Germany suggests a Marshall Plan for Africa

>Developed countries should provide a massive economic boost to African nations to create jobs and slow the flow of refugees into Europe, says Germany’s development minister. It comes as the EU-Turkey deal to curb the migrant influx seems on the verge of collapse.

>"We have to invest in these countries and give people perspectives for the future," he told a news conference. "If the youth of Africa can't find work or a future in their own countries, it won't be hundreds of thousands, but millions that make their way to Europe."

>The minister added that there are currently an estimated 20 million displaced persons in Africa.

>Last year Europe faced a flow of asylum seekers from Africa, the Middle East and Asia on a scale unprecedented since World War Two, with over a million people arriving over 12 months. The challenge sparked a rise of nationalism in Europe and strained relations between EU members, some of which reintroduced border control measures and toughened immigration laws.

>The crisis was eased somewhat by a deal with Turkey, one of the two primary routes for refugees seeking to reach Europe. However, the path through Libya remains unchecked while Brussels’ relations with Turkey have soured since the deal was struck, putting its future into question.

>The flow of refugees was partially caused by instability in Northern Africa and the Middle East. Libya was reduced to a failed state after NATO’s campaign, led by France and Britain, helped rebels oust the country’s authoritarian leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011. A similar uprising in Syria, also supported by the West, escalated into a bloody armed conflict that has no end in sight.

>implying they will stop coming here if we educate how to speak German and use computahs
They will come here even more. Not my responsibility what happens with Africa. If somebody should feel guilty for Africa is those elites who dig diamonds there, sell weapons there, exploit them for centuries. I feel guilty not killing them when they come here.

We've already been doing that for decades.

And I'm convinced it does help, but it will never fix the problems completely.
Much better to abolish the CAP so African farmers get a chance to make a decent living.

>throw away trillions on mud hut rape baby savages
>d...don't worry, goy
>just a few tens of trillions more and they might be domesticated some day

>more gibsmedat for niggers
Because that worked so well the whole time

what is it?

I think that Africa needs much more than a Marshall Plan but also needs a neo-colonialism where the whites rule the country.

>helping africa
>they still fail cause nogs
>blame evil white men
>rinse and repeat

might as well just leave them alone, so they can atleast blame their misery on themselves.

The massive EU farming subsidy system.

Essentially taxes to pay European farms to dump food in Africa well below cost price, putting local African farms out of business.

Both sides need to accept they were best off during colonization.


>African farmer

Is that sort of like a Mexican intellectual?

>They will come here even more.

Im imagining a cartoon where a guy is throwing liquid from a can on to a fire. The can says water but the liquid is gasolene.

What the fuck is wrong with Germans?

>We have to invest in these countries

Can anybody explain why Germany "has to" do anything for Africa? Why do you feel you owe them anything?

well good luck germany.
Working with africans? well if they even show up for work, either way the germans are going to get a redpill and will finally understand why colonial powers dropped africa. Much better to leave to dindus to do nuffin and instead send european companies and europeans to to the job instead
Seriously, work culture doesn't exist in Africa, they have no sense of time and efficiency either. mentally they are like a 10yo who will require 1:1 supervision to get a task done. require supplies tomorrow? how about waiting 2.5 months for it? that is how shit works in africa

What an innovative solution, it's not like we've been doing this since the 60s.
The reality is that Africa development simply can't keep up with its population growth

Sure, Mama Merkel. Make us become the world-Sozialamt. Why not?


or just build a fence

The worst thing is that they won't understand.

Whites on the other hand understand very well why they are not coming back.

Europeans on the other hand ship those guys en mass to European shores.

That'll end well.

How about instead of shoveling more money at them, you fix their fucking birthrates

And another plan of our elite to "invest" aka build and take over the indistry

We will probably buy everything up just like we do in europe.
Put germans down there build some factories give niggers jobs and pay them some pennies.

Niggers will just fritter it away and do nothing with it like every fucking time this has been done. Jesus christ I hate liberals so fucking much

Germany needs to provide Africa with blonde teen girls.

This is what they need the most.

If you start making them by the tens of millions a year in artificial womb factories, this might work.
The future generations will become whiter and whiter.

Cutting off all aid to Africa completely and locking down your borders would be a much more effective short term approach though.

Their population will starve and cannibalize itself in a very short time.
A hundreds million dead in just the first 90 days, possibly much more.

What the fuck is Bill Gates even doing. HURRY THE FUCK UP DUDE


>How about instead of shoveling more money at them, you fix their fucking birthrates

The solution is to import only the females so running out of women they'll turn to sodomy, it will also kill the feminism in western countries due to pussy surplus.
Rate my cunning plan.


It's better than the current state of affairs by a significant margin.

But it is certainly not ideal as this still creates a lot of worthless mulattos.
Though they might be better behaved with white fathers in their lives.

Maybe if we could engineer a virus that would make blacks have genetically white babies?

>What the fuck is wrong with Germans?

I see this here so often. Do you guys really think "the Germans" want any of this?
Rich and powerful people make these decisions, not the people.
For fucks sake, no wonder that the west is going to shit if all we do is blame eachother while the few people who make the decisions reign over all of us.

He gives the niggers vaccines

I think it is a ploy by the ruling elite to convey the message to the own people that everything is fine in Germany and that people are so extremely wealthy relative to other people that they should help (because they can afford it).

cuba's elite has been doing a similar thing with doctors to the whole world, sending the message to its people that everything in cuba is much much better than in these 3rd holes.

venezuela is doing the same with oil.