard as when I tried to finance new sex-vacations to Thailand. Sex is the main motivator and as a young man, if you think that whatever you do you won't get it, you won't be motivated to do anything.

no the working class put trump into office, neets are like 20 percent of the millenials. most millenials are the idiots marching right know. neets have no political power. if they were trully redpilled they would work. posting pepes did not win the election, hillary being a fucking croocked fuck won it and the rascist vote

Obongo didn't create any jobs though.

I'd love that solution.

I've never had a job, I'm 23. When I was 13 both of my parents worked two jobs just to make ends meet, I felt so bad for them. I did all the housework for them and promised them when I get a college degree and a high paying job they would never have to work a day more in their lives, I was going to buy them a big mansion, lots of fancy cars. My mom was especially tired after her two jobs as a cleaner and nurse, she's a diabetic and can barely afford her medicine.

Now here I am, living off their labor like a parasite, completely degree-less cus I got kicked out for having low grades, still jobless, just being a generally useless piece of shit. I'd love to be forced to work, but I know I will probably quit or fuck up within the first week. The other option of death is good too, so my parents no longer have me as a burden.

>emoving welfare would just create more homelessness

... or they find themself jobs. don't tell me that its that hard, finding a good job: okey maybe. but finding any job? not really.

and im sure most of these neets have a family to back them up as well.

but if they refuse to work as special snowflakes they are, then maybe they will end up on a street, at least they will serve as a example of where #neetlyfe can lead you to for the youth and the mistakes won't repeat.

>23 years old
>never worked a real job
now remind me Sup Forums, why should i work and pay taxes for this jewish state?
so that sandniggers can collect more benefits from my tax money?

thats because you dont work. look at trump look at that confidence you cant get that looking at a computer screen.

I don't feel like we neets are hurting anybody just not helping anybody. An absolute neutral if you will. Leave us in peace normie. I believe we can coexist.

NEETS had everything to do with Trump wining. The great meme war and posting of frogs was essential in his victory.

I live comfortably on my unemployment benefits, spend my time hiking outdoors, reading and doing whatever I want with my life, while everybody around me fumes and rages every day about their shitty job, and then changing their tune to lecture me about how "fulfilling" it is and how I need to get one otherwise I'll find no satisfaction in my life.

Cognitive dissonance but ok then.

Please force me to work, pretty please. I want to work so bad :(

>At like age 12 I got sick of school and gradually dropped out (fought tooth and nail to not go in or to get sent home until they eventually just expelled me).
so you're basically the classic definition of a loser?

if we force them to work, that's just more money to pay for nigger welfare

leave them alone

I'm okay with NEETs desu.

Take all the tax-money that would go to niggers and white women and give it to NEETs and I would consider it a pretty good trade. I would prefer it if they would get wage-slave jobs like me, but I can understand why they don't and I sympathize.

It's people like OP who are the trash of our species. Shallow and socially judgemental, only clever enough to learn what is expected of them. They never innovate or come up with substantial ideas. They are grunts, and that's where they stay in life. They try to compensate for their own unexceptionalism by making fun of others. Shit for brains, really

Pic related. Our mascots coexisting.

>forced to work
In what jobs? Unless you think paying people China level slave wages is ok, those jobs aren't simply there.

How did you first notice you had cancer? I've made some fucked up choices in what I put in my body and I'm worrying that I've accelerated my risk.

He got approved for disability so imagine there's more to it than that. Disability is a cunt to get on.

Just by circumstance.

I dunno, I'm pretty confident. Delusions of grandeur are a sweet deal.

Nah I'm better. Pretty sure the classic definition is just somebody that drops out as early as is legally allowed and never does anything with his life. Well get fucked son because I dropped out 4 years before it was legal.

Establish a communist system with no money and then have them do a monotonous job the like or starve.

dude your a parasite, if you live of the gov im paying for your life. if you live with your parents your sucking the life out of them, be a man and get a job no matter what jew you have to pay

Its everyone elses fault but the NEETS!
Fucking manchildren.

they don't really bother me so fuck it

NEETs in Ireland are either offered training or education. If they decline they face losing their social welfare.

Society is the disease. Rather than allow people to be self sufficient, we demand that they engage in constant work. Just try and extract yourself from this nightmare if you are not wealthy.

OP is too dull to appreciate that there is more to existence than being a helper monkey to a bunch of effeminate corporate fags. He loves being told what to do, and when to do it. And then, if he has children, they will be in the same shitty position.

I was a NEET, until my mom died, then I had to work to support my siblings.

So it's simple, we kill their parents

Whose fault is it then? Why didn't this occur 30 years ago? What changed since then?

Could it be outside factors causing it? Or is it just them.

Think about what you say next wagie.

no wikileaks did more than any neet did. you can say they helped a little. but their is not enough neets in the world. also all neets do not support trump. trump stands against all that is neet. believe it or not many posting pepes are over 40. what one was the working class voting. that is men with real jobs they are a political force

>Hartz 4 subhuman

guess what, you die at the end of it. everybody knows this as a fact but the reality of it doesn't hit most people until they're on their death beds.

neets realised it in their teens. enjoy spending the one very short existence you'll ever have doing something you don't want to do for 5 days a week.

