How can Sup Forums claim to hate socialism, but love Nazism?
How can Sup Forums claim to hate socialism, but love Nazism?
Nazi's believed in helping their fellow countrymen to become their best versions, Socialists believe in creating a group of needy dependants to keep select governments in perpetual power.
We don't love socialism.
We love nationalism(sovereignty), and exterminating Jews.
Try to keep up.
There is literally nothing wrong with socialism.
Nazism is a form of socialism... it's totalitarian fascist socialism. You guys can't be this dumb.
socialism or marxism?
silent majority of goosestepping enthusiasts
pretty much this
>implying all fascists on here are NatSoc
I'm only strategically with the alt-right because I detest the fake left that exists today.
Once the true Left is in power, all alt-right edgelords will be sent to reeducation camps.
(Which is a much better fate than the liberals will have, which is forced labour camps)
>socialism today is the same as socialism 100 years ago
retard alert
No, those are just 2 different interpretations of socialism
all natsoc is is authoritarian socialism
you can't be this dumb
>entire board calls anyone that doesn't like Nazis a communist.marxist
retard alert
>pol is one person
Not an argument.
Respond to the central point retard.
You're comparing oranges and giraffes.
>pol doesn't have a majority of people that share similar opinions
>hur durrr you can't criticize me because you can't label me!
Nazis had cool uniforms.
No, I'm not. I'm making you realize your own point is retarded. Marxist communism doesn't really exist today, except maybe in north korea. Modern socialism has nothing to do with marxism, but you see everyone on this board calling modern socialist views communist or marxist. socialism today is not the same as socialism 100 years ago.
They've got skulls on them.
Because there are different kinds of
which derives from the latin socius, best translated as community.
The marxist workers socialism is just a facade, an excuse to attack white, western civilization and bring down white people in power to replace them with jews and enemies of the people.
National Socialism literally means community among the people, unlike marxism it doesn't divide us and make us fight each other, it strengthen us, brings us together and lets us fight for a common goal - our very own well being.
>socialism today is not the same as socialism 100 years ago
Yes, it's more like marxist communism.
Arguing that modern socialism at it's core is not communist inspired is completely retarded, socialism was forced out of communist influence to undermine the west.
t. Slavoj Žižek
American propaganda educated retards believe this.