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I already do. I respect my ancestors who switched from pagan to Catholic.

>Converting to a certain religion to honor your ancestors when you don't actually believe in any of that bullshit
Kill yourself, really.

The problem with all of these Nordic Asatru-larpers is that we really don´t know shit about Ancient Scandinavian/Nordic religion.

The convert-process was very violent around here and only traces of tradition have survived. There are lots of books about the subject but most of them are pure speculation. There are some good documentation about rites of Lappish Shamans and they are very similar rites to Siberian shamans. So at least some form of traditional religion survived in the Far North, but other than that we don´t have much information expect Poetic Eddas, Kalevala runes etc. but they don´t exactly describe the rites or everyday religion.

Scandinavians did have priesthood, but I don´t think there is much documented about the practical side of the religion.

That's why I'm christian.

So be it. Get on your knees then!

nobody expects the spanish inquisition.

Heritage killing faggots they were

Unless you're a semite, Christianity is not your religion.

Nah my pappy was a christain, and his pappy was a christian.

they had big famalies and cozy lives.

Yes Varg

Thanks to your videos I became pagan

Fuck christianity

Yout could also dye your hair purple and claim it's genetic.

Sup Forums knows nothing about Jewish people. Modern Rabbinical Judaism is descended from Pharisaic Judaism (aka the Pharisees). Just pick up a Bible and see what Jesus thinks about Pharisees.

Plus Sup Forums cannot decide if modern Jews are all Khazarite imposters from the east, or Semetic subhumans from Israel. It seems they are all fake Khazar Jews until the other answer can be used to promote a laughable set of false gods that even subsistence farmers living in rural premedieval Europe realized didn't exist. If that's the question at hand, suddenly Sup Forums is defending the legitimacy of the genetic claim to the Jewish state.

My ancestors were Christian you fucking snow nigger.

>England under paganism
>Divided, easily conquered over and over again by Scandicucks

>England under Catholicism
>Easily conquered by frogs

>England under Protestantism
>Unified and never conquered

There's only one true God, and He rewards those loyal to Him, not to false pagan gods or the Roman Whore of Babylon.

Friendly reminder that Christianity was built upon the foundation of the greek/roman traditions of rational thought and empiricism. The Christian doctrine placed the rational mind at the pinnacle of god's gifts and the study and understanding of the natural world was the most holy pursuit of the Christian man. The first universities and hospitals were founded by Christians. The Christian monks dedicated their lives to preserving knowledge before the printing press. It was the (((papacy))) and their legion of kikes that supressed these traditions to create an ignorant and compliant population for their own personal benefit.

If it were up to the pagans we would still be worshipping stars and thinking rocks had desires. Literally the niggers of europe.

its better than killing animals as sacrifice to some pissy sky daddy.

>The first universities and hospitals were founded by Christians.

Except for the universities and hospitals built by the pagan Greeks.

"There were no pagan Greek philosophers who created entire systems of logic"

The pagans forced Socrates to drink hemlock on the grounds of impiety.

>Divided, easily conquered over and over again by Scandicucks

If it were easily conquered, then why did they have to do it over and over again?

You're the one claiming religion is genetic, friendo.

At least it's better than worshipping ancient jews


Assuming Socrates was real and not a parable created by Plato to illustrate a specific point.

But what is your claim here? That all humans who convert to Christianity will be 100% rational 100% of the time?

Spiritual traditions have no bearing whatsoever over determining the general intelligence of its practicing population.

Nature-worship is the lowest form of degeneracy.

>Sup Forums is one person

Is there a Jewish genetic claim to the land of Israel-Palestine?


>You're the one claiming religion is genetic, friendo.

Very good. You got the point.

Anglo-Saxons following Christianity is like trying to shove a square block into a round hole.

I think you're missing the point there.

because nobody wants to stay in fucking england

Jesus is a terrible role model. A pathetic weakling, that could only upturn tables and whine like a little girl. The Greek, Roman, and Norse pantheons have much better ideals to aspire to.

Christianity is a parody religion, to mock the weak. Wrath of the Lamb indeed!

If they were easily conquered, then the conquering would have only had to happen one time.

You are either conquered, or you are not-conquered.

"If at first you don't succeed..."

I'll shove my block into your square hole, you false-analogy heathen trash.

We think that if a Western tradition could be rebuilt it would be bound to take on a religious form in the strictest sense of this word, and that this form could only be Christian; for on the one hand the other possible forms have been too long foreign to the Western mentality, and on the other it is only in Christianity—and we can say still more definitely in Catholicism—that such remnants of a traditional spirit as still exist in the West are to be found. Every ‘traditionalist’ venture that ignores this fact is without foundation and therefore inevitably doomed to failure; it is self-evident that one can build only upon something that has a real existence, and that where there is lack of continuity, any reconstruction must be artificial and cannot endure. ~ Rene Guenon, The Crisis of the Modern World

So according to you, a land can only be conquered once?

