>expert demands arabic to be a mandatory school subject in germany
>if arabic children are required to learn german then german children should be required to learn arabic
When will Quran school be mandatory Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread: fordert arabisch als pflichtfach

Russia please invade.

Link the article Hans.


I'm in America and this hurt to read.
Best of luck to y'all, let's hope it won't actually happen
(Even though we all know it will)

We need a fucking second amendment.

No way. You have to do something by yourselves at last.

It's in the first search results: fordert arabisch als pflichtfach

I've no idea how reliable that site actually is but looks like a msm news site.

Kids learn German in Germany
Kids learn Arabic in Arabia

Im already here but putin has to to say DEUS VULT!!!



more like traitor

Russia please dont invade we are having good times in Poland these days.

>Russia please invade.
> Feeding us with sanctions
Lel, of course. I was earning 1.5k bux when I started to work being a student.
Now my salary has trippled to that (140k in rub in fact) and I still earn ~2k bux per months.

Serve yourself please.

The third step is "Arabic kids living off the state shouldn't need to learn German you racist"
Until we just rename ourselves Al-Lemannia and let the cucking finally be complete

wise words of hercules

This is disgusting.
Don't ever dare to spread your cancer here Hans.

Germany is fast approaching Sweden levels of cuckoldry.

It's happening so fast I'm actually kind of surprised.

Germanys problem is it trys so hard to distance itself from hitler, that it goes in the extreme opposite direction. Its literally too late for them. They have already imported a million muslims. At the rate they breed it will be a couple of decade's before its all over.

You need another holocaust.

This is truly sad.

You deserve it for not just recapitalizing your banks instead of killing Greece.

You know what has to be done, Germany.

>article from february 3rd
>everbody went "fuck off are you crazy"
>better make a bait thread about it 9 months later on Sup Forums

Even hardcore cucks are turning right. At least the ones i know. There will be a backlash at the next election don't worry.

Wtf wtf wtf wtf what will it fucking take

Wowzers, and I thought that us just having Urdu as a language course over here was cucked.

Good luck, Germany.

> 3. Februar 2016




this is old
>Kühne Logistics University
ye naw fuck off

>if arabic children are required to learn german

fuck off if you dont like it cunt im sure theyd learn barbarian in whatever shithole you came from

اللغه العربيه صعبه جدا احنا بندرسها هنا و مش فاهمين اي حاجه فيها .

I kinda doubt that Urdu is mandatory in your schools.

And basically there's nothing wrong with some variety in language courses offered. During my school days (80s) we only had the choice between English, French and Spanish for modern languages (plus Latin Greek and Hebrew for ancient languages), which was too meager from my point of view.

fuck off

things are pretty bad for Germany right now. But this """expert""" is just an idiot with an opinion.

Children won't have to learn arabic in german schools in the near future. What will happen in 10+ years nobody knows!

that's terrible, suck to live in a cuck country.

But English, French, Tussian, Chinese and Indian children have to learn German there as well.
Should German children then not have to learn the language of every immigrant then?

These people make foolish, child - like arguments to hide their true motives.

What is pathetic is that anyone with a functioning brain falls for it.

That's good news, hope (((they))) keep on pushing their agenda even further before next election takes place.
What can possibly go wrong?

yes, n-tv is msm, but has a reliable record

its reliable

More like (((Expert))) (((Thomas Strothotte)))

desu they should be taught Arabic

That way they'll know exactly what the sandniggers are up to and when they're planning to attack

having a first amendment would already be great.

>ivan uses proxy to effect the popular opinion

russia is winning this war and will control the world and you cucks are allowing it to happen

Then we should start banning german tv, websites and newspapers.

You C U C K S and don't worth invasion anymore. Either you liberate yourself or go extinct, you won't be missed.

Maybe BLACK GERMANS will do better than you.

But you will be briefly mentioned in history books, as a nation that has gone full cuckold and destroyed itself. This is the price you pay for succumbing to jewish rule.

Heed the sound of bells tolling for Old Germany, as this is the last time you hear them - bells will be replaced with muezzins soon enough.

Not again...
The Erbfeind will not allow a second holocaust

Yeah that too. But that can only be maintained with a second amendment. It is no coincidence that the only country with real free speech is the only country with an armed populace.

Fuck, we need to build a wall.

Come home white man.
Dein Zuhause ist bei uns.

if the germans convert to islam theyll try to take over the world again

So what is this. An opinion piece? The Minister of Education? What's the implication of it.

God its like Germany and Sweden are having a cuck-off to see who wins

Who will put germany out of its misery?

East Germexit when?

And of course it's A FUCKING LEAF who demands it

>Germany becomes 100% Muslim
>Try to invade surrounding countries to spread their filth, Sweden is allied with them
>EU free Britain and great again America have to take them down

>>if arabic children are required to learn german then german children should be required to learn arabic
>In Germany

Why are they so cucked?

Fuck sakes Europe get your shit together.

Fucking Krauts ruining Europe again.

There won't be a Quran school, if people actually read the Muslim Manifesto they'd catch onto how absolutely horrid the ideology is.

Don't you see this is just a way to get the right wing in power by exposing their bullshit to the public opinion? No one would ever read that and think "this is ok", it's just reverse red-pilling.

>eu free britain

Brexit doesn't stop paki immigration, you know it ?

Its the religion of peace and tolerance m8

>implying the great paki purge isnt coming

Seriously what you don't understand you flithy infidels is that, you are looking as if Muslims from the other parts of the world is somehow going to invade your old little countries, and force you into submission and Islam. No, when Muslims says Islam will dominate the world, what they mean is that most powerful advanced nation will slowly become a Muslim countries. And that's how things will turn over eventually.This a good news for the West, and the Muslim people.

this is not a real person you know

>expert demands arabic to be a mandatory school subject in germany
What expert? You didn't even quote the news. It wasn't in our news.

Looks like you've made that all up. Not even leftist retarded politicians like those in NRW or Berlin would support it.

Long story short: OP is blatantly lying.

>germany cucks itself into becoming arabia
>arabs are now germans
>arabs are violent and willing to jihad
>germany starts another world war with the aim to conquer europe

Can't make this shit up.

Read the article. The guy speaks of a "Transformationsprozess". Also, he's a Canadian citizen. A FUCKING LEAF

les doch den faden erstmal durch bevor du hier rumproletest