Well if you killed yourself then it wouldn't bother you anymore. NEETs are fine, they're starving the gynocracy and the beta provider cucks who support it.

Those like yourself just prolong womens uselessness, or, replacement by companion bots.

If your form of nationalism supports bitches in any way then it's irrelevant and outdated.

I just apply for a shittier job, you won't even miss it if they fire you. just when they do (but unlikely unless you behave really badly) make sure to reapply for a another one so you don't fall back into the NEET hole.

your a parasite on society. try having a conversation with someone in a real career like a doctor or engineer, they wouldnt pay attention to you at all in real life bro

you mad that i get many times of what you earn in a month of work for doing absolutely nothing?
sucks to be a shitskin in a shitskin country, huh?

Why would I care that somebody I don't know or have anything in common with wouldn't want to talk to me? It's mutual.

So now we all have to be doctors or engineers. Fuck these expectations, I quit.

Wakey wakey wagie. It's time to make mr shekelstein rich. I heard he wants to buy a yacht by the end of the month you better work extra hard.

The government said I had enough mental deficiencies to never have to work. They said it not me. Who am I to argue to the government giving me a comfy lifestyle? I don't participate in any degeneracy so I feel like r9k robots and pol can be allies if we share the majority of political stances.

If you're on disability you're excluded from any of this. Choosing not to work and being unable to work is not the same.

I used lots of fucking shit drugs, dirty ecstasy, amphetamine throughout my youth. Party drugs etc. I had abdominal pains and could feel a fucking lump in my abdominal region, went to doctor and they instantly put me on cancer medicine and few months later they removed lump from me surgery

the cancer medicine destroyed my libido,gave me yellow complexion, it never was some terminal stuff in a sense of spreading, i still have to eat some of the milder stuff for the next few months

treating my cancer and going to work same time was too much stress for me, i'm a nervous wreck now because i thought I could handle it. as soon as I heard about it i should have quit work and just to relax, but i just ended up destroying myself mentally.

I just kept going "I'm fine" to everybody until total nervous collapse doing fucking stupid shit, drunk driving and was put in mental hospital for few weeks. if I fucking get better I probably have to change town because this is a small city and everybody probably thinks im fucking insane in the community.

I feel like this is an unfair meme. a lot of small business owners bear the entirety of the risk if their business goes under

I sympathize though

not sure if envious or not

is your haed really fucked, or is it just really easy to get this shit?

I would love even just 800 a month for free. I'd be able to get by just fine.

Same here. Fascism is irrelevant. The fascists here just use it to feel better about their own deficiencies. They can pretend that they're better than NEETs but if they truly were then they wouldn't need to attack them.

Trump and the rest of the world has the right idea, which is populist nationalism. Fascism is just the very crony capitalism that Trump is against and Nat Soc is just that, an alternative form of socialism.

Trump wouldn't be an ahole to NEETs as he isn't a loser. So he isn't an unnecessary ahole.

>yellow complexion
Isn't that normal?

It's super fucking hard to get here in Aus, my application took over a year with an extensive medical history and with statements from my treating team.

But once you get it, it's pretty comfy. I get a grand a f/n and access to subsidized non ghetto housing.

If you want to get it, I would start working on a medical history to use as evidence down the track.

Not him, I'm the other guy. I wish someone had told me this earlier in life. I didn't realize that I'd been excluded the entire time. I thought that I was getting bullied for a decade when it had never been about me.

Thanks Aussie bro. I don't normally post merely observe this board but I felt like I had to let it be known that r9k is a friend to you people on pol. Also I am a big fan of your country's shitposting.

American welfare literally pays more than minimum wage, yet cuts off people who earn minimum wage.

Fix welfare. Work should ALWAYS make more than not work.

Do you have to go all the way to Thailand to get laid LMAO.

Stinky swede. .

I feel like I am normal but after extensive testing they said I was fucked in the head. I'm hoping one day I'll find out they were wrong or there is a cure and be a normie with a wife and son....

>classic definition
Shut your asshole

If you have jobs to force NEETs into, surely you have jobs to provide for the more qualified unemployed people actively looking for jobs.

The average person spends 33% of their time sleeping, 33% (if they're lucky) to 50% working, leaving only 16% to 33% free time to actually live a life.

The retirement age is 65, when you're too old and frail and tired to do all the things you said you wanted to do way back when because most of your time is all used up.

Now, if you live as though you plan to die at 40, you have 100% free time to live a life (albeit without the benefits of having a stable source of income) and by the time they reach 40 they'll have lived better than the 90 year old retiree, assuming they do a bit more than watch anime all day and actually pursue their dreams. I suppose that goes against NEETism, though.

>yes goy! work to support the society that wants to destroy you!

there's no such thing as a "test" for mental illness. it's one oft he most obvious flaws of (((psychiatry)))

of course people are just as often unaware of their problems/flaws.

just because you're a foreveralone doesn't mean there's something wrong with your head, though. so fixing your head won't necessarily get you a wife

Hey fuck mate give the old cobbler a break mate it ain't no use digging a hole unless you know how to use a shovel now is it dingo.