>Christianity is a parody religion, to mock the weak. Wrath of the Lamb indeed!

Don't forget that the semites wanted a religion to pacify the spirit of Anglo-Saxons.

Sure, plenty of Jews say they are descended from Israeli exiles. Many of them probably really are. Without that claim though, they're just a bunch of people shoving the actual descendants of the Israelis aside and setting up a state which never existed, so Sup Forums likes the Khazarite origin theory a lot actually.

> Religion is about worship

Christcuck mentality hahah
Love your enemies when they are destroying you.

> At least it's better than worshipping ancient jews

Anything is better than semitic scum

My ancestors converted to Christianity so I'll continue the tradition.


I'm Arab

You're not very smart. It took multiple attempts by the scandinavians to conquer the Anglo-Saxons, because the Anglo-Saxons were strong.

If the Anglo-Saxons were not strong because of their pagan religion, then it would have only taken the scandinavians one attempt to conquer them.

But, if the scandinavians were able to conquer the Anglo-Saxons in one attempt, then you're claiming that a pagan culture (the nords), we're organized and disciplined enough to pull of the invasion.

Get off your phone and chop down a tree

Down with Christianity. It has enslaved the minds of the white peoples for too long. Praise kek

Religion is out-dated.

I'm going to make my own religion
With hookers
And blackjack
And lulz
And digits
Praise Kek

underage b&

Guénon itself converted to Islam, or actually Sufism. But Islam nevertheless. According to Guénon, West lost all spiritual connection to "primordial tradition" somewhere in the 1700s and after Templar inquisition. After that it has only been perversion of the original rites and empty acting.

Evola on the other hand thought that fragments of the tradition survived in the Arthurian and Holy Grail legends. But still doesn´t change the fact that Guénon deemed that no true spirituality could be found anywhere in the West anymore and only active lineage could be found in Sufism.

Best thing that ever happened to them. Paganism was a sick, degenerate religion. The worship of piracy and murder. The Norse gods belong in the garbage heap of history. They've actually ended up in worse hands than that--larpers and Varg Vikernes.

Doesn't matter, its our ethnoreligion, there is no right or wrong way to worship so long as its true to you.

Maybe if we just gave our old Gods a chance, they would guide us and reveal themselves unto us like they did our Ancestors. The ancient Anglo kings claimed to be able to trace their bloodlines to Woden himself. If we really are their children, they will always be waiting for us.

Also, to those suggesting that their ancestors simply chose to become Christian, you are deluding yourself. Conversion was forceful, cultures were destroyed, scared places defiled. Its an injustice.

the axe is too dull

Christian ancestors >>>>>>>> pagan ancestors

>being religious


>jesus caught the jews red handed money lending in a temple
>flipped the tables and drove them out with a whip
>some faggot on Sup Forums wants me to deny the lord Christ


>Down with Christianity

Thanks, Rabbi.

What hilarious is there are people on here who worship Nordic Gods with no Nordic Ancestry.


>Maybe if we just gave our old Gods a chance, they would guide us and reveal themselves unto us like they did our Ancestors
>Also, to those suggesting that their ancestors simply chose to become Christian, you are deluding yourself. Conversion was forceful, cultures were destroyed, scared places defiled. Its an injustice.
Not in Britain

Even pagans worship the divine creator as separate and above all other deities. The Alfadur.
Christianity is a perversion of many ancient religions. It was used to unify and control.
In fact, I'd wager that almost every figure, tale and facet of Christianity can be found previously in other religions. Its like pick n' mix.


>up with worshipping a Jewish carpenter as God in flesh


Kyrie elesion!

Convert process was not always violent/forceful

For example, Lapland cunning folk/shamans, when presented with idea of Christ, just added him to the pantheon of other Gods and started worshipping him.

It was futile to even explain to them that Christianity was only worship of God through Christ the son. They happily added the idea of "God´s son" to their mythology, but he was just one superhero among the others.

Read a book.
Thousands were executed for refusing to convert.

>Religion isn't about worship

What is it then?

>implying Islam shares the same philosophical and linguistic roots with Europe as Christianity does.

Not always, but for the most part.
Its like what is happening to us right now, the culture dies with the last generation to be taught it, so even when people became Christians peacefully, there were oppressive undertones.

>It took multiple attempts by the scandinavians to conquer the Anglo-Saxons

So they were still conquered multiple times, because they were strong?

