How many of you actually believe in Kek? For those that do, do actually pray to him...

How many of you actually believe in Kek? For those that do, do actually pray to him? Build an altar in your room or backyard? How does Kekism even work?

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I made a hymn of praise to him:

We love Kek because we love chaos.

i praise him through my shitposts and my continues efforts of redpilling others.


thats it

I in fact do have an alter set up in my office at work.

are you frigging retarded?

>implying a god of chaos can be worshipped in one proper way

just do what you want in the name of kek
but remember to praise his glory

More than you would ever imagine. Yes. Maybe. Wouldn't (((you))) like to know? Kike.

I have never prayed to kek. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even him, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought, or why we died. All that matters is that we stood against many. That's what's important! Valor pleases kek

he has spoken

This croat knows the croack.

Now this is the kind of edgy shit we need in order to win elections.


Wait, does this make me a Jew now?

We ought to subvert more ISIS imagery in the service of European patriotism.

Chaos is the only altar to kek.

I prayed for him every day since the 77777777 get.. so far everything in my life has improved, I feel more confident, powerful and I even lost weight and now talking to girls is just 'normal'. I'm expecting 2017 to be the best year of my life, all thanks to Kek.


Are boards the only way to reach kek, where else can I get repeating numbers?

And so it shall be done.

I don't praise anyone because I'm atheist (plus I'm a scientist) but after the shadilay shit? Honestly is foolish to deny that there is something weird ongoing.

i will buy a eurolottery ticket with only repeating numerals

if I win, I will build a 333 foot statue of kek in the name of his glory

I merely praise him through the digits of I am blessed.

For what more can we do for a deity of chaos that isn't order?

Good luck bro

How is this spam you fucking gook moot? Fix your spam filter. Kek will punish you for suppressing my worship of Him.

Hello, Vice. You probably should have done this before running your asinine story.

Well golly gee.
It looks like 9gag has done fooled you again.
Over on 9gag that's where they worship satanic toads.

Skidaddle over there and you'll learn all kinds dark magic from them.
Don't trust what they say though.

Has anyone here literally dreamed of frogs and donald trump and woke feeling very happy and energised?

The spam filter is triggered by the phrase
' r e p e a t i n g
d i g i t s '

This, it was those falseflagging kikes over at

great, another ragging faggot """"journalist"""" doing research on /pol

lurk moar

Pls let us know where will your study be posted one so we can enjoy it, you will also gain data with our reaction so it's ok.

>mfw I've had 8 nightmares involving demons or satan just in the last 2 weeks
don't know what to think about all of it desu

You know who else is called the "bringer of light"?

Repent and accept God and Jesus Christ into your heart

hello mainstream bullshit


People be aware that Sup Forums has become a mainstream interest. That is why there are some very iffy questions.

Just get involved with the pizza gate stuff. You will never sleep again. No more nightmares, ha ha!

Kek is love
Kek is life

stop shitalking about the Supreme

beware of "praise kek" connection

this pizzagate stuff is some low quality larping, just like the BDS

doesn't move me one bit

Shitposting is prayer
Double digits are ritual
Meme magick is liturgy

Praise KEK


Sometimes when I feel anxious, I think of Kek and it fills me with confidence.

I buy freddos in a hope of gaining his divine favours. When a new limited packet comes out I immediately buy 8 of them

Proof that Kek's the only one who can challenge Satan and his plan to turn humanity into chaos.

>How many of you actually believe in Kek?

Nobody. Google "meme".

Is this shit for real?

I think they are

at first i thought it was all a coincidence, but then it became all clear to me and now i praise him with shitposts. and i have cardboard frog in my room

I had a dream where I saw Maddie's face. She said "HE'S HERE" then disappeared into darkness. FTGE that pizza shit really messed with my mind.

Thats some dedication, m8.

I am an agnost. I will believe in a god if there is evidence of its existence. Ironically, kek has the most proof pointing towards him actually being real.


holy shit



Religions failed, then KEK came, now we have the god-emporer. Nope I don't believe...


Are you believer enough to purchase?

>How does kekism work.
Go suck some dicks , you MSM newfag.

>and and the only real god
I like Jesus but he didn't create anything. This is just as blasphemous as 'false god' worship.

Years ago during a trip to Germany, we started seeing frogs everywhere as well as symbology that could refer to the concept of a Frog King and it really went to our heads for some reason, the coincidences where everywhere even though it wasn't specifically a local symbol.
Then we entered a shop with a metal Frog King statue. Immediately we decided to buy it and bring it back home.
We put it in our garden on a sort of altar and it felt like there was some significance in this.
It still is.
That was long before Kekism but it's one of the reasons that make me believe.

Your stones look like potatos
Should replace with nuggers

praise him

Are there ninjas in Japan?


Kek gave us Trump, his power is true.

Always remember that he's a God of chaos.

check my 911 get

Last time I checked it was priced 9.11.

Doesn't Kek embody spontaneous order more than he does chaos? Digits, coincidences and stuff? Ideas spreading virally across different groups of people?

Praise him!

shadilay user

I don't believe in an ancient frog God but I do believe in the power that we have discovered through our collective key consciousness. How could you not believe in that in the face of overwhelming evidence. Kek is the symbol but the power is within us all. Believe. Shadilay brothers.

All jokes aside, KEK Does exist 100% as all the other deities/thoughtforms that were made and energized by man
How powerful it is, all depends on how much attention/faith you have in it