Mfw people still fall for the climate change meme

>mfw people still fall for the climate change meme

I have yet to see someone give actual proof besides graphs made in paint or some altered data to fit the narrative.

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Climate change is real and should be mitigated soon.

The climate does change though, whethe people exacerbate that is the issue. I don't think humans melted the last mass glaciation of Earth. Or the dozens before that.

>G-g-guys look here it is real

Climate change is real, but the narrative that it is man made is ridiculous. As far as I know it isn't even provable that CO2 is the cause and even if it was, there still would be the fucking sun, vulcans (including inactive ones) and every living creature on earth to blame for and not some fucking piece of shit of a car.

Sun cycles result in the periodical warming and cooling of the earth. The CO2 sham is really getting old at this point, first it was global warming, then it was climate change, now it's man made climate change. Give me a fucking break.

Yesterday the high was 51*F. Thermometer readout on my car rear view mirror confirmed it. Numerous bank readouts said the same.
Weather Underground predicted the same. But in the evening I checked the website and it said 70*F. I bet next year they say it was 70* on this day last year.
Proof of global warming, pay your carbon tax to the UN erryone.

the IPCC releases a whole book of proof every few years.
Skeptics never read it.

Oh man
These comments show how far away from the scientific community you retards are

no op, you are totally wrong. al gore told me we are in LITERAL APOCALYPSE
but also because of colonialism and imperialism and fucking white males, we should let China and India polute as much as they want, thats totally ok, they need to develop

>t. not a Chinese Communist Party shill

>Turk roach
here is your (you)

Can you into science?

Here's proof that co2 is a ghg

Doesn;t matter what way you cut it, the interaction between co2 and IR is real and is confirmed. Good. So now you accept that you can ask, is teh co2 human. Yes. Yes it is. See here.

So now we know human activity leads to an accumulation of co2, and that co2 is a greenhouse gas.

The rest you should be able to deduce for yourself.

It doesn't matter either way, that's the point. We must use and pillage Earth the way we see fit. It's destruction brings us closer to God.

Science? We prefer magic... of the memetic variety.

fuck off, roach

The only people who say climate change is fake are the corporate oil shills trying to keep us at war and their cockgobbling brainwashed neocon base.

Go to China, spend one week in Beijing and tell me there should be no restrictions on corporate waste.

Climate change is real you damn denier. We got only 2 years left before polar caps start melting. How thick can you be?????


Is this how tibet feels? Just living by somebody else's rules

you're a COLUMBIAN you fucking literal nigger

Yfw Climate Change kills us all in 40 years

Stop trying to bring forth a climate shift, Roach, we all know you filthy insects will survive a climate disaster

Look gang I'm not scientist but I know that if I started my car in a fucking garage the exhaust would eventually get so bad it would kill me. I guess I just look at that as an easy way of understanding how putting pollutants in the air might be negatively affecting the fucking environment. If you want to see for yourself go suck on an exhaust pipe.