How many of you are snusing?

I heard that it actually is illegal in many European countries. Are there any snus master race here? Why has your country banned it? What is your favorite brand?

No, it's not banned and Grizzly Menthol.

I want to try it but I haven't gotten around to going to my local tobacco shop to see if they even carry it

never liked it that much, rather just smoke

Skruff and general are best!

Selling of snus is illegal here but everyone just buys it from your eastern border. Some ballsy barkeepers and gas station owners have sold it illegally and great amounts but once they get busted, it's a huge fine or even jailtime

What's the difference between this and dip pouches?

It is very nice. So much cleaner than US style dip. Still not good for you obviously but I enjoy it. Not a great selection here so I mostly buy General. Should prob order some good shit online.

isn't that the american stuff? Switch to the swedish if its possible my friend, its proven to be less hazardous

>looking like darth malak after they remove your lower jaw due to cancer
>not vaping

It's like you dont want to pass on your Nordic genes, Sweden.

its the same.

If not for generation kill i wouldnt know this.

Ah. Do people in dip outside the U.S.?

muh mouth cancer
>giving money to tobacco jews

I can recomend Ettan. The grandfather of swedish snus. Untocuhed recipe since 1822.

The major difference is the way swedish is snus is prepared. The tobacco is pasteurized so lot of cancer causing shit is destroyed in process.

Be prepared to puke if you have no tobacco/ nicotine tolerance. I got that issue out of the way when I was 14

It's gonna hit you like a nuke the first time and you're gonna yak

It's pretty fucking gay.


snus master race

would post pic but im lazy

Do you guys have Siberia?

In Estonia it illegal to buy and sell, but not own. It slips by though and we have some very cheap generic brands, that give you nicotine and that's all. I have odens blue extreme starks or whatever they are called. Whenever my friends visit Sweden, I ask them to get me something better.

Snus is pasteurized, not charred.

shits nasty if you swallow you will puke your brains out.

Usually go with Göteborg Rape lössnus

I used to smoke half a pack a day for a few years but I haven't had any sort of tobacco in roughly a year. I guess I'll just get it over with and get REKT

Never heared of a swede swallowing his snus. If it happens you probably have above average chromosomes.

Thanks, will try it. I found a dealer but shipping is almost as much as the product so have to look around.

I love snus, Swedebro.

I've tried general mackmyra, general mint & v2 refills.

Canada rape fees make it $22 a tin. Do you know
any swedebros that would ship to canada?

>be at work
>No food or drinks allowed in arcade
>Always get fat fucks with sperg beards with a water bottle full of their fucking spit tucked into their hoodys
>Tell them to take that shit outta here
>They give me shit about it every time
goddamnit they're like the right wing version of vapefags. I'll say this though, at least they don't stink of dip. I had a vapefag in last night that left a trail of rancid cotton candy smell anywhere he went

inb4 >HURR HURR NOT 150K a year

General and Oden is my goto

I used to dip Copenhagen wintergreen but switched to general mint. It's good stuff. You don't have to spit either... good stuff.

The US has it, Camel makes their own version. It's got a far, far milder taste than regular dip but also delivers far less of a buzz. On the upside it's the least cancerous (in a literal sense) version of tobacco you could possibly use.

Arcades still exist in America?

It's alright. Very gentle as far as mouth tobacco goes, it's what I started to stop smoking. Now I'm wondering if I can quit this too.

>inhaling chemicals that slowly corrode your lung
Smoking, vaping and chewing tobacco is degenerate. Drink some water, you faggots.

Looks nasty tbqh. I've heard mostly rural types do it in scandinavia.

Yeah when I was 14

Neftóbak is fucking impossible to acquire outside of Iceland, pisses me off so much.

General extra strong portion
Odens cold dry

I always liked either mint skoal or cope black

I tried some General Snus (white) and it sucked ass. Grossest thing i've ever put in my mouth since college.

the fuck is snusing

>being dependent on any sort of chemical

snus is spitless.

no bottles.

dip is , i agree, disgusting.

no ur snoozing bro

get and stay woke

>snus master race here

Enjoy your head and neck cancer. Enjoy having your lower jaw amputated.

buddy of mine likes to do the snus pouches every now and then

last time I hung out with him he opted to get the regular stuff, and he was pretty much out on his ass the whole night

is there really that big of a difference between the pouches and just loose?

Is it safer than normal dip?? If so i'll try some Citrus.

dip and snus are fucking disgusting and i never use this word but "DEGENERATE" is definitely the best descriptor

General master race
snuslets btfo

Copenhagen Wintergreen Longcut. I used to do Grizzly wintergreen, but i like the gel of the Copenhagen more. It's not as fine cut.

