Capitalism or Communism, pick one


>(((Corporations))) run rampant, buy out your government, sell you garbage food and jack prices up with a monopoly
>(((Media))) manipulates democracy as much as possible, turns your daughters into sluts, your men into trannies
>You get cool products, like the latest iphones, TV's, better cars
>The family unit is systematically dismantled
>Melting pot and globalism

>Food shortages BECAUSE capitalist nations are extremely threatened by your ideology and will actively impose sanctions on you
>Men are men, women are women. Everyone has a role.
>Small government corruption, because that is human nature. Still nowhere near as bad as the capitalist collusion GOING ON RIGHT NOW (bildeberg group, pedo scandal)
>Housing supplied for everyone, unlike currently in the west
>While each communist nation will work together in a union, according to the teachings of marx each nation should maintain it's individual identity so they can share among-st eachother as a group of communist nations sharing their best products

I'm not shitposting, i understand communism is not perfect but holy fuck, after reading actual marx and observing capitalism in it's current form and how DISGUSTING the western world has become....

>that pick
Oh no
Are those the transexual male to female kids?

no that's a meme, they're normal girls

>Small government corruption
>Being taken out in masses to dig a hole to be shot in front of is small corruption

>>Small government corruption

You're not the smartest cuck in the shed are you?

Those girls are Norwegian?

Wtf is going on at that place?

>Reading Marx
>Observing capitalism

Wow so you mean a person writing about an idea will make it seem better than reality? You're on to something m8

That was not communism. That was stalin's paranoia. If you put him in charge of another country he would have done the same thing, be fucking honest.

I'm not downplaying communism but look at all the deaths capitalism has caused too.

look at how western society is crumbling from it, how the family unit is DESTROYED.

the one where big corporations don't get tax breaks

> The inability of a communist country to grow enough of its own food is caused by outside influences. Wat

Neither, there's more options than just capitalism or communism

How old are you?

Fk CCCP I have a nice big house and I'm. It having googles move in due to my largess

>>(((Corporations))) run rampant, buy out your government, sell you garbage food and jack prices up with a monopoly
This is where the responsibility of the individual comes into play to select the best goods and services, which ultimately trains (((corporations))) to be better.

>>(((Media))) manipulates democracy as much as possible, turns your daughters into sluts, your men into trannies
Again, the free market prevails. Only 6% of people take the mainstream media seriously, what's left is the alternative internet media which includes softly spoken peaches who speak out for men's rights.

There are good role models out there.

>>The family unit is systematically dismantled
Hint, it only started to become like this when the Soviets became desperate for a collapse of capitalism in the west. We can resist.

>>Melting pot and globalism
And again.

These things are at best challenges or hurdles to find solutions to, every culture is different and conflicts in different ways. I'm not saying immigration shouldn't happen, but I'm saying there's no reason to encourage it.

But that's a problem I have with the thrashing and dying mainstream media.

>>Food shortages BECAUSE capitalist nations are extremely threatened by your ideology and will actively impose sanctions on you
No... Marxist nations are simply predisposed to conflict with capitalist republics. They're an aggressive ideology.

Who caused the holodomor? Tell me, who?

>>Men are men, women are women. Everyone has a role.

>>Small government corruption, because that is human nature. Still nowhere near as bad as the capitalist collusion GOING ON RIGHT NOW (bildeberg group, pedo scandal)
Relative to what? Ancient Rome? Modern day Australia? To what?

>>Housing supplied for everyone, unlike currently in the west
This is a drain on the state, instead the goal should be affordability to either own or rent.

Not all countries can grow their own food fag.



The most magnificent collapse of a communist regime (the USSR) occurred in a nation with some of the most productive farmland in the world. Moron


Argentina can, Russia subjugating Ukraine can do so easily. Singapore can even in a pinch. The only countries who can't are technologically undeveloped without agricultural lands. I think Eritirea or Djibouti.

Any plains or flat land with many rivers passing through it is likely easily convertible to agricultural farm land. Again, in a pinch Singapore could build vertical farms and provide cheap fresh food, but only after either depopulating or building on water. They could buy a lot of boats, fill them with hydroponic equipment, permanently anchor them, connect them all together and grow food.

Again, it's a backwards people that deliberately cause famine or attempt to limit the supply of food. What's best at distribution? Markets best at distribution.

Just hand over barter town, socialists.

Actually, most of Russia is Tundra, woodland, desert or too far east to really exert decent control.

The most productive farmland close to Moscow is Ukraine.

Isn't socialism lovely? Gotta redistribute from the successful to the unfortunate, nothing morally hazardous would you say?

Delete this thread desu

I hope one day when you're successful you get taxed into the ground as you wish others were

Not that you'll ever be successful because I can already tell you have a defeatist mentality

Good luck with your minimum wage job and hoping the government forces those "evil corporations" to pay you more for no reason

Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union you tool.

>Aussie redpilling verifiable red pill horrors about socialism
>Sweden calls for delete
Does the brainwashing give you headaches?

It was meant to be autonomous and what Soviet Russia did to it was abominable. The holodomor was the worst man made catastrophe in modern history, only a successful genocide could be worse.

It's also the least spoken about.

Socialism is evil.

>Who caused the Holodomor? Tell me, who?
The Jew.

So all the death, starvation, and killings, under Pol Pot, Mao, Kim il Sung, Castro, etc, where just a coincidence?

The only two Commies who could be considered to have done well by their countries are Tito and Ho Chi Minh, and both areas of the world are STILL massive shitholes.

Those are clearly 2 well dressed tables


are you pretending the west does not actively try and keep them shit so no-one ever thinks it's worth trying here?

the jews are so fucking threatened by the idea of the people having power and not them.

>The "West" was responsible for Yugoslavians genociding eachother

>The "West" was responsible for Vietnam failing to modernize (After 71' anyways)

I'll take things that never happened for $400 Alex.

Good post.
It's not about capitalism or communism. It is about having completely transparent way of running business money wise. And having simple laws and rules and regulations such that everyone understands why it was formulated instead of complicated laws which benefit a few. Again, transparency and simplicity is all is required.

They aren't mutually exclusive. Actually communism depends on capitalism.

>(((Corporations))) run rampant, buy out your government, ... jack prices up with a monopoly
That's not capitalism. That's corporatism, and it's made possible by government having power it can abuse to dole out favors to lobbyists.
>sell you garbage food
Don't buy it. What you eat and feed to your kids is your personal responsibility.
>(((Media))) manipulates democracy as much as possible
The media lies to the people in any system where centralized power can be gained or maintained by doing so.
>The family unit is systematically dismantled
That's textbook leftism, not capitalism. Anti-discrimination laws, affirmative action and welfare for single moms are not free market ideas.
>Melting pot and globalism
Free trade doesn't require free movement.

Communism is literally one of the top five worst things that has ever happened in human history, my man. Never have more people died due to senseless, easily avoidable government failures. Estimates place the number at over one hundred million people. One hundred million people murdered by their own government during a time of peace. Can you even fathom that people are willing to openly associate themselves with communism today, while Hitler and fascism are seen as taboo?

It's right there in the history books for you to read.