If the argument comes down to pagans-against-pagans, then it just proves that Anglos are weak.

Its more to do with the times, warfare has changed. Pagans were very warrior like, why would that render them weaker than the self flagellating ideologies of christianity?

>I don't know nothing about how western christianism embraced greek and roman philosophy and moral values.

>up with worshiping trees and rocks as aspects of spiteful barbarian gods

what book?

The only larpers are the people pretending that Christianity is the true religion of Anglo-Saxons.

The Anglo-Saxon God is Woden. He was pretty much the Anglo-Saxon version of Odin.

Religion is about synchronicity, harmony or "order of existance".

The initiatic elements like "symbolism, scriptures, allegories, gods, architecture" are nothing more than merely a form of expression (a message) with a hidden meaning/"mystery"/"esoteric element"/ "divine knowledge" which is acknowledged by having a sort of "correct living".

Speaking on strict sense, nobody knows about afterlife or a "sky father taking care about us all". But most people are dumb and fall for the "us vs them".

Being earth-worshiping heathens somehow made them better warriors?

>what were the Crusades

Tl;dr: mysticism, aka "worship."

Christianity is an European religion. Might have it's roots in the middle east, but Christianity as it is today has been formed in Europe.

The Rood of the Cross has more cultural weight than the entirety of recreated paganism.

>Väinämöinen is presented a child born out of Maria with no Father (Christian birth reference)
>Examines the child
>Comes to conclusion that baby born in such unnatural fashion should be killed on sight
>People instead crown this unnatural semitic piece of shit "King of North"
>Väinämöinen promises to return when North is ready again for "True religion"

;__; hold me
pic related: Departure of Väinämöinen

>So they were still conquered multiple times, because they were strong?

>Vikings go to conquer the Anglo-Saxons
>Get viking asses handed to them
>Have to try again

Fuck you're slow you leaf hiding behind a proxy

>Woof woof I'm so redpilled

Paganism is fairly redpilled though which is one reason why Hitler made appeals towards it.

> its our ethnoreligion,

Oh, really now? A fucking brit claiming åsatru. kek

The finn is right. The religion has been dead for 1000 years, and the christians made damn well sure to bury all records of how it was practiced.

Any attempt at "worshipping odin" would be complete guesswork, thus all neopagans are no better than new age spirituality, just some vague subjective "faith".

When our ancestors believed in that shit they basically lived in mud huts and basically were the niggers of Europe so i don't see any reason to be nostalgic about it either.

Nigger Scandinavia has been christian for roughly 1000 years

>30000 Years

>2000 Years


Whether you are Scandinavian, or Anglo-Saxon is irrelevant. We can all trace our ancestory back to Germanic roots.

It is absolutely critical, for all of us--to preserve our heritage and culture--to come together under one banner of tradition.

My only desire is for a unified Caucasian race. Which means rejecting all of the cultural elements that have led us to today, in losing our sense of identity, and allowing ourselves to be purged out of existence.

The semitic religions are not ours, our ancestors converting to Christianity was a betrayal against us, and a betrayal against our Gods.

If the old Gods are real, then I can only pray that they reveal themselves to us, so that Anglo-Saxon and Nord alike may be re-united under the banner of heritage and tradition--and so that our true selves may shine through, and a new super culture develop and flourish.

>American flag
Someone post that picture of an American offering a burger to pagan gods.

Truth isn't about submission, retard
This is woman mentality.



The bowling alley is closed, go home pollock.

So, Vargposting is a thing now?

I'm down with that.

Ireland paganism didnt really survive mate

dude .................... fags..................

>caucasians were white meme
>Christianity was a betrayal of our religion

Come on man this shit is delusional. Caucasians can include a vast number of peoples who are utterly separate. It is not a basis to form a society around. You should aspire for nationalism, where every country has its own traditions exclusive of the others.

Christianity wasn't a betrayal, especially not for Anglo-Saxons, who were just migrants from Germany/Denmark who settled in CHRISTIAN Britain. Just becausem uslims move here doesn't mean Europe should become muslim.


Britain was not Christian when the Anglo-Saxons arrived there after the collapse of the Roman Empire.

It was just an outpost used by Rome, when Rome was still pagan.

But Hitler and the NatSoc movement was christian though.

You realize you can have what ever opinion of Jews as you want in Catholicism?
Though you can't marry one and they all burn in hell.

Christianity only survived by leeching the european culture and values. Thinking that "le christian wisdom" meme created europe is going full retard. Now, these values are falling apart and christianity is showing their true face.



Holy shit, Brazil, you're based.

True Catholics are the mortal enemies of Kikes, God cursed their blood and chose us holy righteous Catholics.