Tobacco is retarded.


Fuck off.

>mfw when i have no face

The tobacco is right up against your mucous membranes when it's loose. The nicotine can be extracted from the tobacco in the pouch, but I'd be willing to bet most of it is just spit out. Idk. Plus you have to be careful with loose dip. 1 can is generally equal to 2.5 packs of cigarettes in terms of nicotine

yeah it's not as disgusting, at least if u get the swedish kind

You have to special order that. The only thing you can find here locally in stores is General snus.

foreign snus is banned. only one type produced by the state is allowed but technically its not snus but snuff but most use it as mouth tobacco

I like this or the mint kind the best. I mostly vape tho desu

The store I got snus from used to only charge $3.00/tin but then they jacked the price up to $5.50. Damn jews

Get out. You make me want to puke.

General XR is the future of Snusing, get with the times you fucking Yankee-doodle-do's.

>Mint and White

Jesus fucking christ...

What is the problem Sven?

Fuck off, Andre.

Hey fairy fucker, grow up in tobacco country USA and have a dip in your mouth with your grandpa smoking a cigarette while you hang tobacco in the barn and come talk to me. Tonacco doesn't need to be ruined for hard working folks so you can get dizzy off putting a tiny ass pinch of the shit in your mouth and feel "refined".

I love the idea of snus, but I've never been able to really enjoy it (though I've only hav america snus like the camel brand, so that might be the problem). I bought some mint flavored stuff from camel, and tried it last weekend. First it just burned my gums, which was slightly unpleasant. I held it for about 15 minutes, which did slightly take away my nicotine cravings. Still used to smoking, so not messing with something in my mouth was only tackling half the issue. Then after 15 minutes I started feeling sick to my stomach (like a nicotine overdose, if you've never had one of those, you feel really sick like you're about to throw up, and you go all clammy and weak, it sucks).

Mint and White are considered pussy snus.
But Tobacco does get ruined if you put fucking Mint in it.
Burger please stop it, you make shit snus.

Lmao. You spend 9 hours a day hating on Sweden and calling us cucks? And now you want a taste of our culture? Lmao you fuckin look up to us, you worship us and our Swedish culture lmao

Camel snus is fucking SHIT. Even regular dip is better than that. I had to put 4 pouches in to even feel anything. Just go to a kum and go and get general brand swedish snus.

>people hate what they don't understand

Ah yes, the classic "white people stole black culture" argument. Nice.

Notice how niggers smoke menthol cigarettes?
Mint and tobacco = NO

>getting addicted to a carcinogen


>Göteborgs Rapé
Jesus christ man... are you a girl or a faggot?

But white people invented menthol.

>ingredients: propylene glycol
Yeah, fuck that.

forgot pic

You're completely uneducated
find another thread

You don't inhale when you vape, it's like a cigar.


I used to, but quit in the summer. Not because I hate it, I loved it. But I didn't like the feeling of being bound by it when traveling and shit, and the fact that it taxed to fuck to fund our massive immigration. Because it certainly isn't taxed that high to counter-act Snus-related health issues, because they barely exist.

There's nothing wrong with propylene glycol. You eat it all the time in tons of different foods.

Not really sure where to buy real swedish snus. There are a couple smoke shops near me, I guess I'll check them out. I think snus would be very popular here, since a lot of people dip and many people think it's disgusting to keep spitting all the time. I guess the laws make it hard to introduce new tobacco products in our market, so it's up to established companies to pave the way.

Beware of dihydrogen monoxide as well, it's everywhere

You don't have a kum and go around you? Just google general snus store locator and find a vendor.

Agreed. It is impossible to like snus if you have ever taken the buss in a country where it is common, disgusting.

I might be wrong, but I'm betting the established companies are the one who oppose any change in the market


You have to buy it on the web for the real deal. America only sells snus for faggots in local shops

It's not banned here, but the EU prevents shops from selling it. There's nothing stopping imports though.

It's not too late.

but youll drink that alcoholic high fructose corn syrup you call beer.

I only snus when im drinking so i use rape snus

I stopped snusing a while ago. Fuck you for posting this I want snus now.

Really? I've always heard it's classed as narcotics in Europe

Pouches are gay. Should only be used for work so you dont have a mouth full of dip.

Was it penis?

It's the most generic brand desu. I always snused some form of loose snus. Ettan, Röda Lacket eller Prima Fint.

>drinking adjunct lager in the current year

Never heard that user, but I've been importing 10 cans at a time every few months for a while now without any problems. The only issue is that Swedish Match don't sell to anywhere outside of Sweden in europe, meaning I'm stuck with stuff like offroad or skruf.


I prefer biltong.

its merely banter

calm down senpai