>(((Corporations))) run rampant, buy out your government, sell you garbage food and jack prices up with a monopoly
>(((Media))) manipulates democracy as much as possible, turns your daughters into sluts, your men into trannies
>You get cool products, like the latest iphones, TV's, better cars
>The family unit is systematically dismantled
>Melting pot and globalism
>Food shortages BECAUSE capitalist nations are extremely threatened by your ideology and will actively impose sanctions on you
>Men are men, women are women. Everyone has a role.
>Small government corruption, because that is human nature. Still nowhere near as bad as the capitalist collusion GOING ON RIGHT NOW (bildeberg group, pedo scandal)
>Housing supplied for everyone, unlike currently in the west
>While each communist nation will work together in a union, according to the teachings of marx each nation should maintain it's individual identity so they can share among-st eachother as a group of communist nations sharing their best products
I'm not shitposting, i understand communism is not perfect but holy fuck, after reading actual marx and observing capitalism in it's current form and how DISGUSTING the western world has become....